String to Number in JavaScript – Convert a String to an Int in JS

As a JavaScript developer, you‘ll frequently need to convert between different data types. One of the most common conversions is turning a string into a number. Whether you‘re parsing user input, cleaning up data from an API, or performing mathematical calculations, the ability to transform strings into numeric values is an essential skill.

In this article, we‘ll take an in-depth look at how to convert a string to an integer or floating-point number in JavaScript. We‘ll cover built-in methods like parseInt(), parseFloat(), and Number(), as well as some handy shortcuts. By the end, you‘ll be equipped with the knowledge to handle all your string-to-number conversion needs.

Strings and Numbers: What‘s the Difference?

Before we dive into the conversion process, let‘s take a step back and examine the difference between strings and numbers in JavaScript.

Strings are used to represent textual data. They are enclosed in single quotes (‘‘), double quotes (""), or backticks (“), and can contain letters, digits, symbols, and whitespace. Here are some examples:

let greeting = ‘Hello, world!‘;
let message = "Welcome to my blog.";
let story = `Once upon a time...`;

On the other hand, numbers represent numeric values. They can be integers (whole numbers) or floating-point numbers (with decimal places), and are not enclosed in quotes. For instance:

let age = 30;
let price = 19.99;
let temperature = -5;

JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, which means you don‘t have to explicitly declare the data type of a variable. However, it‘s important to be aware of the type of data you‘re working with, as it affects what operations you can perform.

For example, you can concatenate strings using the + operator:

let firstName = "John";
let lastName = "Doe";
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
console.log(fullName); // Output: "John Doe"

But if you try to perform arithmetic operations on strings, you might get unexpected results:

let x = "10";
let y = "20";
let z = x + y;
console.log(z); // Output: "1020" (concatenation, not addition!)

This is where string-to-number conversion comes in handy. By turning your strings into proper numeric values, you can perform mathematical calculations, comparisons, and more.

Using parseInt() to Convert Strings to Integers

One of the most common methods for converting strings to numbers in JavaScript is parseInt(). As the name suggests, this function parses a string and returns an integer.

The basic syntax for parseInt() is:

parseInt(string, radix);

The first argument is the string you want to parse. The second argument, radix, is optional and specifies the numeric base (e.g., 2 for binary, 10 for decimal, 16 for hexadecimal). If omitted, parseInt() will infer the base from the string‘s prefix (0 for octal, 0x for hex) or default to base 10.

Here‘s a simple example:

let str = "42";
let num = parseInt(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 42
console.log(typeof num); // Output: "number"

In this case, parseInt() converts the string "42" into the integer 42. The typeof operator confirms that num is indeed a number, not a string.

But what happens if the string contains non-numeric characters? Let‘s see:

let str = "42px";
let num = parseInt(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 42

Even though the string "42px" contains the letters "px", parseInt() still returns 42. It parses the string from left to right, stopping when it encounters a non-numeric character. This behavior can be useful for extracting numeric values from strings like "42px" or "13.99em".

However, if the string starts with a non-numeric character, parseInt() will return NaN (Not a Number):

let str = "abc123";
let num = parseInt(str);
console.log(num); // Output: NaN

To avoid unexpected NaN values, it‘s a good practice to validate user input before passing it to parseInt(). We‘ll cover some validation strategies later in this article.

Using parseFloat() to Convert Strings to Floating-Point Numbers

While parseInt() is great for converting strings to integers, what if you need to preserve the decimal places? That‘s where parseFloat() comes in.

The parseFloat() function parses a string and returns a floating-point number. Its syntax is simpler than parseInt():


Here‘s an example:

let str = "3.14";
let num = parseFloat(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 3.14
console.log(typeof num); // Output: "number"

Just like parseInt(), parseFloat() will stop parsing when it encounters a non-numeric character:

let str = "3.14abc";
let num = parseFloat(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 3.14

However, unlike parseInt(), parseFloat() will return NaN if the string doesn‘t start with a valid number:

let str = "abc3.14";
let num = parseFloat(str);
console.log(num); // Output: NaN

Using Number() for General-Purpose Conversion

Another way to convert strings to numbers in JavaScript is using the Number() function. This is a more general-purpose approach that can handle both integers and floating-point numbers.

The syntax for Number() is straightforward:


Here‘s an example:

let str1 = "42";
let str2 = "3.14";
let num1 = Number(str1);
let num2 = Number(str2);
console.log(num1); // Output: 42
console.log(num2); // Output: 3.14

One key difference between Number() and the parsing functions is that Number() will return NaN if the entire string cannot be converted to a number:

let str = "42abc";
let num = Number(str);
console.log(num); // Output: NaN

In contrast, parseInt() and parseFloat() would have returned 42 in this case.

This stricter behavior can be useful for validating user input or ensuring data integrity. If you expect a value to be entirely numeric, Number() will let you know if there are any invalid characters.

Using Math Functions for Rounding

In some cases, you may want to convert a string to a number and round it to the nearest integer. JavaScript provides several Math functions for this purpose:

  • Math.round(x): Rounds x to the nearest integer.
  • Math.floor(x): Rounds x down to the nearest integer.
  • Math.ceil(x): Rounds x up to the nearest integer.

Here are some examples:

let str = "3.14";
console.log(Math.round(str)); // Output: 3
console.log(Math.floor(str)); // Output: 3
console.log(Math.ceil(str)); // Output: 4

Keep in mind that these functions will return NaN if the string cannot be converted to a number:

let str = "abc";
console.log(Math.round(str)); // Output: NaN

Shortcut: Multiply or Divide by 1

For a quick and dirty string-to-number conversion, you can multiply or divide the string by 1. This works because the * and / operators coerce their operands to numbers:

let str = "42";
let num = str * 1;
console.log(num); // Output: 42
console.log(typeof num); // Output: "number"

However, this shortcut is not as robust as the other methods we‘ve covered. If the string contains non-numeric characters, the result will be NaN:

let str = "42abc";
let num = str * 1;
console.log(num); // Output: NaN

Shortcut: The Unary + Operator

Another handy shortcut for converting strings to numbers is the unary + operator. When applied to a string, it attempts to convert it to a number:

let str = "42";
let num = +str;
console.log(num); // Output: 42
console.log(typeof num); // Output: "number"

Like the multiplication/division shortcut, the unary + operator will return NaN if the string contains non-numeric characters:

let str = "42abc";
let num = +str;
console.log(num); // Output: NaN

Best Practices for String-to-Number Conversion

Now that we‘ve explored various methods for converting strings to numbers in JavaScript, let‘s discuss some best practices to ensure your code is reliable and maintainable.

  1. Validate user input: If you‘re accepting numeric input from users, always validate it before attempting to convert it to a number. You can use regular expressions or built-in functions like isNaN() to check if a string is a valid number.

  2. Handle parsing failures: Be prepared to handle cases where the string cannot be converted to a number. Depending on your application, you might want to display an error message, use a default value, or prompt the user to enter a valid number.

  3. Choose the right method: Use parseInt() for integers, parseFloat() for floating-point numbers, and Number() for general-purpose conversion. If you need to round the result, consider the Math functions.

  4. Consider performance: In most cases, the performance difference between these methods is negligible. However, if you‘re working with large datasets or performing frequent conversions, it‘s worth benchmarking different approaches to see which one is the most efficient.


Converting strings to numbers is a fundamental skill for any JavaScript developer. Whether you‘re working with user input, processing data from an API, or performing calculations, understanding how to transform strings into numeric values is essential.

In this article, we‘ve covered several built-in methods for string-to-number conversion, including:

  • parseInt() for converting strings to integers
  • parseFloat() for converting strings to floating-point numbers
  • Number() for general-purpose conversion
  • Math functions like Math.round(), Math.floor(), and Math.ceil() for rounding

We‘ve also explored some shortcuts, like multiplying/dividing by 1 and using the unary + operator.

Remember to always validate your input, handle parsing failures gracefully, and choose the appropriate method for your use case. By following these best practices, you‘ll be well-equipped to tackle any string-to-number conversion challenge that comes your way.


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