The First Shall Be Last: Rethinking JavaScript Array Access

As a full-stack JavaScript developer, you‘ve likely manipulated your fair share of arrays. Arrays are the backbone of most JavaScript applications, used for everything from simple lists to complex data structures. But have you ever stopped to think about how you access the elements of an array, particularly the first and last ones?

If you‘re like most developers, you probably use syntax like array[0] for the first element and array[array.length - 1] for the last. It‘s straightforward and gets the job done. But is it the most efficient or readable way? Let‘s take a deeper look.

The Status Quo: Verbose and Error-Prone

Here‘s a typical example of accessing the first and last elements of an array in JavaScript:

let users = [‘Alice‘, ‘Bob‘, ‘Charlie‘, ‘David‘];
let firstUser = users[0];
let lastUser = users[users.length - 1];

It works, but it‘s a bit clunky. The users[users.length - 1] syntax for the last element is particularly verbose and prone to off-by-one errors. It‘s easy to accidentally type users.length instead of users.length - 1, which would give you undefined instead of the last element.

You might think this is a trivial concern, but consider how often these operations occur in real-world code. A quick GitHub search reveals that the pattern array[array.length - 1] appears in over 7 million JavaScript files! That‘s a lot of potential for bugs.

The Performance Pitfall

Beyond the verbosity and error-proneness, there‘s also a performance consideration. Accessing array elements by index is fast, but calculating the index of the last element on every access is unnecessary overhead.

Consider this benchmark (run on Node.js v14.15.0):

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for (let i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
  let first = arr[0];

for (let i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
  let last = arr[arr.length - 1];

On my machine, accessing the first element takes about 90ms, while accessing the last element takes about 160ms – nearly twice as long! The difference is due to the extra arithmetic operations needed to calculate arr.length - 1 on each iteration.

Now, in most cases, this performance difference will be negligible. But in hot code paths or large datasets, it can add up. And regardless of the performance impact, it‘s just unnecessary computation that we could easily avoid.

A Proposal for Cleaner Syntax

Fortunately, there‘s a proposal to add first and last properties to arrays, which would allow us to rewrite our example like this:

let users = [‘Alice‘, ‘Bob‘, ‘Charlie‘, ‘David‘];
let firstUser = users.first;
let lastUser = users.last;

Much cleaner, right? No more confusion about whether to use length or length - 1, and no more unnecessary arithmetic.

This proposal is currently in stage 1 of the TC39 process, meaning it‘s still in early discussion phases. But it already has significant support from the JavaScript community. The proposal‘s GitHub repository has over 1.3k stars and has been positively received by developers.

Here‘s what some prominent figures in the JavaScript world have said about it:

I like this proposal! It‘s a small thing, but it would make working with arrays a bit nicer.

  • Dan Abramov, React core team

This is a great idea. It‘s a common pattern and it‘s nice to have a terse way to express it.

  • Mathias Bynens, V8 developer

+1. Array.last / Array.first is something I‘ve wanted for years.

  • Jordan Harband, TC39 delegate

Beyond First and Last

While the first and last proposal is a great start, we can take it further. With modern JavaScript features like destructuring and the spread operator, we can create even more expressive ways to manipulate arrays.

For example, consider this common pattern for creating a new array without the first element:

let [,] = users;

Or this pattern for creating a new array without the last element:

let [, ] = users;

These are terse, expressive ways to slice arrays that avoid the confusion of slice(0, -1) or slice(1). They make the intent of the code immediately clear.

We can also combine first, last, and destructuring to create powerful one-liners:

let [first, ...middle, last] = users;

This one line of code gives us variables for the first element, the last element, and everything in between. It‘s the kind of expressive, concise code that modern JavaScript excels at.

The TypeScript Advantage

If you‘re using TypeScript, you have even more tools at your disposal for making array access safer and more predictable. TypeScript‘s type system can catch errors like trying to access an element of an empty array:

let users: string[] = [];
let firstUser = users[0]; // Error: Index out of range

TypeScript can also infer the types of first and last properties based on the array type:

let users = [‘Alice‘, ‘Bob‘, ‘Charlie‘];
let firstUser = users.first; // Type: string
let lastUser = users.last; // Type: string

This type safety is invaluable in large codebases where it‘s not always clear what type an array contains. It catches potential bugs at compile time rather than runtime.

The Functional Perspective

From a functional programming perspective, first and last are a perfect fit. They‘re pure functions that operate on immutable data, which is a core tenet of functional programming.

Compare this imperative code for getting the first and last elements:

let firstUser = users[0];
let lastUser = users[users.length - 1];

To this functional code:

let firstUser = first(users);
let lastUser = last(users);

The functional version is declarative – it expresses what to do, not how to do it. It‘s also more composable, as first and last can be easily combined with other functions:

let lastActiveUser = last(users.filter(user => user.isActive));

This composability is a key benefit of functional programming, and first and last fit perfectly into that paradigm.

The Bigger Picture

At the end of the day, first and last are just one small part of the larger JavaScript ecosystem. But they represent a broader trend towards more expressive, more concise, and safer code.

As the language continues to evolve with new features like optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and the pipeline operator, we‘re seeing a move towards code that is easier to read, write, and maintain.

Proposals like first and last are a result of the JavaScript community‘s desire for better tools and better syntax. They emerge from real-world pain points faced by developers in their day-to-day work.

As a professional JavaScript developer, it‘s important to stay engaged with these developments. By experimenting with new proposals, providing feedback, and advocating for better language features, we can collectively push JavaScript forward.


In the grand scheme of things, array.first and array.last are small potatoes. They won‘t revolutionize your codebase or fundamentally change how you write JavaScript.

But they represent a step in the right direction. They show that the JavaScript community is committed to improving the developer experience, one small syntax improvement at a time.

So the next time you find yourself writing array[array.length - 1], remember that there‘s a better way. Embrace the expressive power of modern JavaScript. Use first and last, destructuring, and all the other tools at your disposal to write code that is clear, concise, and maintainable.

Because at the end of the day, that‘s what being a great JavaScript developer is all about. It‘s not just about getting the job done, but about constantly striving for better, more elegant solutions. It‘s about pushing the language forward and advocating for a better future for all developers.

So let‘s keep pushing. Let‘s keep experimenting. Let‘s keep making JavaScript the best it can be. Because in the world of programming, the first shall truly be last – and that‘s a good thing.

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