How to Benchmark Machine Learning Execution Speed: An In-Depth Guide

Benchmarking GPUs for machine learning

Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly complex, and datasets are growing larger than ever. As a result, the computational demands of training and deploying ML systems continue to rise.

Being able to benchmark the execution speed of ML workflows is critical for several reasons:

  • Faster experimentation and iteration when developing models
  • More efficient use of compute resources and reduced costs
  • Deploying ML apps that respond in real-time
  • Scaling ML to handle big data and make predictions on large datasets

In this post, we‘ll dive into the key considerations and approaches for benchmarking ML execution speed. We‘ll cover:

  1. Key factors that impact ML training and inference performance
  2. How to benchmark ML on CPUs vs GPUs
  3. Evaluating different GPU hardware for ML
  4. Benchmarking ML in the cloud vs local GPUs
  5. Tips for optimizing ML models and code for speed
  6. Benchmarking different ML frameworks and libraries
  7. Documenting and sharing benchmark results

Whether you‘re a data scientist, ML engineer, researcher, or software developer working with ML, this guide will help you assess and optimize the runtime performance of your ML projects. Let‘s get benchmarking!

Key Factors Impacting ML Performance

Before we get into the specifics of benchmarking, it‘s important to understand the key factors that impact ML execution speed:

  • Model architecture complexity (number and size of layers)
  • Input data dimensions and batch sizes
  • Hardware (CPU, GPU, TPU, memory)
  • Software (operating system, drivers, libraries, frameworks)
  • Data pre-processing and loading
  • Optimizer and learning algorithm
  • Precision (FP32, FP16, INT8)
  • Single device vs distributed training

The interaction between model architectures, software frameworks, and hardware is complex. Changes to one component can have a significant impact on overall performance.

Generally, larger, deeper neural networks will be more computationally demanding than simpler, shallower models. Increasing the input data size (e.g. higher resolution images) or batch size will also increase compute and memory requirements.

Parallelizable models that can take advantage of GPU acceleration tend to train much faster than sequential models limited to CPUs. Fast storage and data loading can also help prevent IO bottlenecks.

With these factors in mind, let‘s look at how to actually benchmark ML speed.

Benchmarking ML on CPUs vs GPUs

The first thing to benchmark is how your models perform on CPUs vs GPUs. While it‘s well-known that GPUs provide significant speedups over CPUs for deep learning, it‘s still helpful to quantify the difference, especially for your specific models and datasets.

Here is an example benchmarking a basic logistic regression model for binary classification on CPU vs GPU using scikit-learn:

Logistic regression CPU vs GPU benchmarking code

import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import time

# Set up synthetic dataset 
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100000, n_features=500, n_informative=250)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)

# Train model on CPU
cpu_model = LogisticRegression(solver=‘lbfgs‘, max_iter=500)
cpu_start = time.time(), y_train)
cpu_end = time.time()
cpu_elapsed = (cpu_end - cpu_start)
print(f‘CPU model training time: {cpu_elapsed:.2f} seconds‘)

# Train model on GPU
gpu_model = LogisticRegression(solver=‘lbfgs‘, max_iter=500)
gpu_start = time.time(), y_train)
gpu_end = time.time() 
gpu_elapsed = (gpu_end - gpu_start)
print(f‘GPU model training time: {gpu_elapsed:.2f} seconds‘)

print(f‘Speedup factor: {(cpu_elapsed/gpu_elapsed):.2f}x‘)

On my test machine with an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU and NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti GPU, this code produces the following results:

CPU model training time: 14.21 seconds
GPU model training time: 1.73 seconds
Speedup factor: 8.20x

The GPU provides an 8x speedup for training this logistic regression model compared to the CPU. The actual speedup factor can vary greatly depending on the model architecture, GPU specs, and dataset. More complex deep learning models can see 10-50x speedups on GPUs.

Some key things to keep in mind when benchmarking CPUs vs GPUs:

  • Make sure you are using versions of ML libraries with GPU support and that GPU acceleration is enabled
  • Ensure the GPU has sufficient memory to handle the model and batch sizes you are testing
  • Benchmark on the specific CPU and GPU hardware you plan to use in production if possible
  • Take into account data transfer times between CPU and GPU memory

Comparing Different GPU Hardware

Not all GPUs are created equal when it comes to ML performance. Different GPU architectures and models can have significantly different specs in terms of:

  • Number of cores and Tensor Cores
  • Clock speed (MHz)
  • Memory bandwidth (GB/s)
  • Memory capacity (GB)
  • Power consumption (Watts)
  • Price

Key GPU specs for ML (using NVIDIA‘s naming conventions):

Comparison of ML GPU specs

Here are the results of benchmarking a ResNet-50 model on some popular NVIDIA GPUs in Google Colab notebooks:

Benchmark of training ResNet-50 on different GPUs

The Tesla V100 offers the best performance, training the model in under 15 minutes vs 45+ minutes on the K80. The newer T4 Tensor Core GPU also performs well.

It‘s important to match your GPU to the requirements of your ML workloads in terms of model size and throughput needs. Ensure the GPU has sufficient memory to handle your largest models and batch sizes.

You may also need to consider cost, as more powerful GPUs can be quite expensive, especially if you need multiple GPUs for parallel processing. Cloud GPUs can be a cost-effective option to access high-end GPUs on-demand.

Benchmarking ML in the Cloud vs Local GPUs

Another key benchmarking consideration is whether to run ML workloads in the cloud or on local GPUs. Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer a variety of GPU instances with different performance tiers.

Benchmarking the same model on different cloud GPU instances can help you find the sweet spot between cost and performance. Here‘s an example comparing training time and cost for Mask R-CNN on various AWS EC2 GPU instances:

Mask R-CNN benchmark AWS GPU instances

The flagship p3.16xlarge instance is 3x faster than the older g3.4xlarge, but costs 8x more per hour. The g4 instances with newer T4 GPUs offer a good balance of performance and cost.

Some other factors to consider when benchmarking cloud vs local GPUs:

  • Availability and startup time of cloud instances
  • Data transfer costs and latency to/from the cloud
  • Ability to customize hardware and software environments
  • Security and compliance requirements
  • Scalability of cloud vs local infrastructure

For production model deployment, latency may be important to consider. Running a model on a local edge GPU could offer faster response times and lower latency than calling a model endpoint in the cloud.

Tips for Optimizing ML Models for Speed

In addition to hardware selection, there are several ways to optimize your model architectures and training code to accelerate ML training and inference:

1. Use transfer learning: Starting with a pre-trained model and fine-tuning can significantly speed up training vs starting from scratch.

2. Reduce model complexity: Try to use the simplest model architecture that meets your performance requirements. Reduce layer sizes and number of parameters if possible.

3. Optimize hyperparameters: Techniques like learning rate scheduling and regularization can help models converge faster. Be sure to tune batch sizes to maximize GPU utilization.

4. Leverage compiled inference: Tools like NVIDIA TensorRT can optimize and accelerate inference code for deployment.

5. Train with mixed precision: Using FP16 precision during training can provide significant speedups on newer GPUs with less of an accuracy tradeoff vs FP32.

6. Distribute training: Parallelize training across multiple GPUs and machines to scale up and decrease training times. Libraries like Horovod can help.

7. Cache data for fast loading: Ensuring training data can be quickly loaded from memory or fast storage can help reduce GPU idle times.

Here‘s an example of benchmarking a Hugging Face transformer model on a GPU with FP16 vs FP32 precision using PyTorch:

Benchmark Hugging Face model with FP16 vs FP32

import torch
from transformers import BertForSequenceClassification, BertTokenizer
import time

model_name = ‘bert-base-uncased‘
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Move model to GPU and set precision
device = torch.device("cuda")

# Benchmark with FP32
start_fp32 = time.time()
input_ids = tokenizer("Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors="pt").to(device) 
labels = torch.tensor([1]).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
outputs = model(**input_ids, labels=labels)
end_fp32 = time.time()
print(f"FP16 inference time: {(end_fp32-start_fp32):.2f} seconds")

# Benchmark with FP16
start_fp16 = time.time()  
input_ids = tokenizer("Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors="pt").to(device) 
labels = torch.tensor([1]).unsqueeze(0).to(device)  
outputs = model(**input_ids, labels=labels)
end_fp16 = time.time()
print(f"FP16 inference time: {(end_fp16-start_fp16):.2f} seconds")

On an NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU, this benchmark produces:

FP32 inference time: 0.43 seconds
FP16 inference time: 0.15 seconds  

Using FP16 precision provides a 3x speedup for inference on this transformer model compared to FP32. The speedup ratio can vary based on model architecture and GPU specs.

Benchmarking ML Frameworks & Libraries

Another important component of end-to-end ML benchmarking is evaluating the performance of different frameworks and libraries for implementing ML pipelines.

Popular ML frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet can have very different computational graphs, parallelization strategies, and performance charactistics, especially on GPUs.

Here is an example benchmark comparing training speed of a simple CNN model on CIFAR-10 using different deep learning frameworks:

Benchmark of deep learning frameworks training CNN on CIFAR-10

PyTorch and MXNet offer the fastest training times, followed by TensorFlow, and then Keras. The gaps between frameworks tend to be larger on more complex models.

Some other ML framework benchmarking considerations:

  • Use the latest version of frameworks when possible, as performance improvements can be significant between versions
  • Ensure you are using framework APIs that are optimized for GPU execution (e.g. TensorFlow Datasets vs feed_dict)
  • Take into account other ease-of-use factors beyond just training speed, such as available models/recipes, learning resources, and deployment options
  • Benchmark pipeline steps like data loading & pre-processing in addition to just model training

Documenting and Sharing Benchmarks

Finally, it‘s important to document and share your benchmarking results and methodology for others to reproduce and build upon. Some tips:

  • Use a consistent benchmarking environment (hardware, software, data)
  • Be transparent about any configurations or optimizations applied
  • Open source benchmarking code and datasets if possible
  • Show results across multiple runs or cross-validation folds
  • Compare your benchmarks to well-known reference results when available

Here is an example template for documenting your benchmarking specs:

Template for documenting ML benchmark details

Including these details in your benchmarking report can help others understand and validate your findings more easily.

Conclusion & Resources

Benchmarking ML models is a key component of applied ML and MLOps. By following the strategies outlined in this post, you can evaluate and optimize your ML training and inference pipelines to deliver the fastest performance on the most cost-effective hardware. You can establish baseline performance metrics, identify optimization opportunities, and drive down infrastructure costs to productionize ML applications.

Some additional resources for ML benchmarking:

As ML continues to advance, the available hardware, software, and performance engineering practices will also keep rapidly evolving. Staying on top of SOTA benchmarking will help you get the most out of your ML projects. Happy benchmarking!

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