Podcast: Learning to Code in your 30s with Patrick San Juan

Today I‘m excited to share my interview with Patrick San Juan, a software engineer who took the unconventional path of learning to code in his 30s. Patrick‘s story is one of determination, hard work, and ultimately, successful career change that I believe will resonate with many in the freeCodeCamp community. From Economics Grad to Charity…

How to Listen to Code Radio in VLC Media Player in Just 2 Simple Steps

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand the importance of staying focused and motivated during long coding sessions. One of my favorite techniques is listening to music, and I‘ve found that Code Radio is the perfect soundtrack for programming. Code Radio is a free online radio station that plays a curated selection of instrumental music…

Our nonprofit needed a cheaper way to send email blasts. So we engineered one.

Email marketing is a critical tool for nonprofits to engage supporters, drive donations, promote events, and share impact stories. However, the costs of using commercial email platforms can quickly eat into a nonprofit‘s limited budget, especially as email lists grow. At our education nonprofit, we were spending upwards of $1,000 per month on email service…

Beyond the Bootcamp: How Free Code Camp‘s 1,600 Hour Curriculum is Disrupting Tech Education

The traditional paths to becoming a software developer are well-worn and well-known. A four-year computer science degree has long been the gold standard, with coding bootcamps emerging in recent years as a shorter, more intensive alternative. But there‘s a new player disrupting the tech education space, and it‘s not a university or a bootcamp –…

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tutorial with Python & NLTK

Natural language processing, or NLP for short, is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP combines computational linguistics—rule-based modeling of human language—with statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models to process human language and speech. NLP has many exciting real-world applications, including: Chatbots and virtual assistants…

Native Android App Tutorial: Build a WhatsApp Clone from Scratch

WhatsApp has become an indispensable communication tool for billions of users worldwide. As an Android developer, building a WhatsApp clone is an excellent way to showcase your skills and gain hands-on experience in creating a feature-rich, scalable messaging app. In this comprehensive tutorial, we‘ll guide you through the process of building a native Android WhatsApp…

MongoDB Full Course: Mastering NoSQL with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database, has revolutionized web application development with its flexibility, scalability, and performance. As a full-stack developer, mastering MongoDB is essential for building modern, data-driven applications that can handle the demands of today‘s users. In this comprehensive tutorial, we‘ll dive deep into MongoDB fundamentals and explore advanced techniques for leveraging its power…

Meet Anand Prakash: The Ethical Hacker Making the Internet Safer One Bug at a Time

In the world of cybersecurity, ethical hackers are the unsung heroes working behind the scenes to protect our digital lives. Also known as "white hat" hackers, these individuals use their skills to find and report security vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them. One of the most prolific and successful ethical hackers today is Anand…

Why Every Programmer Should Learn Discrete Mathematics

As a programmer, you might wonder if learning mathematics is really necessary. After all, isn‘t programming just about writing code to solve problems and build applications? While it‘s true that you can get by without advanced math skills, having a solid foundation in certain areas of mathematics can make you a much better programmer. One…

Build a Powerful Markdown Previewer with Vue.js: A Comprehensive Guide

Markdown has revolutionized the way we write for the web. This simple yet powerful markup language allows anyone to format text with ease, without the need for complex, clunky WYSIWYG editors. No wonder it‘s become the de facto standard for documentation, blogs, and readme files across the software industry. Consider these statistics: Over 70% of…