Solve the "Unsolvable" with Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo methods are a powerful class of computational algorithms that rely on random sampling to solve problems that might be infeasible or impossible to solve analytically. The key idea is to use randomness to explore a large space of possibilities, and aggregate the results to arrive at an approximate solution.

The name "Monte Carlo" was coined by physicists working on nuclear weapons projects in the 1940s, and refers to the famous casino in Monaco. Just as a game of roulette involves relying on random chance, Monte Carlo algorithms leverage randomness to solve complex problems.

In this article, we‘ll explore how you can use Monte Carlo techniques to "solve the unsolvable" across a variety of domains, from mathematics to physics to finance. We‘ll work through several concrete examples, and discuss some of the key advantages and limitations of the approach. Finally, we‘ll touch on some best practices and point you to additional resources for learning more.

Estimating Pi with Darts

To get a hands-on feel for how Monte Carlo methods work, let‘s start with a classic example – estimating the value of pi. Imagine you have a dart board that fits perfectly inside a square cabinet:

A circular dart board inside a square cabinet

If you throw darts randomly at the board, some will land inside the circle while others will hit outside the circle but inside the square. The probability that a randomly thrown dart lands inside the circle is equal to the area of the circle divided by the area of the square.

We can use this idea to estimate pi via the following procedure:

  1. Inscribe a circle in a square
  2. Randomly generate points within the square
  3. Count the number of points inside the circle and the total number of points
  4. Estimate pi as 4 times (points inside circle) / (total points)

Here‘s some Python code that implements this basic idea:

import numpy as np

def estimate_pi(num_samples):
  xs = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=num_samples)
  ys = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=num_samples)

  inside_circle = (xs**2 + ys**2) <= 1
  pi_estimate = 4 * np.sum(inside_circle) / num_samples

  return pi_estimate

for exponent in range(1, 8):
  num_samples = 10**exponent
  print(f"{num_samples} samples: {estimate_pi(num_samples):.4f}")

This prints:

10 samples: 3.2000
100 samples: 3.0800
1000 samples: 3.1440
10000 samples: 3.1372
100000 samples: 3.1377
1000000 samples: 3.141456
10000000 samples: 3.141522

As we take more and more samples, the approximation gets closer to the true value of pi (3.141592…). With a million samples, we‘re already accurate to three decimal places! Not bad for a few lines of code.

This example demonstrates the key concepts behind any Monte Carlo method:

  1. Define a domain of possible inputs
  2. Generate inputs randomly from the domain
  3. Perform a deterministic computation on the inputs
  4. Aggregate the results

The "dart board" example also illustrates an important caveat – Monte Carlo methods provide an approximate answer that can be made more precise by increasing the number of samples. In practice, the way we analyze the error in a Monte Carlo estimate is by thinking about the variance of the underlying estimator.

Monte Carlo Integration

Estimating pi via sampling is a special case of a more general technique called Monte Carlo integration. The idea is to approximate a definite integral by randomly sampling from the domain of integration and averaging the sampled function values.

Formally, we can approximate an integral as follows:

$$\inta^b f(x) \, dx \approx \frac{b-a}{N} \sum{i=1}^N f(X_i),$$

where $X_i$ are random samples drawn uniformly from $[a, b]$.

As a concrete example, let‘s approximate the integral:

$$\int_0^1 \sqrt{1-x^2} \, dx \approx 0.7854$$

Here‘s Python code to implement Monte Carlo integration for this example:

import numpy as np

def f(x):
  return np.sqrt(1 - x**2)

def monte_carlo_integrate(num_samples):
  xs = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=num_samples)
  integral = f(xs).mean()
  return integral

for exponent in range(1, 8):
  num_samples = 10**exponent 
  print(f"{num_samples} samples: {monte_carlo_integrate(num_samples):.4f}")

This prints:

10 samples: 0.6646
100 samples: 0.8091
1000 samples: 0.7892
10000 samples: 0.7844
100000 samples: 0.7853
1000000 samples: 0.7854
10000000 samples: 0.7854

Again, we see that the approximation becomes more accurate as we increase the number of samples. The true value of this integral is $\pi/4 \approx 0.7854$, and our estimate converges to this result.

Monte Carlo integration is a valuable tool because it can be used even for very high-dimensional integrals where traditional numerical integration techniques fail. As long as you can evaluate the integrand at a random point, you can use Monte Carlo!

Simulating Complex Systems

Another key application area for Monte Carlo methods is in simulating complex systems. Let‘s explore a classic example – the Galton board.

A Galton board consists of a vertical board with interleaved rows of pegs. Balls are dropped from the top and bounce left or right as they hit each peg. Eventually, they are collected into bins at the bottom of the board:

Diagram of a Galton board

An interesting property of the Galton board is that the distribution of balls approximates a bell curve, or normal distribution. Let‘s simulate it with Python:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def galton(num_balls, num_pegs):
  balls = np.zeros(num_pegs + 1)
  for _ in range(num_balls):
    position = 0
    for _ in range(num_pegs):
      if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
        position += 1
    balls[position] += 1

  return balls

balls = galton(10000, 20), balls)

This code simulates dropping 10,000 balls through a board with 20 rows of pegs. At each peg, we assume the ball has a 50% chance of bouncing left and a 50% chance of bouncing right. At the end, we plot a histogram of how many balls ended up in each bin.

And voila – we get the classic bell curve shape!

Histogram showing bell curve distribution

This is a powerful illustration of how a very simple low-level mechanism (50/50 chance of left vs right at each peg) leads to the emergence of a clear high-level pattern in the aggregate. Many of the most exciting applications of Monte Carlo methods involve simulating complex systems to uncover this type of emergent behavior.

Examples include:

  • Simulating the outcome of an election based on assumptions about how individuals will vote
  • Modeling the spread of a disease through a population based on assumptions about transmission
  • Forecasting financial market movements based on models of individual traders
  • Predicting materials properties based on simulations of molecular dynamics

The key steps are generally the same:

  1. Define the domain (e.g. the individuals in a population)
  2. Model the behavior of each individual probabilistically
  3. Run the simulation forward in time
  4. Aggregate the results to uncover high-level patterns

While the details can get quite complex in practice, the core idea of Monte Carlo simulation is straightforward and widely applicable.

Advantages and Limitations

We‘ve seen the power of Monte Carlo methods through several examples. Some of the key advantages of the approach include:

  • Simplicity: Monte Carlo algorithms are often conceptually simple and easy to implement.
  • Flexibility: Monte Carlo can be applied to a very wide range of problems, even in high-dimensional spaces.
  • Parallelism: Because each sample is generated independently, Monte Carlo algorithms are often "embarrassingly parallel" and can easily be sped up by running on multiple cores or machines.

However, there are some important limitations and disadvantages to keep in mind:

  • Computationally expensive: Monte Carlo methods often require a large number of samples to produce a precise estimate, which can be computationally costly.
  • Approximate results: Monte Carlo provides an approximate answer which may not be suitable when an exact solution is required.
  • Variance: The error in a Monte Carlo estimate is related to the variance of the underlying estimator. High variance can lead to slow convergence.
  • Pseudorandom limitations: Monte Carlo algorithms typically rely on pseudorandom number generators, which have limitations and can lead to subtle errors if not used carefully.

In practice, Monte Carlo methods are often used as a tool of last resort when other techniques fail. If a problem can be solved exactly through analysis or deterministic numerical methods, those approaches are usually preferred. But for many real-world systems, Monte Carlo is the only feasible approach.

Practical Considerations and Best Practices

When implementing Monte Carlo in practice, there are a few key considerations and best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use a good pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). The quality of the PRNG can have a significant impact on the results, especially in high-dimensional spaces. Use a well-tested implementation such as the Mersenne Twister.

  • Think carefully about the sampling strategy. For Monte Carlo integration, sampling uniformly from the domain is common, but other strategies like importance sampling can be more efficient in some cases.

  • Use variance reduction techniques where applicable. Examples include antithetic sampling, control variates, and stratified sampling. These techniques can reduce the error in the Monte Carlo estimate without requiring additional samples.

  • Analyze the error and variance. To report a Monte Carlo result, it‘s important to include a measure of the error or uncertainty, such as a confidence interval. This requires analyzing the variance.

  • Consider parallelism. Monte Carlo algorithms are often trivial to parallelize, so make use of multi-core CPUs or even distributed systems to speed up the computation.

  • Use existing libraries where possible. Widely used programming languages have well-tested libraries for Monte Carlo, such as NumPy in Python or the Stats package in R. Don‘t reinvent the wheel unless absolutely necessary.

Learning More

We‘ve only scratched the surface of what‘s possible with Monte Carlo methods. Here are some additional resources for learning more:

  • "The Monte Carlo Method" by Nicholas Metropolis and S. Ulam, 1949 – the original paper that introduced the modern Monte Carlo method.
  • "Monte Carlo theory, methods and examples" – Art Owen (
  • "Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance" by Don McLeish, 2005 – a comprehensive applied introduction with examples in finance.

There are also many tutorials and examples available online for applying Monte Carlo to specific problem domains like physics, operations research, and machine learning. The best way to learn is to get your hands dirty and try it out yourself!


Monte Carlo methods are a powerful and flexible class of algorithms for solving problems using random sampling. By leveraging the power of randomness, they allow us to "solve the unsolvable" – tackling problems that are otherwise intractable.

We‘ve looked at several examples of Monte Carlo in action, from the simple (estimating pi) to the complex (simulating the emergent behavior of a Galton board). And we‘ve discussed some of the key advantages and limitations of the approach, as well as best practices for implementation.

While Monte Carlo methods are not a silver bullet, they are an invaluable tool to have in your arsenal as a data scientist or engineer. With a solid grasp of the fundamentals, you‘ll be well-equipped to apply Monte Carlo techniques to whatever challenging problems you encounter. So go forth and simulate!

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