Unraveling the Mysteries of "this": A JavaScript Odyssey

The "this" keyword in JavaScript is notorious for confusing developers. In fact, in the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, "this" was voted the most confusing part of JavaScript, with 62% of respondents expressing frustration with it. But fear not, intrepid coder! By the end of this epic guide, you‘ll have a firm grasp on "this" and wield it with the mastery of a true JavaScript ninja.

The What and Why of "this"

At its core, "this" is a special keyword in JavaScript that automatically defines the context of a function invocation. It allows you to reuse functions with different contexts, giving you flexibility and the power of generic code.

But why does "this" behave so differently compared to other languages? The answer lies in JavaScript‘s history. JavaScript was initially designed to run in browsers, where the global context was the "window" object. The behavior of "this" was designed around this browser-centric paradigm. However, as JavaScript expanded beyond the browser, to servers (Node.js) and standalone applications, the quirks of "this" became more apparent and confusing.

Global Context

In the global execution context, "this" refers to the global object, which in a browser is the "window" object:

console.log(this === window); // true

this.globalVar = ‘I am global‘;
console.log(window.globalVar); // ‘I am global‘

However, in Node.js, the global object is named "global":

console.log(this === global); // true

Object Methods

When a function is invoked as a method of an object, "this" binds to the object the method is called on:

const ninja = {
  name: ‘Hanzo‘,
  introduce: function() {
    return `My ninja name is ${this.name}!`; 

console.log(ninja.introduce()); // ‘My ninja name is Hanzo!‘

A common pitfall is separating the method from its object:

const introduce = ninja.introduce;
console.log(introduce()); // ‘My ninja name is undefined!‘

Here, "introduce" is invoked as a standalone function, so "this" defaults to the global object (or undefined in strict mode), rather than the "ninja" object.

Constructor Functions

When a function is used as a constructor (invoked with the "new" keyword), "this" binds to the newly constructed object:

function Ninja(name) {
  this.name = name;

const ninja1 = new Ninja(‘Sasuke‘);
const ninja2 = new Ninja(‘Itachi‘);

console.log(ninja1.name); // ‘Sasuke‘
console.log(ninja2.name); // ‘Itachi‘

Class Methods

In ES6 classes, "this" in a class constructor binds to the newly constructed instance. In class methods, it binds to the instance the method is called on:

class Ninja {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

  introduce() {
    return `My ninja name is ${this.name}!`;

const ninja1 = new Ninja(‘Naruto‘);
console.log(ninja1.introduce()); // ‘My ninja name is Naruto!‘

Regular Functions

In regular functions, "this" is bound to the object that invokes the function. If no object is specified, it defaults to the global object (or undefined in strict mode):

function regularFunc() {

regularFunc(); // window object (in browser)

const obj = {
  method: regularFunc

obj.method(); // obj

A common pitfall is with callback functions. They lose their "this" binding:

const ninja = {
  names: [‘Hattori‘, ‘Momochi‘, ‘Fuma‘],

  introduceAll: function() {
    this.names.forEach(function(name) {
      console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`); // Oops! "this" is now the global object!

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions do not have their own "this". They inherit "this" from their enclosing scope:

const ninja = {
  names: [‘Hattori‘, ‘Momochi‘, ‘Fuma‘],

  introduceAll: function() {
    this.names.forEach((name) => {
      console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`); // "this" is inherited from introduceAll

Best practice: Use arrow functions when you want "this" to be inherited from the enclosing context.

Event Listeners

In event listeners, "this" binds to the element that received the event:

<button id="btn">Click Me</button>
const button = document.getElementById(‘btn‘);

button.addEventListener(‘click‘, function() {
  console.log(this); // button element

Strict Mode

In strict mode, if "this" is not set when entering an execution context, it remains undefined:

‘use strict‘;

function strictFunc() {
  console.log(this); // undefined

Setting "this" Explicitly

JavaScript provides three methods to explicitly set "this": call(), apply(), and bind().


The call() method invokes a function with a given "this" value and individual arguments:

function introduce(greeting) {
  return `${greeting}, my name is ${this.name}!`;

const ninja1 = { name: ‘Kakashi‘ };
const ninja2 = { name: ‘Jiraiya‘ };

console.log(introduce.call(ninja1, ‘Hi‘)); // ‘Hi, my name is Kakashi!‘ 
console.log(introduce.call(ninja2, ‘Hello‘)); // ‘Hello, my name is Jiraiya!‘


The apply() method is similar to call(), but accepts arguments as an array:

console.log(introduce.apply(ninja1, [‘Hey‘])); // ‘Hey, my name is Kakashi!‘


The bind() method returns a new function with "this" bound to a specific value:

const kakashiIntro = introduce.bind(ninja1);
console.log(kakashiIntro(‘Yo‘)); // ‘Yo, my name is Kakashi!‘

Expert Tips for Mastering "this"

  1. Understand the default binding rules:

    • Global context: "this" refers to the global object
    • Object methods: "this" refers to the object
    • Constructors and classes: "this" refers to the newly created instance
    • Regular functions: "this" refers to the invoking object, or global/undefined
  2. Be aware of how "this" behaves in arrow functions. They don‘t have their own "this", but inherit it from the enclosing scope.

  3. Use call(), apply(), or bind() when you need to explicitly set the value of "this".

  4. Be mindful of "this" binding loss, which commonly occurs with callback functions. If needed, use arrow functions, bind(), or a "self" variable.

  5. Embrace the flexibility that "this" provides. It‘s a powerful feature for creating reusable and generic code.


Phew! We‘ve covered a lot of ground in our "this" odyssey. From global bindings to explicit bindings, from pitfalls to best practices, you‘re now equipped with the knowledge to navigate the often turbulent waters of "this" in JavaScript.

Remember, mastering "this" takes practice and experience. Don‘t be discouraged if it feels confusing at first—that‘s normal! With time and exposure to various use cases, you‘ll develop an intuitive sense for how "this" behaves.

For further exploration, I highly recommend the book "You Don‘t Know JS: this & Object Prototypes" by Kyle Simpson. It‘s a deep dive into the mechanics of "this" and object prototypes in JavaScript.

Happy coding, and may "this" forever be in your favor!

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