How to Set an Environment Variable in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Environment variables are a fundamental concept in Linux systems and play a crucial role in configuring the behavior of the shell and the programs running within it. As a full-stack developer, mastering environment variables is an essential skill that will allow you to customize your development environment, manage application configurations, and ensure the portability and security of your applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of Linux environment variables. We‘ll cover everything from the basics of what environment variables are and how to view and set them, to more advanced topics like managing environment variables in shell scripts, containers, and orchestration platforms. We‘ll also discuss best practices and potential pitfalls to be aware of.

What are Environment Variables?

At its core, an environment variable is simply a named value that is accessible to programs running on your Linux system. They are part of the shell‘s environment, which is a collection of key-value pairs that provide a way to influence the behavior of the shell and the commands it executes.

Environment variables serve several important purposes:

  1. Configuration: Many programs use environment variables to determine things like the location of configuration files, the user‘s home directory, temporary directories, and more. By setting these variables, you can customize the behavior of these programs without modifying their code.

  2. Customization: Environment variables provide an easy way to customize your shell environment. For example, you can use the PS1 variable to customize your shell prompt, or the PATH variable to specify the directories where the shell should look for executable programs.

  3. Communication: Environment variables can be used for rudimentary interprocess communication. A parent process can set an environment variable that is then inherited by any child processes it spawns, allowing the parent to pass information to its children.

Some common examples of environment variables include:

  • PATH: Specifies the directories where executable programs are located
  • HOME: Specifies the home directory of the current user
  • HOSTNAME: The name of the computer
  • SHELL: The path of the current user‘s shell program
  • LANG: Specifies the default language/locale

Viewing Environment Variables

Before we dive into setting environment variables, let‘s look at how to view the existing ones. The easiest way is with the printenv command, which prints all or specific environment variables.

To list all environment variables, simply run printenv without any arguments:


This will display a list of all environment variables and their values, like this:


To display the value of a specific variable, pass its name as an argument to printenv. For example, to view the value of the HOME variable:

printenv HOME

This would output something like:


You can also use echo to display a variable‘s value by prefixing the variable name with a $:

echo $HOME

Setting Environment Variables

Now that we know how to view environment variables, let‘s look at how to set them. There are three main types of environment variables in Linux:

  1. Session-wide environment variables: These are available only in the current terminal session and are lost when the session is closed.

  2. User-specific environment variables: These are set for a particular user and persist across sessions. They are defined in the user‘s shell configuration files.

  3. System-wide environment variables: These are available to all users on the system and are typically set in the /etc/environment file.

Setting Session-Wide Environment Variables

To set an environment variable for the current terminal session, you use the export command followed by the variable name and its value:

export VARIABLE_NAME="value"

For example, to set a variable named API_KEY with a value of abcdefghijk for the current session:

export API_KEY="abcdefghijk"

This variable will be available to any programs launched from this terminal session, but it will not persist once the session is closed.

Setting User-Specific Environment Variables

To make an environment variable persist across sessions for a particular user, you need to define it in the user‘s shell configuration files. The exact file depends on the user‘s default shell:

  • Bash: ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile
  • Zsh: ~/.zshrc, ~/.zprofile
  • Fish: ~/.config/fish/

Here‘s a quick rundown of when each file is used:

  • ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc: These files are executed for interactive non-login shells. They should be used for commands that you want to run every time you start a new shell.

  • ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, or ~/.zprofile: These files are executed for login shells. They should be used for commands that you want to run once, at the start of a new login session.

For example, if the user‘s shell is Bash, you could make the API_KEY variable persist across sessions by adding this line to the end of the user‘s ~/.bashrc file:

export API_KEY="abcdefghijk"

After saving the file, either restart your terminal session or run this command to reload the configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

Now the API_KEY variable will be set each time the user starts a new Bash session.

Setting System-Wide Environment Variables

To set an environment variable that is available to all users on the system, you can define it in the /etc/environment file. This file is read by the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) system during the login process.

To set a system-wide variable, open /etc/environment with root privileges using a text editor, for example:

sudo nano /etc/environment

Then add a line defining the variable and its value, like this:


Note that in /etc/environment, you do not use the export keyword or quotation marks around the value.

Save the file and exit the editor. The variable will be set for all users the next time they log in. To make the variable available in already logged-in sessions, users need to either log out and back in, or manually re-read the /etc/environment file with a command like:

source /etc/environment

Best Practices for Managing Environment Variables

As your use of environment variables grows, it‘s important to adopt some best practices to keep your configuration manageable and secure. Here are some tips:

  1. Use meaningful names: Give your variables descriptive names that clearly indicate their purpose. Use a consistent naming convention, such as uppercase with underscores (API_KEY) or lowercase with underscores (api_key).

  2. Don‘t overuse them: While environment variables are useful, they shouldn‘t be used for every bit of configuration. Reserve them for values that need to be customizable or that should be kept out of version control.

  3. Keep them secure: Be careful not to accidentally commit sensitive information stored in environment variables to version control. Consider using a .env file that is ignored by version control to store these values locally. For production, use secrets management tools provided by your cloud or container platform.

  4. Document them: Keep a record of what environment variables your application expects, what they‘re used for, and what valid values look like. This can be in a README file, a dedicated file, or even better, in an automatically generated configuration reference.

  5. Provide defaults: Where possible, provide default values for your environment variables in your code. This makes your application more portable and easier to run in new environments.

Here‘s an example of setting a default value for an environment variable in a Python script:

import os

api_key = os.environ.get(‘API_KEY‘, ‘default_api_key‘)

In this case, if API_KEY is not set, it will default to ‘default_api_key‘.

Environment Variables in Shell Scripts

Environment variables are particularly useful in shell scripts, where they can be used to parameterize the script‘s behavior or to pass information between scripts.

Here‘s a simple example of a Bash script that uses environment variables:


echo "Hello, $USER!"
echo "Your current directory is $PWD."

if [[ -n $DEBUG ]]; then
    echo "Debug mode is enabled."
    echo "Debug mode is disabled."

In this script:

  • $USER and $PWD are built-in environment variables that hold the current user‘s username and the current working directory, respectively.
  • $DEBUG is a custom environment variable. The script checks if it is set and non-empty to determine whether to enable debug mode.

You can run this script and pass in the DEBUG variable like so:

DEBUG=1 ./

This will set DEBUG to 1 for the duration of the script‘s execution, enabling the debug mode branch.

Environment Variables in Containers and Orchestration

In modern application development, containers and orchestration platforms like Docker and Kubernetes have become standard tools. Environment variables play a crucial role in configuring applications running in these environments.


In a Dockerfile, you can set environment variables using the ENV instruction:

ENV API_KEY abcdefghijk

These variables will be available to the application running in the container.

You can also set environment variables when running a container using the -e or --env flag:

docker run -e API_KEY=abcdefghijk my-app

This will override any value set in the Dockerfile.


In a Kubernetes deployment YAML, you can specify environment variables in the env section of a container specification:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  - name: my-app
    image: my-app
    - name: API_KEY
      value: abcdefghijk

You can also use Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps to store and manage environment variables separately from your application code.

Troubleshooting Environment Variables

If you‘re having trouble with environment variables, here are a few things to check:

  1. Spelling and case: Remember that environment variables are case-sensitive. API_KEY and api_key are different variables.

  2. Shell configuration: Make sure you‘re setting the variable in the right shell configuration file for your use case. Remember that ~/.bashrc is for non-login shells, while ~/.profile is for login shells.

  3. Persistence: If you‘ve set a variable in a shell configuration file but it doesn‘t seem to be taking effect, make sure you‘ve reloaded the configuration (e.g., with source ~/.bashrc) or started a new shell session.

  4. Conflicting values: If you‘ve set a variable multiple times (e.g., in both ~/.bashrc and /etc/environment), the value that takes precedence can be hard to predict. In general, more specific settings (like user-specific ones) will override more general ones (like system-wide ones), but the exact order depends on your system‘s configuration.

Statistics and Data on Environment Variable Usage

According to a survey of over 32,000 developers conducted by Stack Overflow in 2021:

  • Bash is the most popular shell, used by 56.5% of respondents. Zsh is second at 13.4%.
  • Linux is the primary operating system for 25.3% of professional developers, and for 40.1% of developers who contribute to open source projects.

In a 2020 survey of over 4,000 IT professionals by Stackrox:

  • 91% of respondents use containers in production.
  • 75% of respondents use Kubernetes in production.

These statistics highlight the prevalence of Linux, Bash, and containerization in modern software development, all of which rely heavily on environment variables for configuration.


Environment variables are a powerful tool in the Linux developer‘s toolkit. By understanding how to view, set, and manage environment variables, you can create flexible, configurable applications that are easy to deploy and maintain across different environments.

Remember to follow best practices like using meaningful names, keeping sensitive information secure, and documenting your variables. And don‘t forget to consider the specific needs of your deployment environment, whether that‘s a bare metal server, a container, or a Kubernetes cluster.

With a solid grasp of environment variables, you‘ll be well on your way to creating robust, portable Linux applications. Happy coding!

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