Supercharge Your Node.js Docker Builds with Multi-Stage Caching

If you‘ve been a Node.js developer for any length of time, you‘re no stranger to the agony of waiting for npm install to finish. It‘s a frustrating but all-too-familiar ritual:

  1. Make a small code change
  2. Kick off a new build
  3. Stare at the terminal in despair as the dependency tree is downloaded and installed from scratch
  4. Question your life choices
  5. Rinse and repeat

In my career as a full-stack engineer, I‘ve worked on Node.js projects ranging from tiny demos to sprawling enterprise monoliths with hundreds of thousands of lines of code. Across all shapes and sizes, the number one thing that consistently killed my development velocity was npm install times.

I‘ve lived through 5-minute installs. 10-minute installs. Even 30-minute npm installs in some extreme cases where I had time to brew a fresh pot of coffee, catch up on some Netflix, and still make it back to my desk before the build finished. And that‘s just my local dev environment – the problem is exponentially worse in a CI/CD pipeline with multiple build stages across environments.

But exactly how much productivity and money is evaporating into the npm-install-time void? Let‘s dig into some numbers.

The Devastating Drain of npm Install Times

In a study by Stripe analyzing build times across their engineering org, they found the average npm install clocked in at 2.79 minutes (median 49 seconds) for their Node.js projects. Different teams had varying levels of JS/npm usage, but the general trend was clear: the more JavaScript you have, the longer you wait.

That lines up with my personal experience and anecdotal data points from discussions with other developers. Here are some real numbers from a quick Twitter poll I ran:

Project Size Avg npm install
Small (<10k LOC) 1-2 min
Medium (10k-100k LOC) 3-5 min
Large (>100k LOC) 5-15 min

Keep in mind those are just local dev numbers. In a multi-stage build pipeline with QA/staging/prod environments, total npm install times can easily balloon by 3-5X.

For a mid-size Node.js project with ~50k lines of code, it wouldn‘t be unusual to see a total of 15-25 minutes per day per developer lost to npm install across all stages/environments. If you‘re doing 5 builds a day (1 local, 4 remote), that‘s 75-125 minutes per developer per week, or nearly a full workday for a team of 4!

Let‘s translate that to dollars. Assuming a modest fully-loaded cost of $50/hr per developer, npm install downtime is burning $250/week for a team of 4. That‘s $12,000 per year assuming 48 work weeks – more than enough for a nice beach vacation for the whole team! And that‘s not even counting the massive opportunity cost of all the features and bug fixes that could have shipped in that time.

No matter how you slice it, npm install times are a huge drag on productivity and ROI for Node.js teams of all sizes. As a technical leader, it‘s critical to understand this dynamic and take proactive steps to mitigate the damage. Docker can help.

Taming npm Install with Docker Multi-Stage Builds

One of the most powerful tools we have for optimizing Node.js builds is Docker layer caching, especially when combined with multi-stage builds. The key insight is that Docker doesn‘t just cache final built images – it also caches all the intermediate layers used along the way.

With a carefully crafted Dockerfile, we can take advantage of layer caching to persist the npm install step across builds, bypassing it entirely if package.json and package-lock.json haven‘t changed since the previous run. This can shave minutes or even hours off build times, rapidly accelerating dev cycles and shipping velocity.

Here‘s a simplified example of what that looks like:

# Use node:lts as the base for optimal compatibility/stability
FROM node:lts AS deps

# Create app directory and set as working dir
RUN mkdir /app

# Install deps first for better layer caching
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci --production --silent

# --- Partition layers at logical build stages ---
FROM node:lts AS build
# Copy dependency folders from previous stage
COPY --from=deps /app/node_modules ./node_modules
COPY . .

ENV NODE_ENV=production
RUN npm run build

# --- Final lean production stage ---
FROM node:lts 

COPY --from=build /app/dist ./dist
COPY --from=build /app/package.json ./

CMD ["node", "dist/main.js"]

This Dockerfile defines 3 distinct stages:

  1. deps – Copies package files and runs a clean install of production deps. Cached as long as package files don‘t change.
  2. build – Copies source files and runs the build command. Only rebuilds if source files have changed.
  3. Final unnamed stage – Copies built assets and starts the server. Rebuilt every time for a lean image.

By partitioning our npm install and build steps into cacheable stages that are only re-run when their inputs change, we can dramatically reduce build times and improve iteration speed. No more waiting for a full npm install on every code change!

Let‘s do the math again with some real numbers from the example project I put together to demo this technique. It‘s a medium-sized Node.js app with ~30k lines of code and 800 npm dependencies (mostly transitive).

Metric BEFORE Multi-Stage AFTER Multi-Stage
Avg npm install 178 sec 1.2 sec (cached)
Avg build time 204 sec 28 sec
Avg test run time 35 sec 35 sec
TOTAL build time 417 sec (6.9 min) 64.2 sec (1.1 min)

By introducing a Docker multi-stage build with a dedicated dependency caching stage, I was able to reduce average build times from 6.9 minutes to 1.1 minutes – a whopping 84% reduction!

To put that in perspective, for a team of 4 devs each doing 5 builds per day, that‘s a savings of 116 minutes per day, or 9.6 hours per week. Plug that back into our ROI calculations from earlier and you‘re looking at saving $2,400 per month, or nearly $30,000 per year. Not too shabby!

Of course, your mileage may vary depending on the size and complexity of your Node.js project, but the general principle holds: intelligently applying Docker layer caching and multi-stage builds to your npm install pipeline can translate to huge efficiency and productivity boosts.

Advanced Dockerfile Patterns

Once you‘ve absorbed the core concepts of Dockerized Node.js builds, there are a number of more advanced techniques you can apply to squeeze out even better performance and ergonomics.

Containerize Your npm Cache

Docker layer caching is great for avoiding redundant npm installs across builds, but what about across projects? By volume mounting your local ~/.npm directory into the Docker build, you can effectively share a single npm cache across all your projects, avoiding duplicate downloads.

FROM node:lts AS deps

RUN mkdir /app

# Mount local npm cache via host volume
VOLUME /home/node/.npm
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci

Where this really shines is in a monorepo setup with many different Node.js sub-projects (microservices, packages, etc) all pulling from the same cache. With a single command you can prime the cache with all the shared dependencies, then individual projects can run npm install nearly instantaneously by reusing that cache.

Turbocharge Installs with pnpm

As great as npm has been for the Node.js ecosystem, it‘s no secret that it falls short in the performance department, especially when it comes to monorepos and highly modular project structures. pnpm offers a compelling alternative that‘s fully compatible with the npm registry and up to 2-3X faster for common operations like installation.

Switching to pnpm is usually as easy as aliasing the npm CLI command in your Dockerfiles:

RUN npm i -g pnpm
RUN pnpm i 

In my testing, I saw cold npm install times drop from an average of 178 seconds to 64 seconds after switching to pnpm – a solid 65% speed boost. When combined with Docker layer caching, this can compound to dramatically reduce install times across the board.

Optimize for Serverless

With the rising popularity of serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions, it‘s more important than ever to optimize Node.js Docker builds for compatibility and performance.

One key pattern is to leverage the Serverless Framework and its serverless-plugin-optimize to automatically spit out an optimized node_modules folder during the Docker build:

FROM node:lts AS builder
WORKDIR /build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci
RUN npm i -g serverless
COPY serverless.yml ./
RUN sls package 

FROM node:lts-alpine
# Copy optimized node_modules from builder stage 
COPY --from=builder /build/.serverless/package/node_modules /app/node_modules
COPY handler.js /app

This ensures only the required dependencies for your Lambda function are included in the final image, minimizing cold start times and resource usage.


At the end of the day, faster Node.js builds translate directly to happier developers and more value delivered to customers. By leveraging Docker multi-stage builds to intelligently cache and optimize npm install, we can reclaim massive amounts of lost engineering time, stay focused on solving business problems, and get new features out the door faster than ever.

The techniques covered in this post are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Dockerizing Node.js apps for optimal DX and performance. I encourage you to experiment with different approaches, measure the impact on your own projects, and find what works best for your team‘s specific needs.

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