We Analyzed Over 300,000 Coding Tests from 156 Countries – Here‘s What It Tells Us About the State of Software Development in 2021

As a software developer with over a decade of experience across the full stack, I‘ve seen firsthand how rapidly the technology landscape can shift and evolve. New languages, frameworks, and tools are constantly emerging, while established ones adapt to stay relevant.

Amidst all that change and complexity, it can be difficult to get a clear picture of the skills and technologies that are truly in demand across the industry. That‘s why I always look forward to the annual IT Skills Report from DevSkiller, a tech recruitment platform that facilitates coding tests and interviews for companies worldwide.

This year‘s report is the most comprehensive yet, analyzing a whopping 304,654 coding tests sent to developers in 156 countries. It offers an unprecedented glimpse into the programming languages, frameworks, and tools that companies are seeking, and how developers around the world are stacking up.

As I dug through the treasure trove of data in the report, a few key insights jumped out at me that I think every developer and tech leader should be aware of. Let‘s dive in!

The Programming Languages You Need to Know in 2021

First up, let‘s look at the most in-demand programming languages based on the DevSkiller data:

Chart of top programming languages
Source: DevSkiller IT Skills Report 2021

To no one‘s surprise, JavaScript and Java topped the list for the 3rd straight year, collectively accounting for 43% of all coding tests. As a full-stack web developer who uses both languages regularly, I can attest to their power and versatility.

JavaScript is the undisputed king of the web, with a vast ecosystem of frameworks and libraries for building interactive front-ends (think React, Angular, Vue) as well as robust back-ends with Node.js. Whether you‘re creating a simple website, a complex web app, or even a mobile app with React Native, JS has you covered.

Java, meanwhile, has long been a staple of enterprise software development thanks to its stability, scalability, and massive collection of open-source tools. It may not be the trendiest language, but it‘s still a core skill set for many companies, especially those with large, complex codebases.

Rounding out the top 5 were SQL, .NET/C#, and HTML/CSS, which collectively appeared in over 30% of coding tests. Again, no big surprises here – these have been key technologies for decades and remain essential for many development roles.

However, there were a few interesting trends in this year‘s data. For one, Python dropped out of the top 5 for the first time, slipping to 6th place. This may seem surprising given Python‘s explosion in popularity for data science, machine learning, and other trendy fields.

But it‘s important to remember that the DevSkiller data reflects the skills companies are actually hiring for via coding tests, not just overall language popularity. It seems that while Python is increasingly used for specialized roles, it‘s not as critical for the bulk of mainstream development jobs as languages like JavaScript and Java.

On the flip side, TypeScript cracked the top 10 for the first time, appearing in 7.8% of coding tests. As a typed superset of JavaScript, TypeScript adds powerful features like static typing, interfaces, and better tooling, making it increasingly popular for large-scale JS projects. I wouldn‘t be surprised to see it climb even higher in future years.

Frontend Frameworks: React Leads the Pack

Next, let‘s zoom in on the most popular frontend frameworks and libraries, based on their share of coding tests in the JavaScript tech stack:

Chart of top frontend frameworks
Source: DevSkiller IT Skills Report 2021

Once again, React took the top spot by a wide margin, appearing in 35% of JS-based coding tests. This is a testament to React‘s dominance in the frontend space, where its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and rich ecosystem have made it a go-to choice for everything from small websites to massive web apps.

Interestingly, Angular claimed the #2 spot with 25% of tests, pushing out Vue which dropped to 4th place behind jQuery. As a full-stack developer who has used all three frameworks, I have some theories on why Angular is seeing a resurgence.

While Vue is beloved by many developers for its simplicity and ease of use, Angular offers a more opinionated, full-featured framework that may be better suited for large enterprise projects. It‘s also worth noting that many coding tests still reference the legacy AngularJS (1.x) syntax, which could inflate Angular‘s numbers a bit.

Still, there‘s no denying that React and Angular are the two frontend heavyweights that most companies are looking for today. If you‘re a web developer, you‘d be wise to have at least one of them in your tool belt.

Other Notable Trends in Tech Stacks and Tools

Beyond the top-level programming languages and frontend frameworks, the DevSkiller report also digs into the most popular tools and technologies across specific tech stacks like Java, .NET, SQL, and more. Here are a few highlights:

  • Spring and Spring Boot collectively accounted for over 50% of Java-based coding tests, cementing their status as the go-to frameworks for enterprise Java development. Hibernate and Java EE were also popular choices.

  • In the .NET world, ASP.NET (both classic and Core) dominated with 45% of tests, followed by SQL Server at 37%. With the performance and cross-platform power of .NET 5, I expect these Microsoft technologies to remain top picks for the foreseeable future.

  • On the database front, MySQL (53%) and PostgreSQL (18%) were the most popular choices for SQL tests. It‘s worth noting that while relational databases still rule the roost, NoSQL options like MongoDB and Cassandra are steadily gaining ground, especially for applications that require massive scale and flexibility.

  • DevOps and cloud technologies are also on the rise, with tools like Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, and Azure popping up more frequently in coding tests. As more companies move to the cloud and adopt microservice architectures, these skills are becoming increasingly essential for developers of all stripes.

The key takeaway here is that while programming languages are the foundation, it‘s equally important to be proficient in the frameworks, databases, and DevOps tools that power modern software development. The more you can demonstrate expertise across the entire tech stack, the more valuable you‘ll be to potential employers.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Developer Hiring and Skills

Of course, no discussion of the past year in tech would be complete without addressing the elephant in the room: the COVID-19 pandemic. The DevSkiller report reveals some fascinating data points on how the pandemic impacted developer hiring and skills assessment:

  • Coding test participation rates soared to 69% in 2020, up from just 41% in 2019. With so many developers facing job insecurity or unemployment, it seems candidates were much more likely to complete coding tests in hopes of landing a new gig.

  • At the same time, companies sent out more coding tests than ever before – a whopping 104% increase from the previous year. This suggests that even amidst the economic turmoil, companies were still actively hiring developers, perhaps even more so as digital transformation initiatives kicked into high gear.

  • Another key trend was the rise of remote hiring and international recruitment. With the sudden shift to remote work, companies were no longer limited to their local talent pools and could cast a wider net for skilled developers. Countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, and Brazil saw significant increases in the share of coding tests sent to international candidates.

  • However, the US remains the undisputed leader in tech hiring, accounting for the lion‘s share of both coding tests sent and received. Interestingly, while the US is still the top destination for international developer talent, its share of the global market has declined in recent years as other countries like Canada, Brazil, and parts of Europe and Asia ramp up their tech capabilities.

As a developer who lived through the pandemic myself, these trends definitely resonate. I know many colleagues who lost jobs or had to pivot to new technologies and industries to stay afloat. At the same time, I‘ve seen companies scramble to accelerate digital projects and hire developers who can help them adapt to the new normal of remote work, e-commerce, and online everything.

It will be interesting to see how these trends evolve as the world starts to recover from the pandemic. Will remote hiring and international recruitment continue to accelerate? Will certain countries or regions emerge as new tech hotspots? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: the demand for skilled developers shows no signs of slowing down.

The Road Ahead: Predictions and Advice for Developers

So what does all this data tell us about the future of software development, and what should developers do to stay ahead of the curve? Here are a few key predictions and pieces of advice based on the insights from the DevSkiller report:

  1. Full-Stack Development Is King: The most in-demand languages and technologies span all layers of the stack, from front-end frameworks like React to back-end languages like Java and databases like MySQL. To maximize your employability, aim to become a true full-stack developer who can build end-to-end applications using a variety of tools.

  2. Cloud and DevOps Skills Are a Must: As more companies move to the cloud and adopt modern development practices like CI/CD and infrastructure-as-code, proficiency with cloud platforms, containers, and DevOps tools is becoming increasingly non-negotiable. If you haven‘t already, start learning technologies like AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes.

  3. Specialize, but Don‘t Over-Specialize: While it‘s important to have deep expertise in a particular language or framework, be careful not to pigeonhole yourself into a narrow niche. The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and what‘s hot today may be obsolete tomorrow. Aim to be a "T-shaped" developer with broad knowledge across multiple areas and deep skills in a few.

  4. Soft Skills Matter Too: With the rise of remote work and international teams, soft skills like communication, collaboration, and adaptability are more important than ever. Don‘t neglect these in favor of pure technical prowess – they can be the difference between a good developer and a great one.

  5. Never Stop Learning: Perhaps the most important takeaway from the DevSkiller report is that the technology landscape is always changing, and developers need to change with it. Make continuous learning a priority, whether it‘s through online courses, side projects, or contributions to open-source. The most successful developers are those who never stop growing and adapting.


Whew, that was a lot of information to unpack! But as a developer who‘s always striving to stay on the cutting-edge, I find data like this invaluable for understanding the bigger picture of our industry and making informed decisions about my career.

To summarize, the key insights from the DevSkiller IT Skills Report are:

  • JavaScript and Java reign supreme as the most in-demand programming languages, with SQL, HTML/CSS, and .NET/C# rounding out the top 5
  • React and Angular are the dominant frontend frameworks, while Spring and ASP.NET lead the back-end pack
  • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated trends like remote hiring, international recruitment, and demand for cloud and DevOps skills
  • To stay competitive, developers should aim to be full-stack proficient, specialize without over-specializing, and never stop learning and adapting to new technologies

Of course, this is just a high-level summary of a very detailed and nuanced report. I encourage every developer and tech leader to dig into the full data and draw their own conclusions based on their unique skills, experience, and career goals.

But no matter what specific path you choose, one thing is clear: the world of software development is more dynamic, global, and full of opportunity than ever before. As long as you continue to learn, grow, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape, the future is bright for developers of all stripes.

So here‘s to another year of innovation, collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of what‘s possible with code. See you in the tech trenches!

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