You in 6 Seconds: How to Write a Résumé That Employers Will Actually Read

In today‘s hypercompetitive job market, simply submitting a résumé isn‘t enough to land an interview, much less a job. Why? Recruiters are inundated with hundreds of résumés for any given role. And studies show they spend an average of just 6 seconds scanning each one before deciding if it belongs in the "yes" or "no"…

Innovation Meets Inclusivity: Lessons from the freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon

The 2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon at GitHub HQ brought together a diverse community of coders for a weekend of learning, building, and exploring the future of web development. While the projects were impressive in their own right, the event stood out for its emphasis on inclusivity, mentorship, and cooperative coding. The Rise of the JAMstack…

Why Are Two Similar Objects Not Equal in JavaScript? An In-Depth Look

One of the most common points of confusion for JavaScript developers is the seemingly strange behavior of the === operator when comparing objects. You might naturally expect two objects with the same properties and values to be considered equal: const hero1 = {name: ‘Batman‘, city: ‘Gotham‘}; const hero2 = {name: ‘Batman‘, city: ‘Gotham‘}; console.log(hero1 ===…

What René Descartes Can Teach You About Design: Insights from a Developer‘s Perspective

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve long been fascinated by the interplay of mathematics and design. At first glance, the two fields can seem worlds apart – one governed by rigid logic and immutable laws, the other by artistic inspiration and intuitive leaps. And yet, when you look closer, you find that math…

Web Workers, Service Workers, and PWAs: Powering the Next Generation of Web Apps

The web has come a long way since the days of static HTML pages. Today‘s web applications are expected to be fast, responsive, and work seamlessly across a range of devices. However, delivering native app-like experiences on the web poses significant challenges. Thankfully, advancements in web technologies, particularly Web Workers and Service Workers, are empowering…

Web Development Tutorial: Building a Rock Paper Scissors Game with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Welcome to this comprehensive web development tutorial, where we will dive into the world of building an interactive Rock Paper Scissors game using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Whether you‘re a beginner looking to strengthen your web development skills or an intermediate developer seeking to create engaging projects, this tutorial has got you covered. Introduction to…

Vanilla JavaScript Tutorial: How to Build a Memory Matching Game

Memory matching games are a classic favorite for all ages. They‘re simple in concept but can be surprisingly challenging to complete. Beneath the surface, they also provide an excellent case study for several core web development concepts. In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll build a complete memory game from scratch using nothing but vanilla JavaScript, HTML,…

Build Your Own First Person Shooter Game: 8-hour Unity 3D GameDev Tutorial

First-person shooters (FPS) have been a cornerstone of gaming for nearly three decades. From genre-defining classics like Doom and Quake to the modern battle royale phenomenon spearheaded by PUBG and Fortnite, FPS titles consistently push technical and creative boundaries while attracting millions of passionate players. According to a 2020 report from ICO Partners, FPS was…

Transparency in Action: Free Code Camp is Now Open Source

In an unprecedented move for an online education platform, Free Code Camp announced in December 2014 that its entire codebase and curriculum are now fully open source. The code behind the popular coding platform, which has helped over 1 million aspiring developers to date, is now publicly available on GitHub for anyone to freely use,…