25 Free Resources for New JavaScript Developers

JavaScript has become an absolutely essential web development skill. It‘s the only programming language that runs natively in web browsers, and is used to create interactive effects, dynamic user interfaces, and power the logic behind web applications. Fortunately for aspiring web developers, there is an abundance of free resources available online to learn JavaScript, whether you‘re a total beginner or an experienced programmer looking to delve deeper.

In this article, I‘ve compiled 25 of the best free JavaScript learning resources, organized into categories for easy reference. These run the gamut from beginner-friendly tutorials and short interactive lessons to comprehensive books and courses that go deep into advanced JavaScript topics. Whether you prefer reading, watching videos, or hands-on coding challenges, there‘s something here for you. Let‘s jump in!

Online Courses and Tutorials

1. freeCodeCamp‘s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

freeCodeCamp is a free online learning platform that offers several developer certifications. Their JavaScript curriculum teaches fundamentals like variables, loops, functions, and object-oriented programming. As you progress, you‘ll build 5 JavaScript projects to reinforce your skills.

2. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

This comprehensive tutorial covers JavaScript from the basics to advanced topics like Object properties configuration and promises with very granular, well-explained lessons. It‘s a great resource for both new and experienced JS developers looking to delve deep.

3. Codecademy‘s Learn JavaScript Course

Codecademy offers free basic courses on many programming languages, including JavaScript. Their course introduces fundamentals in short, interactive lessons where you can write and run code directly in the browser.

4. JavaScript30 by Wes Bos

JavaScript30 is a free video course that helps you build 30 creative projects in 30 days using plain JavaScript with no frameworks or libraries. It‘s a great way for beginner to intermediate developers to practice applied JS skills.


5. Eloquent JavaScript

Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke is a classic book that teaches JavaScript fundamentals and programming principles through the lens of building real projects. It‘s often recommended as one of the best free resources to start learning JS.

6. You Don‘t Know JS Yet

You Don‘t Know JS is a series of books by Kyle Simpson that thoroughly explore the core mechanisms of JavaScript. He covers fundamental topics like scope, closures, `this`, object prototypes, async programming, and performance with detailed, example-driven explanations.

7. JavaScript Allongé

JavaScript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite is an in-depth exploration of JavaScript fundamentals with an emphasis on functional programming concepts. The "Six" edition updates the book for ES6 and later.

8. JavaScript: The Good Parts

JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford (creator of JSON) focuses on writing clean, effective JavaScript by leveraging its best features and avoiding common pitfalls. While the print book is not free, the author has a video lecture available that covers the key concepts.

Interactive Challenges

9. Codewars JavaScript Challenges

Codewars offers a huge collection of JavaScript coding challenges created by their community. These bite-sized exercises, organized by difficulty, are great for beginners learning syntax or experienced coders practicing problem-solving.

10. Exercism‘s JavaScript Track

Exercism is a free platform that provides coding practice and mentorship. Their JavaScript track has over 100 practice problems and allows you to submit solutions for feedback from volunteer mentors.

Reference and Documentation

11. MDN JavaScript Documentation

The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) JavaScript docs are the go-to reference for many developers. They provide comprehensive, up-to-date documentation on the core JavaScript language and browser APIs with helpful code examples.

12. The ECMAScript Specification

ECMAScript is the standardized specification that JavaScript is based on. While very technical in nature, referencing the official spec can provide the deepest understanding of how the language works under the hood.

Functional JavaScript

13. Functional-Light JavaScript

This book by Kyle Simpson teaches functional programming concepts using JavaScript without relying heavily on jargon and theory. It‘s pragmatic approach makes it more approachable than some other FP resources.

14. Professor Frisby‘s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming

The Mostly Adequate Guide teaches fundamentals of functional programming in JavaScript using helpful drawings and practical examples. While it doesn‘t assume any prior FP experience, it does get pretty deep into concepts like functors and monads.

Advanced JavaScript Topics

15. Exploring ES6

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer‘s Exploring ES6 is a thorough, example-rich reference of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) features like arrow functions, classes, promises, and modules. While comprehensive, you can also jump to relevant sections to quickly get up to speed.

16. Speaking JavaScript

Speaking JavaScript, also by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, helps programmers learn JavaScript quickly and properly, especially if they have a background in other languages. It covers both the language itself and its ecosystem and community.

17. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

This free ebook by Adnan Osmani teaches best practices for writing modular, maintainable JavaScript applications using both classical and modern design patterns. Don‘t be thrown by the older publish date – many of these architectural concepts are still very relevant.

Video Courses and Screencasts

18. Practical JavaScript

Gordon Zhu‘s free Practical JavaScript course teaches fundamental programming concepts while building a todo list application. His teaching style is very beginner-friendly but also provides helpful perspective for more experienced coders.

19. Frontend Masters JavaScript Courses

Frontend Masters has an extensive JavaScript learning path with video courses from many respected teachers. While their full courses require a paid subscription, they make the first few lessons of each available for free.

20. Fun Fun Function

MPJ‘s Fun Fun Function screencast series teaches JavaScript fundamentals, functional programming concepts, and practical tips with an emphasis on understanding rather than just memorizing. His videos are informative and light-hearted.


21. JavaScript Jabber

JavaScript Jabber is a weekly discussion about JavaScript, front-end development, community, careers, and frameworks. Panelists and guests include many prolific members of the JS community.

22. Syntax

The Syntax podcast, hosted by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, covers a wide range of web development topics in an accessible, lighthearted style. While not strictly about JavaScript, many of their episodes delve into JS frameworks, syntax, and best practices.


23. JavaScript Coding Style Guide

Following a consistent style guide is an important practice for writing readable, maintainable code. This community-driven guide (based on Airbnb‘s popular style guide) establishes conventions for things like naming, whitespace, comments, and more.

24. JS: The Right Way

JS: The Right Way is a guide intended to introduce new developers to JavaScript and help experienced developers learn more about its best practices. It includes descriptions and links for many of the resources mentioned here.

25. Awesome JavaScript Learning

This GitHub repo compiles a list of awesome JavaScript learning resources including books, blogs, videos, DOM related resources, Node.js resources, and more. Definitely bookmark this one!


With so many high-quality free resources available, there‘s never been an easier time to learn JavaScript. Whether you‘re just getting started on your coding journey or you‘re an experienced developer looking to deepen your understanding of JS, I hope you found a useful resource or two in this list.

Remember, learning to program takes dedication and practice. Don‘t feel pressure to finish every book or course – the most important thing is to keep coding and building projects, however small. I encourage you to explore these resources at your own pace and find the ones that click for you.

What are your favorite free JavaScript resources? Please share them in the comments below! And if you found this article helpful, please consider sharing it with another aspiring developer. Let‘s keep making web development accessible to everyone.

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