How to Install Node.js on Ubuntu – Node Linux Installation Guide

Node.js has revolutionized web development, allowing developers to use JavaScript for both client-side and server-side programming. As a full-stack developer, I‘ve seen firsthand how Node.js can streamline the development process and enable the creation of high-performance, scalable applications. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through the process of installing Node.js on Ubuntu, focusing on the Long-Term Support (LTS) version for maximum stability and reliability.

Why Use Node.js for Web Development?

Before diving into the installation process, let‘s take a moment to understand why Node.js has become such a critical tool in the web development landscape. Node.js is built on Chrome‘s V8 JavaScript engine, which compiles JavaScript directly to native machine code, resulting in lightning-fast performance. This makes Node.js an ideal choice for building real-time applications, such as chat platforms, collaboration tools, and streaming services.

Moreover, Node.js boasts an extensive ecosystem of packages and modules, thanks to the npm (Node Package Manager) registry. As of April 2023, npm hosts over 1.8 million packages, making it the largest software registry in the world (source). This vast library of reusable code allows developers to quickly build and deploy applications, leveraging the work of the open-source community.

Some of the world‘s most popular web applications and platforms rely on Node.js, including:

  • LinkedIn: The professional networking giant uses Node.js to power its mobile app backend, handling billions of API calls per day (source).
  • Netflix: The streaming service employs Node.js for its user interface, enabling rapid development and deployment of new features (source).
  • Trello: The collaborative project management tool uses Node.js to power its real-time updates and notifications (source).

These examples demonstrate the power and versatility of Node.js in building robust, scalable web applications.

Installing Node.js on Ubuntu with NVM

While it‘s possible to install Node.js using the standard sudo apt install nodejs command, this often results in an outdated version that may not be suitable for your needs. Additionally, managing multiple Node.js versions can be challenging with this approach. That‘s where the Node Version Manager (NVM) comes in.

NVM is a powerful tool that allows you to easily install and switch between different Node.js versions on your system. This is particularly useful if you work on projects that require different Node.js versions or if you want to test your code against various releases. By using NVM, you can ensure that your Node.js environment remains flexible and adaptable to your changing needs.

Step 1: Update Your Operating System

Before proceeding with the Node.js installation, it‘s essential to ensure your Ubuntu system is up to date. This helps prevent potential conflicts and compatibility issues. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

The sudo apt update command refreshes your system‘s package lists, while sudo apt upgrade -y installs the available upgrades for your existing packages. The -y flag automatically answers "yes" to any prompts, streamlining the upgrade process.

Step 2: Install curl

NVM requires curl to download and execute the installation script. If curl isn‘t already installed on your system, you can add it with the following command:

sudo apt install curl -y

Step 3: Install the Node Version Manager (NVM)

With curl installed, you can now proceed to install NVM. Run the following command in your terminal:

curl -o- | bash

This command downloads the NVM installation script and pipes it directly to bash for execution. Once the script finishes running, NVM will be installed on your system.

Step 4: Activate NVM

After installing NVM, you need to activate it in your current terminal session. This ensures that the nvm command is available for use. To activate NVM, run:

source ~/.bashrc

This command sources your .bashrc file, which contains the necessary configuration for NVM to function properly.

Step 5: Install the Latest LTS Version of Node.js

With NVM installed and activated, you can now install the latest LTS version of Node.js using the following command:

nvm install --lts

NVM will automatically download and install the most recent LTS release of Node.js, along with its associated npm version. As of April 2023, the latest LTS version is 18.16.0, which includes npm 9.5.1 (source).

Step 6: Set the Installed LTS Version as Default

To ensure that your newly installed LTS version of Node.js is used by default in new terminal sessions and when running Node.js applications, set it as the default version using NVM:

nvm alias default 18.16.0

Replace 18.16.0 with the actual version number you installed in the previous step.

Step 7: Confirm Node.js Installation

To verify that Node.js and npm were installed successfully, run the following commands:

node -v
npm -v

These commands will display the installed versions of Node.js and npm, respectively. If you see the expected version numbers, congratulations! You‘ve successfully installed Node.js on your Ubuntu system.

Additional Node.js Setup Options

With Node.js installed and ready to use, you may want to consider some additional setup options to enhance your development experience:

Installing Global Packages

npm allows you to install packages globally, making them accessible from any directory on your system. To install a package globally, use the -g flag:

npm install -g <package-name>

Some popular global packages for Node.js development include:

  • nodemon: Automatically restarts your Node.js application when changes are detected.
  • forever: Ensures that your Node.js application runs continuously, even after terminal sessions are closed.
  • express-generator: Generates a basic structure for Express.js applications.

Configuring npm

You can customize npm‘s behavior by modifying the .npmrc file in your home directory. For example, you can set a default registry, configure proxy settings, or specify custom package installation directories. To edit your .npmrc file, use a text editor:

nano ~/.npmrc

Add your desired configuration options, save the file, and exit the editor.

Choosing an IDE

Selecting the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can greatly enhance your Node.js development experience on Ubuntu. Some popular IDEs for Node.js include:

  • Visual Studio Code: A lightweight, extensible code editor with excellent Node.js support and a vast marketplace of plugins.
  • WebStorm: A full-featured IDE specifically designed for web development, offering advanced debugging and code analysis tools.
  • Atom: A highly customizable text editor with a strong focus on Node.js development, backed by GitHub.

Each IDE offers unique features and workflows, so choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Best Practices for Node.js Development on Ubuntu

To ensure a smooth and efficient Node.js development experience on Ubuntu, consider the following best practices:

Version Control

Use a version control system, such as Git, to track changes in your code and collaborate with other developers. Regularly commit your work and use descriptive commit messages to document your progress.

Code Organization

Structure your Node.js projects in a logical, modular way. Separate your code into distinct files and directories based on functionality, and use clear, descriptive names for your variables, functions, and classes.

Error Handling

Implement robust error handling in your Node.js applications. Use try/catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions, and provide meaningful error messages to aid in debugging.


Write unit tests for your Node.js code to ensure its correctness and maintain code quality over time. Popular testing frameworks for Node.js include Jest, Mocha, and Chai.


Keep your Node.js applications secure by following best practices, such as:

  • Validating and sanitizing user input
  • Using secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS)
  • Keeping your dependencies up to date
  • Implementing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms

Performance Optimization

Optimize the performance of your Node.js applications by:

  • Using asynchronous operations whenever possible
  • Minimizing blocking I/O operations
  • Implementing caching mechanisms
  • Leveraging tools like PM2 or Forever for process management

Learning Resources for Node.js Developers

As you embark on your Node.js development journey, take advantage of the wealth of learning resources available:

  • Official Node.js Documentation: The official Node.js documentation is a comprehensive resource for learning about Node.js core concepts, API references, and guides.

  • npm Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the npm documentation to learn how to effectively manage packages and dependencies in your Node.js projects.

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and freeCodeCamp offer a wide range of Node.js courses, catering to various skill levels and specializations.

  • Books: Some popular Node.js books include "Node.js in Action" by Alex Young and Bradley Meck, "Web Development with Node and Express" by Ethan Brown, and "Node.js Design Patterns" by Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino.

  • Community Resources: Engage with the Node.js community through forums, social media, and local meetups. The official Node.js community provides a list of resources to help you connect with fellow developers and stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices.


In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve explored the process of installing the latest LTS version of Node.js on Ubuntu using the Node Version Manager (NVM). By following these steps and best practices, you can set up a robust, flexible Node.js development environment that adapts to your changing needs.

Remember, the world of Node.js is vast and constantly evolving. As you continue to develop your skills, don‘t hesitate to experiment with new libraries, frameworks, and tools. Embrace the power of the npm ecosystem, collaborate with other developers, and contribute to the open-source community.

With dedication, curiosity, and a willingness to learn, you‘ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Node.js developer. So, start building, keep exploring, and most importantly, enjoy the journey!

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