How to Install sbt on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide for Full-Stack Developers


As a full-stack developer and professional coder, having the right tools in your arsenal is crucial for efficient and effective development. When it comes to building Scala and Java projects, sbt (Scala Build Tool) stands out as a powerful and flexible choice. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the process of installing sbt on Linux, exploring its features, benefits, and best practices along the way.

sbt, first introduced in 2008 by Mark Harrah, has become an integral part of the Scala ecosystem. Its declarative approach to build configuration, coupled with its support for continuous compilation, testing, and deployment, has made it a favorite among Scala developers. According to the Scala Developer Survey 2020, sbt is the most widely used build tool in the Scala community, with over 80% of respondents utilizing it in their projects.

Comparison with Other Build Tools

Before we proceed with the installation, let‘s take a moment to compare sbt with other popular build tools like Maven and Gradle.

Feature sbt Maven Gradle
Configuration Language Scala XML Groovy/Kotlin
Incremental Compilation
Continuous Testing
Dependency Management
Plugin Ecosystem

While all three tools provide dependency management and plugin support, sbt stands out with its Scala-based configuration language, incremental compilation, and continuous testing capabilities. These features make sbt a natural choice for Scala projects, enabling faster development cycles and a more seamless workflow.


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that your Linux system meets the following requirements:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK): sbt requires a JDK to be installed on your system. It is recommended to use Oracle JDK 8 or OpenJDK 8 for optimal compatibility. You can check your Java version by running the following command in the terminal:

    java -version

    If Java is not installed or the version is incompatible, you can install the appropriate JDK version using your system‘s package manager or by downloading it from the official Oracle website.

  2. Terminal: You‘ll need access to a terminal or command-line interface to execute the installation commands. Most Linux distributions come with a built-in terminal application.

Installation Methods

sbt provides multiple installation methods to cater to different Linux distributions and user preferences. Let‘s explore the most common methods in detail.

Method 1: Installing sbt using a Package Manager

Package managers simplify the installation process by handling dependencies and updates automatically. Here‘s how you can install sbt using the apt package manager on Ubuntu or Debian:

  1. Open a terminal and update the package list:

    sudo apt update
  2. Install sbt by running the following command:

    sudo apt install sbt

    The package manager will download and install sbt along with its dependencies.

Method 2: Installing sbt Manually

If your Linux distribution doesn‘t have sbt available in its package repositories, or if you prefer a manual installation, you can download the sbt package directly from the official website:

  1. Download the desired version of sbt from the official website:


    Replace v1.5.5 with the version you want to install.

  2. Extract the downloaded package:

    tar -xzvf sbt-1.5.5.tgz
  3. Move the extracted directory to a system-wide location, such as /usr/local/share:

    sudo mv sbt /usr/local/share
  4. Create a symbolic link to the sbt script in a directory on your system‘s PATH:

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/sbt/bin/sbt /usr/local/bin/sbt

    This allows you to run sbt from anywhere in the terminal.

Method 3: Installing sbt using SDKMAN!

SDKMAN! is a popular version manager for JVM-based SDKs, including sbt. It provides a convenient way to install and manage multiple versions of sbt on your Linux system. Here‘s how to install sbt using SDKMAN!:

  1. Install SDKMAN! by running the following command in the terminal:

    curl -s "" | bash
  2. Open a new terminal session or reload the current shell configuration:

    source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
  3. Install the latest version of sbt using SDKMAN!:

    sdk install sbt

    SDKMAN! will download and install sbt for you, making it readily available for use.

Verifying the Installation

After successfully installing sbt using any of the above methods, it‘s essential to verify the installation to ensure that sbt is working correctly. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:

sbt --version

If sbt is installed correctly, you should see the version number and build details printed in the terminal output.

Basic Usage and Configuration

With sbt installed, let‘s explore some basic usage and configuration options to get you started with Scala development.

Creating a New sbt Project

To create a new sbt project, you can use the sbt new command followed by a project template. sbt provides a variety of templates for different project types. Here‘s an example of creating a new Scala project:

sbt new scala/scala-seed.g8

This command creates a new Scala project based on the scala-seed template. You‘ll be prompted to enter a project name and other relevant details.

Running sbt

To start sbt and begin working on your project, navigate to your project‘s directory in the terminal and run the sbt command:

cd your-project-directory

This launches the sbt interactive shell, where you can execute various build tasks and manage your project.

Building and Running the Project

Once inside the sbt shell, you can compile and run your project using the run command:

sbt:your-project> run

sbt will compile your project and execute the main class, displaying the output in the terminal.

Running Tests

To run the tests in your project, you can use the test command within the sbt shell:

sbt:your-project> test

sbt will compile and run all the test cases defined in your project, providing a summary of the test results.

Configuring sbt

sbt‘s behavior can be customized through the build.sbt file located in your project‘s root directory. This file contains the project configuration, dependencies, and build settings. Here‘s an example of a basic build.sbt file:

name := "your-project"
version := "1.0.0"
scalaVersion := "2.13.6"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.9" % Test

In this example, we define the project name, version, Scala version, and a dependency on the ScalaTest library for testing purposes.

Advanced Configuration and Best Practices

As you become more familiar with sbt, you may want to explore advanced configuration options and best practices to optimize your builds and streamline your development workflow.

Multi-Project Builds

sbt supports multi-project builds, allowing you to manage multiple related subprojects within a single build. To set up a multi-project build, you can define subprojects in the build.sbt file using the lazy val syntax:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  .aggregate(core, web)

lazy val core = (project in file("core"))
    name := "core",
    // Other settings for the core subproject

lazy val web = (project in file("web"))
    name := "web",
    // Other settings for the web subproject

In this example, we define a root project that aggregates two subprojects: core and web. The web subproject depends on the core subproject, indicating a dependency relationship.

Continuous Compilation and Testing

One of the powerful features of sbt is its support for continuous compilation and testing. By running sbt in the continuous mode, it automatically recompiles your code and runs tests whenever changes are detected. To enable continuous compilation and testing, use the ~ prefix before the relevant command:

sbt:your-project> ~compile
sbt:your-project> ~test

sbt will now watch for changes in your source files and trigger the corresponding action whenever a change is detected.

Parallel Execution

sbt supports parallel execution of tasks, allowing you to leverage multi-core processors and speed up your builds. To enable parallel execution, you can configure the parallelExecution setting in your build.sbt file:

parallelExecution in Test := true

This enables parallel execution for the test tasks, improving the overall testing speed.

sbt Plugins

sbt has a rich plugin ecosystem that extends its functionality and integrates with various tools and frameworks. Plugins can be added to your project by including them in the project/plugins.sbt file. Here are a few popular plugins:

  • sbt-assembly: Builds a single, executable JAR file with all dependencies included.
  • sbt-native-packager: Enables the creation of native application packages, such as Docker containers and OS-specific installers.
  • sbt-scoverage: Provides code coverage metrics for your Scala projects.
  • sbt-scalafmt: Integrates the Scalafmt code formatter into your sbt build.

To add a plugin, include its dependency in the project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")

Integration with IDEs and Development Tools

sbt seamlessly integrates with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and development tools, enhancing your coding experience. Here are a few notable integrations:

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA, a popular IDE for Scala development, provides built-in support for sbt. You can import sbt projects into IntelliJ IDEA, and it will automatically detect the project structure and dependencies. IntelliJ IDEA also offers features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging for sbt projects.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, a lightweight and extensible code editor, has a Scala extension that supports sbt. The extension provides syntax highlighting, code navigation, and build tasks integration. You can configure Visual Studio Code to use sbt for building and testing your Scala projects.


Eclipse, another widely used IDE, has a Scala IDE plugin that integrates with sbt. The Scala IDE plugin enables you to import sbt projects into Eclipse, providing a familiar development environment for Scala programming. It offers features like code completion, refactoring, and debugging.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

To illustrate the practical applications of sbt, let‘s explore a few real-world examples and case studies.

Apache Spark

Apache Spark, a popular open-source distributed computing framework, is built using Scala and sbt. The Spark project utilizes sbt for its build and dependency management. sbt‘s incremental compilation and parallel execution capabilities have been instrumental in the development and continuous integration of Spark.

Twitter‘s Finagle

Twitter‘s Finagle, a high-performance RPC library for building scalable microservices, is another notable project that uses sbt. Finagle‘s build system is based on sbt, leveraging its dependency management and build customization features. sbt‘s flexibility and extensibility have allowed the Finagle team to streamline their development workflow and maintain a modular codebase.

Lightbend‘s Play Framework

The Play Framework, a popular web application framework for Scala and Java, utilizes sbt as its default build tool. Play‘s sbt integration provides seamless development, testing, and deployment capabilities. sbt‘s continuous compilation and hot reloading features enable rapid application development and iterative workflows.


In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve explored the process of installing sbt on Linux, delving into its features, benefits, and best practices. As a full-stack developer and professional coder, sbt is an invaluable tool in your Scala development arsenal.

We‘ve covered various installation methods, including package managers, manual installation, and version managers like SDKMAN!. We‘ve also discussed basic usage, configuration, and advanced topics like multi-project builds, continuous compilation, and plugin integration.

By leveraging sbt‘s powerful features and following best practices, you can streamline your Scala development workflow, improve build performance, and enhance collaboration with your team.

Remember to keep your sbt version up to date, explore the vibrant plugin ecosystem, and stay engaged with the Scala community for ongoing learning and growth.

Happy coding with sbt!


  1. sbt Reference Manual:
  2. Scala Developer Survey 2020:
  3. sbt Community Plugins:
  4. Apache Spark:
  5. Twitter‘s Finagle:
  6. Lightbend‘s Play Framework:

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