Syntactic Sugar and JavaScript Diabetes

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve seen my fair share of JavaScript codebases ranging from sickly sweet to blandly bitter. One of the key ingredients that can make or break the recipe is syntactic sugar – those delightful little syntax sprinkles that make our code more expressive and readable.

But as with any indulgence, it‘s all too easy to overdo it and end up with a nasty case of "JavaScript diabetes". In this post, we‘ll dive deep into the saccharine world of syntactic sugar, exploring its history, pros and cons, and best practices to keep your codebase healthy and maintainable. Let‘s dig in!

The Story of Syntactic Sugar

Before we embark on our sweet-filled journey, let‘s start with some context. The term "syntactic sugar" was coined by British computer scientist Peter J. Landin in 1964 to describe syntax that makes a programming language more readable or expressive without affecting its functionality. Landin was specifically referring to a hypothetical construct he called "syntactic saccharin", but the term "syntactic sugar" is what stuck.

The idea is that syntactic sugar is not strictly necessary – you could write equivalent code without it. But by making common patterns or operations more concise and intuitive, it can greatly enhance developer productivity and code clarity. It‘s like adding a spoonful of sugar to bitter medicine – it doesn‘t change the underlying substance, but it sure makes it easier to swallow!

Over the decades, syntactic sugar has become a staple feature of most high-level programming languages. JavaScript, being the dynamic and ever-evolving creature that it is, has added its fair share of sweet syntax over the years.

A Tour of JavaScript‘s Candy Shop

Let‘s take a stroll through some of the most toothsome examples of syntactic sugar that modern JavaScript has to offer.

Optional Chaining (?.)

Introduced in ES2020, the optional chaining operator (?.) allows us to safely access nested object properties without worrying about null or undefined values along the way.

const person = {
  name: "Alice",
  address: {
    street: "123 Main St",
    city: "Anytown",  
    country: "USA"

// Before optional chaining:
const countryCode = person && person.address && 
  : undefined;

// With optional chaining:  
const countryCode = person?.address?.country?.code;

This is a lifesaver for working with deeply nested data structures or APIs where properties may or may not exist. No more clunky && chains!

Nullish Coalescing (??)

Another ES2020 addition, the nullish coalescing operator (??) provides a concise way to default to a value if an expression is null or undefined.

const config = {
  baseUrl: "",
  apiKey: undefined,  
  retries: 0

// Before nullish coalescing:
const apiKey = config.apiKey !== null && config.apiKey !== undefined 
  ? config.apiKey
  : "default_key";  

// With nullish coalescing:
const apiKey = config.apiKey ?? "default_key";

This is handy for providing default values without false-y gotchas. It‘s like the || operator, but more discerning.

Class Fields and Private Methods

ES2022 brought some long-awaited enhancements to JavaScript classes, including the ability to declare fields and methods directly in the class body, as well as private fields/methods denoted by a # prefix.

class Rectangle {
  // Public field 
  height = 0;

  // Private field

  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
    this.#area = height * width;

  // Public method  
  getArea() {
    return this.#getArea();

  // Private method
  #getArea() {
    return this.#area;

These features allow for more concise and encapsulated class definitions without the need for constructor-assigned properties or WeakMap-based private state. It‘s like TypeScript, but baked right into JavaScript!

Honorable Mentions

There are plenty of other examples of syntactic sugar that JavaScript has accumulated over the years, such as:

  • Array/object destructuring: Unpack values into distinct variables
  • Spread syntax: Expand an array or object into another array/object
  • Rest parameters: Represent indefinite number of arguments as an array
  • Default parameters: Specify default values for function arguments
  • For…of loops: Iterate over iterable objects like arrays and strings
  • Template literals: Interpolate variables and expressions into strings
  • Shorthand object properties: Omit value if key matches variable name
  • Arrow functions: Streamlined syntax for function expressions
  • Async/await: Syntactic sugar for working with promises
  • BigInt: Represent integers beyond Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

Each of these features makes certain patterns more concise and readable. But as we‘ll see, there can be too much of a good thing.

The Bitter Reality of Syntactic Sugar

As much as we all love a little syntactic sweetness in our code, the truth is that it‘s easy to overindulge to the point of diminishing returns. Excessive or improper use of syntactic sugar can actively hurt the readability, performance, and maintainability of a codebase.

The Readability Problem

One of the most common pitfalls of syntactic sugar is that it can make code harder to understand, especially for beginners or developers not familiar with the specific features being used.

A 2020 survey of over 20,000 developers by the State of JS found that while 86% of respondents used destructuring assignment in their code, 14% said they avoided it due to readability concerns. Similarly, 72% used arrow functions regularly, but 24% had readability qualms.

The issue is that more concise code is not always clearer code. Overuse of features like nested destructuring, chained optional operators, or complex ternaries can quickly turn straightforward logic into indecipherable gibberish.

Consider this example of destructuring abuse:

const { 
  data: {
    result: {
      user: {
        name: { first, last },
        contact: { email, phone },
        address: { street, }  
} = response;

Yikes! It‘s like a treasure hunt just to figure out what‘s being assigned. In cases like this, it‘s often better to break out the destructuring into separate statements or even just use dot notation for clarity.

The Performance Overhead

Another potential downside of syntactic sugar is that it can sometimes introduce performance or memory overhead compared to the desugared alternative.

For example, transpiling ES6+ syntax to ES5 using a tool like Babel often results in larger bundle sizes and slower execution due to the additional code needed to polyfill certain features. A 2019 analysis by the Chrome DevTools team found that transpiled code was on average 10-20% slower than native ES6+ in the browser.

Some specific features like generator functions and iterators can also be memory-hungry due to the additional objects they create under the hood. A 2018 benchmark by the V8 team showed that iterating over an array using for…of was up to 7x slower than a simple for loop in certain cases.

That‘s not to say you should avoid these features altogether – the readability benefits often outweigh the performance costs. But it‘s important to be aware of the tradeoffs and to use them judiciously, especially in performance-critical paths.

The Inconsistency Trap

A more subtle issue with syntactic sugar is that it can lead to inconsistency and confusion if not used carefully across a codebase.

For example, if some parts of an application use arrow functions and others use function declarations, it can be hard to reason about scope and this binding. Similarly, mixing destructuring, dot notation, and square bracket access to grab properties makes it harder to follow the flow of data.

In general, it‘s best to pick a style and stick to it within a project. Many teams enforce this through linting rules or code style guides. The important thing is to be consistent so that developers can focus on the logic instead of getting tripped up by syntactic quirks.

Avoiding a Syntactic Sugar Rush

So how can we reap the readability benefits of syntactic sugar without rotting our codebase? Here are some tips I‘ve learned over the years for keeping a healthy balance.

1. Use sugar to clarify, not obfuscate

The whole point of syntactic sugar is to make code easier to read and reason about. Before reaching for that shiny new syntax, ask yourself: does this actually make the code clearer, or am I just trying to be clever? If you find yourself having to mentally unwind the desugared version to understand it, that‘s a code smell.

2. Avoid deeply nested or chained syntax

Destructuring, optional chaining, and ternaries are all useful tools, but they can quickly become unreadable if nested too deeply. As a rule of thumb, if you can‘t easily discern the left-hand side from the right-hand side of an assignment, it‘s probably too complex. Break it up into separate statements or helper functions.

3. Be careful with implicit operations

Many syntactic sugar features like arrow functions, destructuring, and optional chaining have implicit behaviors that can be confusing if not used carefully. For example, arrow functions don‘t have their own this binding, which can lead to unexpected behavior if you‘re not aware of it. Similarly, destructuring with default values can mask undefined errors if you‘re not careful. Always be explicit when the implicit behavior is not obvious.

4. Use ESLint and Prettier

Tools like ESLint and Prettier can help enforce consistent use of syntactic sugar across a codebase. ESLint has rules for everything from preferring arrow functions to disallowing nested ternaries. Prettier can automatically format your code to ensure consistent spacing, semicolons, and other stylistic choices. Set up a config and automate the checks to make it easy for your team to stay in sync.

5. Regularly refactor and document

As with any code, it‘s important to regularly review and refactor syntactic sugar to ensure it‘s still pulling its weight. If a particular feature is causing more confusion than clarity, don‘t be afraid to replace it with a more explicit alternative. Also, be sure to document any non-obvious syntax or patterns in your code comments or style guide. Future developers (including yourself) will thank you.

Conclusion: A Sweet Balance

Syntactic sugar is a powerful tool for making our JavaScript code more expressive and readable. From arrow functions to optional chaining to destructuring, these syntax enhancements can greatly reduce boilerplate and clarify intent.

However, as we‘ve seen, it‘s all too easy to go overboard and end up with a codebase that‘s harder to understand and maintain. As with any rich dessert, syntactic sugar is best enjoyed in moderation.

The key is to use these features judiciously, with an eye towards clarity and consistency. Avoid nesting or chaining syntax unnecessarily, be explicit when the implicit behavior is not obvious, and use tools and documentation to keep everyone on the same page.

By finding the right balance of sweetness and substance, we can write JavaScript code that‘s both a pleasure to read and a breeze to maintain. Just remember to brush your teeth after indulging in too much syntactic sugar!

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