8 Books That Saved My Bacon as a First-Time Tech Lead

The transition from senior software engineer to tech lead is one of the most challenging in our industry. Overnight, you go from being an expert in your technical domain to a novice in a host of new realms—project management, product strategy, people management, cross-functional communication, and more. It‘s like working a new muscle you never knew existed, and the growing pains are real.

If you‘re anything like me, you‘ll quickly discover that the skills that made you a successful individual contributor don‘t necessarily translate to success as a tech lead. Suddenly, your job is less about writing elegant code and more about enabling your team to write elegant code. You‘re not just responsible for your own work, but the work of your entire team. It‘s a seismic shift in mindset and responsibilities.

Unfortunately, most companies throw new tech leads into the deep end without much guidance or support. According to a 2019 Circulate survey, 70% of engineering managers did not receive formal management training before taking on the role. It‘s no wonder that so many talented engineers struggle in their first tech lead gig.

I was no exception. As a lifelong introvert and self-taught programmer, I was way outside my comfort zone when I stepped into a tech lead role for the first time. I went from having a well-defined set of coding tasks to juggling a mountain of new responsibilities:

  • Running team meetings and 1:1s
  • Scoping and planning projects
  • Interfacing with stakeholders
  • Making technical decisions
  • Unblocking and motivating my team
  • Conducting code reviews
  • Mentoring junior engineers
  • Reporting on team progress
  • Interviewing and onboarding new hires
  • Resolving conflicts and misunderstandings
  • Developing team culture and rituals
  • Advocating for my team across the org

It was overwhelming, to say the least. I felt like I was failing my team at every turn. Imposter syndrome hit me hard.

But as I started to connect with other tech leads, I realized I wasn‘t alone. The transition is jarring for everyone. In fact, software engineers have one of the highest ‘failure‘ rates when promoted to a leadership role, with over 50% ending up back in an individual contributor role within their first few years (HBR).

So how do you beat the odds and set yourself up for success? You read everything you can get your hands on and apply those learnings like your job depends on it (because it kind of does). That‘s exactly what I did, and it made all the difference.

These were the eight books that had the biggest impact on my journey from floundering first-time tech lead to confident, competent leader.

People Management

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott

Radical Candor is all about finding the sweet spot between being a pushover and a jerk—what Scott calls "ruinous empathy" and "obnoxious aggression". The goal is to care personally about your team while still challenging them directly.

This book completely changed how I approached giving feedback. I used to shy away from hard conversations, thinking I was being "nice". But Radical Candor helped me see that failing to give critical feedback is the ultimate disservice to your team. It‘s about giving guidance that genuinely helps the other person grow, even when it‘s uncomfortable.

Some of my favorite tactics from the book:

  • Schedule regular 1:1s with your direct reports focused solely on their goals, priorities, and blockers
  • Give feedback immediately, while the context is fresh
  • Start with specific, observable behaviors rather than vague judgments
  • Share concrete examples to illustrate your point
  • Invite the other person to weigh in with their perspective
  • Agree on clear next steps and hold each other accountable
  • Recognize and reward improvement

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson

Difficult conversations are par for the course as a tech lead. Maybe you need to give constructive criticism to a struggling engineer, resolve a heated disagreement between two senior developers, or push back on an unrealistic deadline from your boss. How you handle these crucial moments can make or break your credibility as a leader.

This book gives you a step-by-step framework for navigating high-stakes conversations in a way that‘s both candid and respectful. You‘ll learn how to:

  • Manage your emotions and stay focused on what you really want
  • Communicate your views persuasively without provoking defensiveness
  • Listen attentively to understand the other person‘s perspective
  • Spot the warning signs of an interaction going off the rails
  • Get a derailed conversation back on track
  • Reach mutual understanding and agreement on next steps

One of my biggest takeaways was the importance of making the conversation safe. When tensions are high, people often feel attacked or disrespected, causing them to shut down or lash out. But if you can make it clear that you care about the other person and have their best interests at heart, they‘ll be much more receptive to what you have to say.

Productivity & Time Management

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

As a tech lead, it‘s all too easy to spend your days bouncing between meetings, emails, and urgent requests, leaving little time for focused work. But making progress on high-impact projects requires stretches of uninterrupted concentration—what Newport calls "deep work".

This book makes a compelling case for ruthlessly pruning shallow busywork from your schedule to make room for deep work. It‘s not about working longer hours, but working smarter hours.

Some of Newport‘s rules for deep work:

  • Schedule deep work blocks on your calendar and protect that time fiercely
  • Eliminate or delegate shallow tasks that don‘t require your full cognitive capacity
  • Embrace boredom to build your attention span and resist the allure of distractions
  • Work at a pace you can sustain (hint: it‘s not 110% all day, every day)
  • Prioritize sleep, exercise, and downtime for optimal mental performance

Applying the concepts in this book supercharged my productivity and creativity. I started time-boxing my schedule, setting aside a few hours every morning for deep work before diving into meetings and emails. I also became more selective about the meetings I attended and the tasks I took on, asking myself "Is this the best use of my time and expertise?"

As a tech lead, modeling deep work for your team is just as important as doing it yourself. Encourage your engineers to block off uninterrupted coding time and limit distractions like Slack during those periods. You‘ll be amazed at how much more your team can accomplish.

Team Dynamics

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

Tech leads are ultimately judged by the results their team produces. But building a high-performing team is easier said than done. Interpersonal dynamics, communication breakdowns, and competing priorities can stop a promising team in its tracks.

This book outlines the five biggest obstacles to effective teamwork:

  1. Absence of trust
  2. Fear of conflict
  3. Lack of commitment
  4. Avoidance of accountability
  5. Inattention to results

Lencioni argues that these dysfunctions form a hierarchy, with trust as the foundation. If team members don‘t feel psychologically safe to be vulnerable with each other, it leads to unproductive conflict, lack of buy-in, low standards, and a focus on individual goals over collective success.

Reading this book was a huge ‘aha‘ moment for me. I realized that fostering trust and healthy conflict was just as important as setting a clear technical direction. I started prioritizing team retrospectives, 1:1 feedback sessions, and off-sites to create space for candid conversations. We aired our grievances, acknowledged our shortcomings, and celebrated our wins. Over time, the team gelled in a way I had never experienced before.

If you only have time to read one book on team dynamics, make it this one. It will change how you approach leadership.


Stepping into a tech lead role for the first time is a major leap of faith. No matter how strong your technical chops are, you‘ll inevitably face a steep learning curve when it comes to the human side of the job.

But here‘s the good news: leadership is a skill that can be learned like any other. With the right resources, a growth mindset, and a whole lot of practice, you can evolve into the kind of tech lead that brings out the best in your team and delivers exceptional results.

These eight books accelerated my development as a leader by giving me frameworks, tactics, and mental models to navigate the trickiest parts of the job. But they were just the beginning. I‘m still learning and growing every day, and I imagine I will be for the rest of my career.

If you‘re a first-time tech lead, know that you‘re not alone in feeling overwhelmed and underqualified. Every single one of us has been there. Don‘t be afraid to admit what you don‘t know and lean on the experience of others. Seek out mentors, start a book club with other tech leads, listen to leadership podcasts, attend workshops and conferences. Never stop learning.

And if you‘re an engineer considering a move into leadership, I say go for it. It‘s challenging, humbling, and at times uncomfortable, but it‘s also deeply rewarding. Watching your team grow and accomplish things they never thought possible is truly one of the best feelings in the world.

You‘ve got this. Now get out there and lead.

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