Why Use Linux? 11 Reasons Linux is Awesome

Linux has come a long way since its creation in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. What started as a modest personal project has become a global phenomenon and the most popular operating system in the world (if you count all its derivatives and distributions). Here are 11 reasons why Linux is awesome and why you should consider using it, especially if you are a programmer or developer.

1. It‘s Free and Open Source

One of the fundamental tenets of Linux is that it is free and open source software (FOSS). The source code for the Linux kernel and most Linux distributions is freely available and can be modified and redistributed by anyone. This is in stark contrast to proprietary operating systems like Windows and macOS that cost money and restrict your access to the source code.

The fact that Linux is free means that anyone can install it on any number of computers without paying a cent in software costs. And the open source nature of Linux means that it is constantly being reviewed, improved, and adapted by a global community of developers. This has significant benefits in terms of transparency, security, customization, and innovation.

2. Linux Dominates the Web

If you‘ve ever wondered what operating system powers the websites and applications you use every day, the answer is probably Linux. As of 2021, Linux powers:

  • 96.3% of the world‘s top 1 million web servers (up from 32.9% in 2009) [^1]
  • 90% of all cloud infrastructure[^2]
  • 85% of all smartphones (via Android)[^3]
  • 100% of the world‘s top 500 supercomputers[^4]

So if you are a web developer, chances are you will be deploying your applications on a Linux server. Even if you develop on Windows or macOS, you‘ll need a working knowledge of Linux for web development.

3. The Perfect Environment for Programmers

Linux is the ideal operating system for programmers and developers for several reasons:

  • Included development tools: Most distributions come with compilers, interpreters, and build tools for popular programming languages pre-installed or easily available via a package manager.
  • Scriptable and automatable: The Unix philosophy of "everything is a file" and "do one thing well" makes Linux a dream for power users and programmers who want to automate repetitive tasks. Bash and shell scripting are cornerstones of the Linux workflow.
  • Unrivaled customization: With Linux, you can customize every aspect of your operating system, from the kernel to the desktop environment to the text editor. This allows developers to tailor their environment to their exact needs and workflow.
  • Focus on stability and performance: Linux is engineered for uptime and performance, with advanced memory management, support for high-availability setups, and snapshotting/backup capabilities. This makes it perfect for development and production servers that need to run 24/7 without interruption.

4. A Vibrant Community and Ecosystem

Linux is backed by one of the largest and most passionate communities in the tech world. There are thousands of developers around the world who contribute code to the Linux kernel, create open source applications that run on Linux, provide support and guidance to new users, and evangelize Linux and open source.

Some key statistics that demonstrate the scale and vibrancy of the Linux community:

  • Over 20,000 developers from 1,900 companies have contributed to the Linux kernel since 2005[^5]
  • Over 75,000 packages/libraries are available for Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions[^6]
  • Thousands of Linux user groups (LUGs) exist around the world for people to meet and collaborate[^7]
  • Tens of thousands of open source projects hosted on GitHub target Linux as their primary platform[^8]

This global community provides an unrivaled support system and a rich ecosystem of tools and applications that make Linux more useful and user-friendly. No matter what problem you are struggling with, there is likely someone out there who has faced it before and can provide guidance.

5. Unparalleled Stability and Security

Linux is famous for its stability and security compared to more consumer-oriented operating systems. A well-configured Linux system can run for years without a problem and require very little maintenance.

This reliability is a result of several key factors:

  • Open source code: With thousands of developers constantly reviewing the source code of the Linux kernel and popular distributions, potential security holes and bugs are patched very quickly. It‘s the "many eyes" principle in action.
  • Granular user permissions: Linux‘s user and group permission system allows administrators to finely control access to files, devices, and processes. Users operate with the least privileges necessary, limiting the damage if an account is compromised.
  • Reduced attack surface: Linux distributions usually ship with a minimal set of pre-installed applications and services, reducing the potential entry points for attackers. And with the modular design of the Linux kernel, it‘s easy to remove unnecessary components and drivers to further reduce the attack surface.
  • Integrated security features: Linux includes powerful built-in security features like SELinux for mandatory access control, AppArmor for application isolation, and kernel-level packet filtering. These provide additional layers of defence against attacks.

A 2017 report from the UK‘s National Cyber Security Centre found that Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution, had 5 critical security vulnerabilities compared to 319 for Windows 10. And a 2020 analysis of CVE data showed that Linux had far fewer weaponized vulnerabilities than Windows or macOS.[^9]

6. Breathing New Life into Old Hardware

One of the great things about Linux is that there are distributions designed to run on almost any hardware configuration imaginable, including very old or low-powered machines. Some "lightweight" Linux distributions can run on computers with specs as low as:

  • 256MB of RAM
  • 8-16GB of storage
  • Single core 1GHz CPU

To put this in perspective, the minimum system requirements for Windows 10 are:

  • 2GB (or 1GB for 32-bit) of RAM
  • 32GB of storage
  • 1GHz dual-core CPU

So you can take an ancient laptop that would be painfully slow running Windows and turn it into a perfectly serviceable Linux machine for word processing, web browsing, and basic computing tasks. This is a great way to extend the life of old hardware and reduce e-waste.

Some popular lightweight Linux distributions include:

  • Puppy Linux
  • Lubuntu
  • Linux Lite
  • Bodhi Linux
  • antiX Linux

7. Valuable Skills for Developers

As we‘ve seen, Linux dominates the web server, cloud infrastructure, supercomputer, and smartphone markets. It is also a major player in embedded systems and the Internet of Things. So for programmers and developers, familiarity with Linux is a very valuable skill to have.

Some of the most in-demand Linux-related skills include:

  • Linux system administration
  • Bash scripting and automation
  • Linux security and hardening
  • Cloud deployment and management on Linux servers
  • Container orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker
  • Linux device driver development
  • Embedded Linux development

Job postings seeking Linux skills have grown 43% year-over-year and the average salary for Linux-related jobs is $106,000.[^10] So learning Linux is not only exciting and rewarding, it can also give your career a major boost.

8. Linux Powers Cutting Edge Technology

If you are interested in working with the latest and greatest technologies, you‘ll find Linux at the heart of most of them. Some of the cutting edge fields where Linux plays a major role include:

  • Cloud computing: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure all use Linux to power their cloud infrastructure and services.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Most AI and ML frameworks and libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras are designed to run on Linux. And the high-performance computing clusters used to train large models almost always run Linux.
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrency: The majority of blockchain networks and cryptocurrency nodes run on Linux servers for security, reliability, and performance reasons.
  • Robotics and automation: Linux is the dominant OS for robots and automated systems thanks to its stability, customizability, and real-time capabilities. The Robot Operating System (ROS) framework officially only supports Ubuntu Linux.

So if you want to work on the bleeding edge of technology and innovation, you need to know Linux. It provides the foundation that makes all these exciting developments possible.

9. Philosophical Alignment with Programming Values

There are a lot of practical reasons to use Linux, but for many programmers and developers, it‘s also a matter of principle. The philosophy behind Linux and open source software aligns very closely with the values that many programmers hold dear:

  • Transparency: With open source, there are no hidden agendas or secret code. Everything is out in the open for anyone to inspect and audit.
  • Collaboration: Linux and open source are built on the idea that we can achieve more together than any of us can alone. It‘s about collaboration, community, and collective ownership.
  • Freedom: Open source respects the freedom of users and developers to use, modify, and distribute software as they see fit. There are no artificial limitations or restrictions imposed by corporate interests.
  • Tinkering and creativity: Linux encourages users to tinker, experiment, and customize their systems. It‘s the ultimate hacker‘s playground and a great outlet for creative coding.

Using Linux is a way for programmers to express these values and support a software ecosystem that embodies them. It‘s a small way to make the tech world a little bit more open and egalitarian.

10. Tons of Distributions to Choose From

One of the great things about Linux is that there are hundreds of different distributions (distros) to choose from. Each distro has its own unique flavor, focus, and community. Some of the most popular distros include:

  • Ubuntu: A user-friendly distro that focuses on ease-of-use and wide hardware compatibility. Great for Linux beginners.
  • Debian: The "mother" distro that Ubuntu and many others are based on. Known for its stability and huge package repository.
  • Fedora: A cutting-edge distro that showcases the latest Linux technologies. Popular with developers and tinkerers.
  • Arch Linux: A lightweight and highly customizable distro that follows a "keep it simple" philosophy. Has a steep learning curve but rewards power users.
  • Gentoo: A source-based distro that allows users to compile their entire system from scratch for maximum optimization and customization.

There are also distros focused on specific use cases like scientific computing, multimedia production, gaming, and security/privacy. With so many choices, you can find the perfect Linux distro to match your needs and personality.

11. Linux is the Future

It‘s no exaggeration to say that Linux is eating the world. What started as a hobby project for a Finnish college student has become the dominant operating system of the 21st century. Linux powers everything from smartphones to supercomputers, from web servers to wearables.

As we move into a future defined by AI, IoT, cloud computing, and edge computing, Linux will only become more essential. The next generation of groundbreaking applications and services will be built on Linux, just as the current generation was. Linux is the future, and that future is open.

So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and start exploring the wonderful world of Linux today. You‘ll be amazed at how much you can learn and how far Linux can take you. Happy hacking!

[^1]: "Usage statistics of operating systems for websites", W3Techs, Source
[^2]: "2019 State of Linux in the Public Cloud for Enterprises", Flexera, Source
[^3]: "Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide", StatCounter, Source
[^4]: "Operating system Family / Linux", TOP500, Source
[^5]: "Linux Kernel Development Report 2017", The Linux Foundation, Source
[^6]: "Repositories", Ubuntu, Source
[^7]: "Linux User Groups", Linux.org, Source
[^8]: "The State of the Octoverse", GitHub, Source
[^9]: "Linux vs. Windows vs. macOS – Which Is The Best Operating System", CVELIST, Source
[^10]: "Linux Dominates the Enterprise Market, Creating Demand for Linux Skills", Linux Foundation, Source

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