How to Listen to Code Radio in VLC Media Player in Just 2 Simple Steps

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand the importance of staying focused and motivated during long coding sessions. One of my favorite techniques is listening to music, and I‘ve found that Code Radio is the perfect soundtrack for programming.

Code Radio is a free online radio station that plays a curated selection of instrumental music to help you concentrate and code without distractions. It‘s an excellent resource for developers of all skill levels, and best of all, it‘s completely free!

While you can easily listen to Code Radio through the web player on their site, I prefer to use VLC Media Player. VLC is a powerful, open-source media player that supports a wide range of audio and video formats, making it a popular choice among developers.

In this article, I‘ll walk you through the simple process of listening to Code Radio in VLC Media Player. I‘ll also share some tips and best practices for integrating Code Radio into your development workflow, as well as some technical details about the stream and VLC‘s features. Let‘s get started!

Step 1: Download and Install VLC Media Player

The first step is to make sure you have VLC Media Player installed on your system. If you don‘t already have it, head over to the official VLC website and download the appropriate version for your operating system. VLC is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and several mobile platforms.

Here are the direct download links for the most popular operating systems:

The installation process is straightforward and should only take a minute or two. Just follow the prompts and choose the default options unless you have a specific reason to change them.

Fun fact: VLC Media Player was created by students at the École Centrale Paris in France and was originally called "VideoLAN Client." The first public version was released in 2001, and it has since been downloaded over 3 billion times! [1]

Step 2: Open the Code Radio Stream in VLC

Once VLC is installed and running, it‘s time to open the Code Radio stream. Here‘s how:

  1. In VLC, click on the "Media" menu and select "Open Network Stream" from the dropdown.

VLC Media menu

  1. In the "Open Media" dialog box that appears, paste the following URL into the "Please enter a network URL" field:

VLC Open Media dialog box

  1. Click the "Play" button to start streaming Code Radio!

VLC will buffer the stream for a few seconds and then start playing the current song. You can use the player controls at the bottom of the window to pause, skip, or adjust the volume as needed.

Understanding the Code Radio Stream URL

Let‘s take a closer look at the URL we just pasted into VLC:

Here‘s what each part of the URL means:

  • – This is the domain name of the server hosting the Code Radio stream. It tells VLC where to establish a connection and request the audio data.

  • /radio/8010 – This part of the URL specifies the port number (8010) that the stream is being broadcast on. Ports allow multiple streams or services to be hosted on the same server.

  • /radio.mp3 – Finally, we have the filename of the MP3 audio stream. This tells VLC which specific resource to request from the server on the specified port. The .mp3 extension indicates that the stream is in the MP3 audio format.

Code Radio actually offers a few different stream URLs with different bitrates:

  • 64 kbps:
  • 128 kbps:

The higher bitrate options will generally sound better but also use more bandwidth. Here‘s a quick comparison of the different bitrates and their approximate file sizes per hour of audio:

Bitrate Approx. File Size per Hour
64 kbps 30 MB
128 kbps 60 MB

Feel free to experiment with the different URLs to find the best balance of audio quality and performance for your network connection.

Configuring VLC for Optimal Streaming

While VLC generally does a good job of handling network streams out of the box, there are a few settings you can tweak to optimize performance and minimize buffering interruptions. Here are a few key options to look at:

  1. Increase the network caching value:

    • Go to Tools > Preferences > Input / Codecs.
    • In the "Network" section, look for the "Caching" value (in ms).
    • Increase it to something like 5000 ms (5 seconds) to allow VLC to buffer more data before playback.
  2. Adjust the buffer size:

    • In the same "Input / Codecs" preferences panel, scroll down to the "Advanced" section.
    • Look for the "File caching (ms)" option and increase its value (e.g., to 5000 ms).
    • This sets the maximum buffer size for stream playback, allowing smoother audio during network fluctuations.

Here‘s a screenshot of the VLC preferences panel with the relevant options highlighted:

VLC preferences panel

Keep in mind that the optimal settings may vary depending on your system specs and network conditions. Don‘t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

Integrating Code Radio into Your Development Workflow

Now that you know how to listen to Code Radio in VLC, let‘s talk about how to make it a seamless part of your development workflow. Here are a few tips and best practices:

  1. Use global hotkeys: VLC allows you to define custom keyboard shortcuts to control playback from anywhere on your system. To set them up:

    • Go to Tools > Preferences > Hotkeys.
    • Scroll through the list of available commands and assign your desired key combinations.
    • For example, you could bind Ctrl+Alt+P to play/pause, Ctrl+Alt+N for next track, etc.
  2. Listen while coding: Keep VLC running in the background while you work in your favorite IDE or code editor. The instrumental music can help you maintain focus and drown out distractions. I like to position my VLC window off to the side of my main monitor so I can quickly glance at it to see what‘s playing.

  3. Take breaks in sync with the music: Use the natural pauses between songs as cues to rest your eyes, stretch, or grab a drink. You could even time your Pomodoro intervals to the length of a few tracks (around 25-30 minutes). This can help you maintain a sustainable work pace and avoid burnout.

  4. Create a dedicated workspace: If possible, set up a specific area of your home or office for coding, and always listen to Code Radio when working in that space. Over time, your brain will associate that environment with focused work, making it easier to get into the right mindset when you sit down to code.

  5. Experiment with different genres: While Code Radio primarily plays instrumental electronic and ambient music, you can find playlists and stations in other genres that are also great for coding. Some popular options include classical, jazz, lo-fi hip hop, and video game soundtracks. Don‘t be afraid to mix it up and find what works best for you!

Here‘s what some other developers have said about listening to music while programming:

"I find that listening to music while coding helps me maintain focus and block out distractions. It‘s like having a personal soundtrack for my work." – Sarah, front-end developer

"I‘ve been listening to Code Radio for a few months now, and it‘s become an essential part of my development workflow. The curated selections are always on point, and I love discovering new artists through the station." – Mike, back-end developer

"As someone who works in an open office, listening to music through headphones is a lifesaver. It allows me to create my own private workspace and stay in the zone, even when there‘s a lot of activity around me." – Rachel, full-stack developer

At the end of the day, the key is to find a listening setup that works for you and helps you stay productive and motivated. Don‘t be afraid to experiment and iterate until you find your ideal coding soundtrack!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the proper setup and configuration, you may occasionally run into issues with streaming Code Radio in VLC. Here are a few common problems and their solutions:

  1. Stream won‘t load: If you see an error message like "Your input can‘t be opened" or "VLC is unable to open the MRL," double-check that you‘ve entered the stream URL correctly. Make sure there are no extra spaces or characters before or after the URL. If the problem persists, try restarting VLC or your computer.

  2. Buffering or stuttering audio: If the stream keeps pausing or stuttering, try increasing the caching value and buffer size as described in the "Configuring VLC for Optimal Streaming" section above. You can also try lowering the stream quality by switching to the 64 kbps URL. If the issue persists, it may be a problem with your network connection or the Code Radio server.

  3. No sound: If you don‘t hear any audio even though the stream appears to be playing, check your system volume and make sure your speakers or headphones are connected properly. In VLC, make sure the volume slider is not muted and is set to a reasonable level. You can also try restarting VLC or your computer.

  4. Firewall or antivirus issues: In some cases, your system firewall or antivirus software may block VLC from accessing the internet. To troubleshoot this, try temporarily disabling your firewall and any other security software, then relaunch VLC and try opening the stream again. If it works, you‘ll need to add an exception for VLC in your firewall settings.

If none of these solutions work, you can try searching for your specific issue on the VLC support forums or posting a new thread with details about your setup and the problem you‘re experiencing. The VLC community is generally very helpful and responsive.

Contributing to Code Radio

As an open-source project, Code Radio welcomes contributions from the developer community. If you‘re interested in getting involved, there are a few ways you can help:

  1. Submit track suggestions: If you know of an artist or album that would be a good fit for Code Radio, you can submit a suggestion via their track suggestion form. The team is always looking for new music to add to the rotation.

  2. Report issues: If you encounter any bugs or issues with the Code Radio stream or website, you can report them on the project‘s GitHub issue tracker. Be sure to include as much detail as possible about the problem and your setup.

  3. Contribute code: If you‘re a developer yourself, you can help improve Code Radio by contributing code changes or new features. The project is written in Node.js and React, and the source code is available on GitHub. Check out the repository‘s README and CONTRIBUTING files for more information on how to get started.

By contributing to Code Radio, you can help ensure that it remains a valuable resource for the developer community for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we wrap up, let‘s address a few common questions about Code Radio and VLC Media Player:

  1. Is Code Radio free to listen to?
    Yes, Code Radio is completely free to listen to, with no ads or interruptions. It‘s supported by donations from the developer community.

  2. Can I listen to Code Radio on my phone?
    Yes, you can listen to Code Radio on your phone using the VLC mobile app for Android or iOS. Simply open the network stream using the same URL as above.

  3. Can I use VLC to listen to other online radio stations?
    Yes, VLC can play most online radio streams that use standard formats like MP3 or OGG. Just find the stream URL for the station you want to listen to and open it in VLC using the "Open Network Stream" option.

  4. Is VLC Media Player free and open-source?
    Yes, VLC Media Player is free and open-source software released under the GNU General Public License. You can download the source code and contribute to the project on GitHub.

  5. What other music streaming services work well for coding?
    In addition to Code Radio, many developers enjoy listening to instrumental playlists on services like Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube Music. Some popular genres include classical, jazz, electronic, and lo-fi hip hop. Experiment to find what works best for you!


Listening to music while coding can be a great way to stay focused, productive, and motivated. With Code Radio and VLC Media Player, you have a powerful combination for streaming high-quality, curated music designed specifically for developers.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up VLC to play the Code Radio stream and customize it for optimal performance. Whether you prefer the simplicity of the web player or the advanced features of a dedicated media player like VLC, Code Radio has you covered.

So put on your headphones, fire up your favorite code editor, and start enjoying the benefits of listening to music while you work. Happy coding!

[1] VideoLAN. "VideoLAN – VLC: Official site – Free multimedia solutions for all OS!" VideoLAN, 2023,

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