Routing in Next.js – How to Use App Router in your Next Apps

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, Next.js has consistently proven to be a powerful and versatile framework for building modern web applications. With the introduction of the App Router in Next.js 13, developers now have a new and exciting way to handle routing in their applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of the App Router, compare it to the traditional Pages Directory approach, and equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions when structuring your Next.js applications.

Understanding Routing in Next.js

Routing is a fundamental aspect of any web application, enabling users to navigate between different pages and components. In Next.js, routing has traditionally been handled through the Pages Directory, where each file in the pages folder corresponds to a route in the application.

However, with the advent of the App Router, Next.js has introduced a new paradigm for handling routing. The App Router brings a more flexible and feature-rich approach to routing, offering developers greater control and customization options.

The Pages Directory: A Tried and True Approach

Before diving into the App Router, let‘s take a moment to understand how the Pages Directory works in Next.js. The Pages Directory automatically generates routes based on the file structure within the pages folder. For example, if you have a file named pages/about.js, it will be accessible at the /about route.

To set up the Pages Directory, you simply need to create a Next.js application and ensure that the App Router option is set to "No" during the setup process. Once your application is created, you can start defining your routes by creating files and folders within the pages directory.

Here‘s an example of how you can create a route using the Pages Directory:

  1. Create a folder named about inside the pages directory.
  2. Inside the about folder, create an index.js file.
  3. Add your desired content to the index.js file.

To navigate between pages, you can use the Next.js Link component and specify the corresponding URL.

While the Pages Directory provides a straightforward approach to routing, it does have some limitations:

  • Static exports: The Pages Directory relies on dynamic routes generated using getStaticProps and getStaticPaths, which means not all pages can be statically exported.
  • Edge Runtime configuration: Additional configuration may be required when using the Edge Runtime.
  • Internationalization routing: Locales, default locales, and domain-specific locales need to be configured in the next.config.js file.

Embracing the App Router: A New Era of Routing

The App Router is a revolutionary addition to Next.js, designed to address the limitations of the Pages Directory and provide developers with a more powerful and flexible routing solution. While the App Router still utilizes a folder-based structure for defining routes, it introduces a new convention and a host of exciting features.

To get started with the App Router, you‘ll need to create a Next.js application and select "Yes" when prompted to use the App Router during the setup process. This will generate an app directory, which serves as the foundation for your application‘s routing.

Creating routes with the App Router is similar to the Pages Directory approach, but with a slight twist. Instead of placing your route files in the pages directory, you‘ll create them within the app directory. Each folder inside the app directory represents a route segment, and you can define your route by creating a page.js file within the corresponding folder.

Unleashing the Power of the App Router

The App Router brings a plethora of features that enhance the routing experience in Next.js applications. Let‘s explore some of the key features:

  1. Layout Components:
    Layout components allow you to define a common structure and shared functionality across multiple pages. They can include elements like headers, footers, and navigation menus. Layout components work seamlessly with routing, ensuring smooth transitions between pages while maintaining their state. To create a layout component, you define a layout.js file that wraps the content of its child pages.

  2. Nested Layouts:
    The App Router supports nested layouts, enabling you to define multiple levels of layout components. Each layout component encloses the content of its child components, providing a modular and reusable structure for your application‘s UI. Nested layouts are defined within folders and are applied to specific route segments.

  3. Template Components:
    Template components are similar to layout components but with a key difference. While layout components maintain their state across route changes, template components create a new instance for each child component on navigation. This means that the DOM elements are recreated, and the component‘s state and effects are reset. Template components are useful for scenarios like tracking page views or managing interactive widgets.

  4. Loading Component:
    The loading component is a special component that can be defined in any folder within the app directory. It automatically wraps pages with a React Suspense boundary, allowing you to display a loading state while the page‘s content is being fetched or rendered. The loading component is shown during the initial load and when navigating between sibling routes.

  5. Streaming:
    Streaming is a powerful feature introduced in the App Router that enables progressive rendering of pages. Unlike traditional Server-Side Rendering (SSR), where the entire page is rendered on the server before being sent to the client, streaming allows parts of the page to be sent incrementally as they become available. This results in faster initial page loads and improves the perceived performance of your application.

  6. Error Component:
    The error component helps you handle errors gracefully within your application. By creating an error.js file within a folder, you can define a fallback UI that is displayed when an error occurs within that folder‘s scope. The error component is automatically wrapped with a React Error Boundary, confining errors to the smallest possible section of your application.

  7. Route Groups:
    Route groups provide a way to organize related routes without affecting the URL structure. By enclosing a folder name in parentheses, you can create a route group that keeps related routes together while maintaining a clean and intuitive URL structure. Route groups are particularly useful for grouping authentication pages or admin routes.

  8. Server Components:
    Server components are a game-changing feature of the App Router. They allow you to render components on the server and stream them to the client, resulting in faster page loads and improved performance. Server components are executed on the server and do not have access to client-side APIs or state. They are ideal for rendering static content or fetching data from external sources.

  9. Data Fetching:
    The App Router introduces a new pattern for data fetching within your components. Instead of relying solely on APIs like getServerSideProps, you can now fetch data directly within your components using the fetch function. By marking a component as async and using fetch, you can retrieve data from external APIs or databases and render it seamlessly within your component.

  10. Built-in SEO with Metadata API:
    The App Router comes with a built-in Metadata API that simplifies SEO optimization for your Next.js application. The Metadata API allows you to define metadata for each page, such as the title, description, and Open Graph tags. You can define metadata statically using the Metadata object or dynamically using the generateMetadata function.

Advanced Features of the App Router

In addition to the features we‘ve explored, the App Router offers even more advanced capabilities:

  • Server Actions: Server actions allow you to handle form submissions and mutations on the server, providing a secure and efficient way to perform server-side operations.

  • Data Revalidation: The App Router supports data revalidation, enabling you to specify how often data should be refreshed to ensure up-to-date content for your users.

  • Parallel Routes: Parallel routes allow you to load multiple routes simultaneously, improving the performance and responsiveness of your application.

  • Route Interception: Route interception enables you to intercept and modify the routing behavior, allowing for advanced scenarios like authentication checks or redirects.

Choosing Between Pages Directory and App Router

With the introduction of the App Router, you now have two powerful options for handling routing in your Next.js applications. The choice between the Pages Directory and the App Router depends on your specific requirements and the complexity of your application.

If you have a simple application with straightforward routing needs and don‘t require advanced features like nested layouts or server components, the Pages Directory may be sufficient. It provides a familiar and easy-to-use approach to routing that many developers are accustomed to.

On the other hand, if your application demands more flexibility, better performance, and advanced features, the App Router is the way to go. It offers a more powerful and extensible routing solution that can scale with the complexity of your application. The App Router‘s features, such as server components, data fetching, and built-in SEO, make it a compelling choice for modern web applications.

Ultimately, the decision between the Pages Directory and the App Router should be based on a thorough understanding of your application‘s requirements, performance needs, and development goals. It‘s essential to evaluate the trade-offs and consider factors like development speed, flexibility, and scalability when making your choice.


The introduction of the App Router in Next.js has ushered in a new era of routing capabilities for web developers. With its advanced features and flexible architecture, the App Router empowers developers to build more performant, scalable, and feature-rich applications.

By understanding the differences between the Pages Directory and the App Router, and exploring the various features offered by the App Router, you can make informed decisions when structuring your Next.js applications. Whether you opt for the simplicity of the Pages Directory or embrace the power of the App Router, Next.js provides you with the tools to create exceptional web experiences.

As you embark on your Next.js journey, remember to continuously explore and leverage the capabilities of the App Router. Stay updated with the latest advancements and best practices to ensure that your applications remain at the forefront of web development.

Happy coding and routing with Next.js!

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