Create User Interfaces for Machine Learning Models Using Gradio

Machine learning is revolutionizing industries across the board, from healthcare and finance to transportation and e-commerce. However, the success of machine learning models hinges not only on their predictive power but also on their usability. After all, a model is only valuable if it can be easily accessed and interpreted by its intended users.

This is where user interfaces come into play. A well-designed interface can make even the most complex machine learning model intuitive and approachable for users of all technical backgrounds. And when it comes to building these interfaces, one tool has rapidly gained popularity among developers and data scientists alike: Gradio.

What is Gradio?

Gradio is an open-source Python library that allows you to create customizable UI components for machine learning models with just a few lines of code. With Gradio, you can turn your trained models into interactive web apps, complete with user-friendly controls for inputs and informative visualizations for outputs.

Some key features of Gradio include:

  • Support for a wide variety of input components, including text, image, audio, and video
  • Customizable output components for displaying model predictions, such as labels, images with bounding boxes, and text
  • Ability to arrange multiple input and output components in a flexible interface layout
  • Built-in support for model examples, data flagging, and interpretation
  • Automatic type casting and validation of user inputs
  • Option to expose the interface as a public API endpoint

Gradio was created in 2019 by Abubakar Abid, a PhD student at Stanford University, with the goal of making it easier for researchers to share their machine learning models with the world. Since then, the library has seen rapid adoption among the data science and machine learning community.

To quantify Gradio‘s growth, here are some key statistics:

  • Gradio now has over 6,000 stars on GitHub, putting it in the top 20 most popular machine learning projects on the platform
  • The library has been downloaded over 500,000 times from PyPI
  • Gradio has been used to build interfaces for models in a wide range of domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and more
  • High-profile companies and organizations using Gradio include Hugging Face, OpenAI, and the Allen Institute for AI

What‘s driving this growth? In short, Gradio hits a sweet spot for machine learning practitioners. It‘s simple enough for beginners to get started with, but flexible enough to support advanced use cases. And by abstracting away the front-end complexity of building web interfaces, it allows developers to focus on what they do best: building and refining machine learning models.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building ML Interfaces with Gradio

To illustrate just how easy it is to get started with Gradio, let‘s walk through a concrete example of building an interface for an image classification model. We‘ll assume you have a trained model that can recognize different species of flowers based on input images.

Step 1: Install Gradio

First, make sure you have Gradio installed in your Python environment:

pip install gradio

Step 2: Define the Model Function

Next, we need to define a Python function that will serve as the bridge between our model and the Gradio interface. This function should take in the same inputs as the model (in this case, an image) and return the model‘s predictions.

import tensorflow as tf
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

model = tf.keras.models.load_model(‘flower_classifier.h5‘)

def predict(image):
    img =, 224))
    x = np.array(img) / 255.0
    x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)

    preds = model.predict(x)[0]
    labels = [‘daisy‘, ‘dandelion‘, ‘rose‘, ‘sunflower‘, ‘tulip‘]
    return {label: float(pred) for label, pred in zip(labels, preds)}

Here, we load our pre-trained Keras model and define a predict function that takes in an image file. We preprocess the image, make a prediction using the model, and return a dictionary mapping each possible label to its predicted probability.

Step 3: Create the Gradio Interface

With our predict function defined, we can now create the actual Gradio interface:

import gradio as gr

demo = gr.Interface(
    inputs=gr.Image(shape=(224, 224)),
    examples=[‘daisy.jpg‘, ‘rose.jpg‘, ‘sunflower.jpg‘]


Let‘s break this down:

  • We create a gradio.Interface instance and pass it our predict function as the first argument.
  • For the inputs, we specify a gradio.Image component and set the expected image shape to match what our model expects.
  • For the outputs, we use a gradio.Label component to display the top 3 predicted classes.
  • We provide a few example images that the user can quickly load for testing.

Finally, we call launch() on our interface to start the app. This will open a new browser window with the interface ready to use.

Step 4: Test and Share

With the interface built, you can now test it out by uploading your own images of flowers and seeing how the model performs. If you‘re happy with the results, you can share the app by sending the URL to others or deploying it to a public hosting platform like Hugging Face Spaces.

Here‘s what the final interface looks like:

Screenshot of flower classifier Gradio interface

And there you have it! With just a handful of lines of code, we‘ve created a fully functional web app for our image classification model. The user can drag and drop images, and the model‘s top predictions will be displayed in real-time.

Of course, this is just a simple example—Gradio is capable of building much more complex and feature-rich interfaces. But it illustrates the core workflow: define your model function, specify your input and output components, and launch the interface.

Real-World Gradio Case Studies

To further demonstrate the power and flexibility of Gradio, let‘s take a look at a few real-world examples of machine learning web apps built with the library.

1. The Big Sleep

The Big Sleep is an experimental web app that generates images from text descriptions using OpenAI‘s CLIP model and a generative adversarial network (GAN). Users can enter a text prompt, and the model will attempt to generate a corresponding image.

Example of images generated by The Big Sleep

Under the hood, The Big Sleep uses Gradio to manage the user input (text prompt) and output (generated image). But it also leverages some of Gradio‘s more advanced features, such as the gr.State API for managing the app‘s internal state across multiple iterations.

The Big Sleep has been a viral hit, with over 500,000 images generated in its first week of release. It showcases the potential of Gradio not just for building model demos but for creating engaging, interactive experiences around machine learning.

2. Hugging Face Spaces

Hugging Face, a popular platform for sharing machine learning models, recently launched a new feature called Spaces. Spaces allow users to create interactive demos of their models using Gradio with just a few clicks.

Screenshot of Hugging Face Spaces

Some notable examples of Spaces built with Gradio include:

  • A text summarization app that uses the BART model to generate concise summaries of long articles
  • An ASR app that transcribes audio clips into text using wav2vec 2.0
  • A semantic search engine that uses sentence embeddings to find similar documents based on a query

By streamlining the process of deploying Gradio apps, Spaces are making it easier than ever for machine learning practitioners to share their work with the world.

3. Allen AI‘s Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar is a search engine for academic publications developed by the Allen Institute for AI. Recently, the Semantic Scholar team used Gradio to build a web app for their SPECTER model, which generates embeddings for scientific papers.

Screenshot of SPECTER Gradio interface

The app allows users to enter the title and abstract of a paper and get back a list of the most similar papers in the Semantic Scholar database based on the SPECTER embedding. It‘s a powerful tool for researchers looking to discover new papers in their field.

What‘s notable about this example is that it showcases Gradio‘s ability to integrate with existing web applications. Rather than building a standalone app, the Semantic Scholar team embedded the Gradio interface directly into their website using an iframe.

These are just a few examples of what‘s possible with Gradio. As more developers and organizations adopt the library, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful applications.

The Future of Machine Learning Interfaces

As machine learning continues to advance, the importance of good user interfaces will only grow. After all, ML models are only useful if they can be easily accessed and understood by their intended users.

This is where tools like Gradio come in. By abstracting away the complexity of building web interfaces, Gradio is democratizing access to machine learning and enabling a new wave of ML-powered applications.

Looking forward, there are a few key trends we can expect to see in the world of machine learning interfaces:

  1. More no-code solutions: As tools like Gradio continue to evolve, we‘ll likely see more platforms that allow users to build ML interfaces without writing any code at all. This will open up machine learning to an even wider audience of non-technical users.

  2. Tighter integration with existing workflows: Rather than standalone apps, we‘ll see more ML interfaces embedded directly into existing tools and platforms, such as productivity software, creative apps, and enterprise systems. This will make it easier for users to leverage machine learning as part of their daily workflows.

  3. Improved interpretability and explainability: As ML models become more complex, there will be a growing need for interfaces that can explain how these models make predictions and help users understand their limitations. We can expect to see more focus on interpretability techniques like feature attribution and example-based explanations.

  4. Specialization for different domains: While tools like Gradio are generally applicable across domains, we may see the emergence of more specialized interface builders tailored for specific industries or use cases, such as healthcare, finance, or creative applications.

Overall, the future of machine learning interfaces is bright. As more tools like Gradio emerge to bridge the gap between models and users, we can expect to see machine learning become an increasingly integral part of our digital lives.


Machine learning models are only as valuable as they are usable. By providing a simple and flexible way to build web interfaces for these models, Gradio is empowering developers and data scientists to put their work into the hands of users and create real-world impact.

In this post, we‘ve taken a deep dive into Gradio, exploring its key features, walking through a hands-on example, and showcasing some of the innovative ways it‘s being used in practice. We‘ve also discussed some best practices for designing effective ML interfaces and speculated on the future of this exciting field.

Whether you‘re a machine learning practitioner looking to showcase your models, a developer building ML-powered applications, or a business looking to leverage ML for your products and services, Gradio is a tool worth exploring. With its intuitive API, powerful features, and active community, it‘s never been easier to build engaging and impactful machine learning interfaces.

So what are you waiting for? Start building with Gradio today and bring your machine learning models to life!

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