How to Build a Sentiment Analysis App using Blenderbot

Sentiment analysis concept illustration

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining or emotion AI, is a powerful natural language processing (NLP) technique that allows you to determine the emotional tone or attitude behind a piece of text. By analyzing the words and phrases used, sentiment analysis models can classify text as positive, negative, or neutral, and even detect specific emotions like happiness, anger, or frustration.

This capability has a wide range of applications, from social media monitoring and market research to customer service and product reviews. Businesses can use sentiment analysis to automatically gauge public opinion, identify dissatisfied customers, and track brand perception in real-time. Researchers can leverage sentiment analysis to study trends, understand human behavior, and inform decision-making.

In this tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to build your own sentiment analysis app using Blenderbot, an open-source chatbot framework developed by Facebook (now Meta). While primarily designed for building conversational AI agents, Blenderbot also provides strong sentiment analysis capabilities out of the box.

By the end of this guide, you‘ll have a fully functional web app that can determine the sentiment of any text input, powered by the state-of-the-art natural language understanding of Blenderbot. Let‘s get started!

What is Blenderbot?

Blenderbot logo

Blenderbot is an open-domain chatbot released by Facebook‘s AI research division in 2020. Built on top of the Transformer language model architecture, it is designed to engage in open-ended conversations on almost any topic.

Some key features of Blenderbot include:

  • Trained on a large and diverse dataset totalling over 9.4 billion words, allowing it to discuss subjects ranging from sports and politics to philosophy and the arts
  • Supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and more
  • Utilizes knowledge retrieval to access and surface relevant factual information
  • Equipped with long-term memory to enable multi-turn conversations
  • Released under an open-source license on GitHub for transparency and extensibility

For our purposes, we‘ll be leveraging Blenderbot‘s built-in sentiment analysis model, which assigns sentiment labels and confidence scores to input text. This model has been pre-trained on a massive amount of conversational data, so it can robustly handle the casual language, slang, emojis and misspellings commonly found in user-generated content.

Building the Sentiment Analysis App

Now that we have a high-level understanding of sentiment analysis and Blenderbot, let‘s dive into actually creating our app. We‘ll be using Gradio, a Python library for rapidly building web interfaces for machine learning models.

Here are the steps we‘ll follow:

  1. Install the required dependencies
  2. Set up the sentiment analysis pipeline
  3. Define a function to analyze sentiment of input text
  4. Create a Gradio interface around that function
  5. Launch the app and start analyzing!

Step 1. Install Dependencies

First, make sure you have Python (version 3.7 or higher) installed on your system. Then, open a terminal or command prompt and run the following commands to install the libraries we‘ll need:

pip install torch
pip install transformers
pip install gradio

This will install PyTorch (deep learning framework), HuggingFace Transformers (library providing Blenderbot), and Gradio.

Step 2. Set Up Pipeline

Next, open a new Python file in your favorite code editor and import the required modules:

from transformers import pipeline

The pipeline utility from HuggingFace Transformers allows us to easily load a pre-trained model and set up an inference pipeline. To create a sentiment analysis pipeline with Blenderbot:

classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="facebook/blenderbot-3B")

Here we specify the task as "sentiment-analysis" and provide the name of the Blenderbot model we want to use ("facebook/blenderbot-3B"). This will download the model weights and tokenizer required (around 3GB in size, so it may take a few minutes).

Step 3. Define Analysis Function

With our sentiment analysis pipeline ready, we can define a function that takes in a string of text and returns the predicted sentiment:

def analyze_sentiment(text):
    result = classifier(text)[0]
    label = result[‘label‘]
    score = result[‘score‘] 
    return f‘Sentiment: {label} (confidence: {score*100:.1f}%)‘

The classifier pipeline returns a list of dictionaries, each containing the label and confidence score for a given input. We extract those values and format them into a human-readable string.

Step 4. Create Gradio Interface

Gradio makes it dead simple to wrap a function into an interactive web UI. To create our interface:

import gradio as gr

interface = gr.Interface(
    inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox(placeholder="Enter some text..."),
    title=‘Sentiment Analysis with Blenderbot‘,
    description=‘Enter a piece of text and the model will predict its sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral)‘    

We pass our analyze_sentiment function as the fn parameter, specifying a text box as the input component and text as the output. We can also provide a title and description to explain what our app does.

Step 5. Launch the App

Finally, we simply call the launch() method on our interface to start the app:


This will start a local web server and open the app in your default browser. You should see something like this:

Gradio app interface

Try entering different statements into the text box and see how the model responds! The sentiment label and confidence score will update each time you submit.

How It Works

Under the hood, here‘s what happens when you enter text into the app:

  1. The input text is passed to the analyze_sentiment function
  2. Inside the function, the text is fed through the Blenderbot sentiment analysis pipeline
  3. The pipeline tokenizes the text (breaks it into individual words/subwords) and passes the tokens through Blenderbot‘s pre-trained neural network
  4. The model outputs a sentiment label (e.g. "positive", "negative", "neutral") and confidence score (0 to 1)
  5. The function formats the label and score into a string and returns it
  6. Gradio updates the output text in the interface with the returned string

The heavy lifting is done by Blenderbot‘s sentiment analysis model, which has been trained to map sequences of text to sentiment categories. By learning patterns and correlations from millions of examples, the model can generalize to predict the sentiment of text it hasn‘t seen before.

Potential Use Cases

An app like this has many potential applications, such as:

  • Analyzing the sentiment of customer reviews or feedback
  • Monitoring brand perception and reputation on social media
  • Studying public opinion on news, events, products, etc.
  • Filtering or routing messages based on sentiment (e.g. frustrated messages to customer service)
  • Generating analytics and insights around sentiment trends and patterns

With further development, you could build this out into a full-fledged sentiment analysis dashboard that ingests data from multiple sources, aggregates results over time, and visualizes insights. You could also experiment with more advanced NLP techniques like aspect-based sentiment analysis (drilling down into sentiment of specific features or attributes) or fine-grained emotion classification (detecting a wider range of emotions like excitement, boredom, sarcasm, etc).

Learn More

To dive deeper into sentiment analysis, Blenderbot, and machine learning apps, check out the following resources:

I hope this tutorial has given you a practical introduction to building sentiment analysis apps with Blenderbot and Gradio. Feel free to experiment and extend the code to suit your own use cases. Happy analyzing!

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