Node Version Manager – NVM Install Guide

As a full-stack developer, you know the importance of using the right tools for the job. When it comes to Node.js development, managing multiple versions of Node.js across different projects can be a real challenge. That‘s where Node Version Manager (NVM) comes in.

NVM is a command-line utility that allows you to easily install, manage, and switch between multiple Node.js versions on your development machine. With NVM, you can ensure that each of your projects uses the specific Node.js version it was built and tested with, without worrying about conflicts or compatibility issues.

Why Managing Node.js Versions Matters

Node.js has become one of the most popular runtime environments for building server-side applications, with over 50% of developers using it regularly according to the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. However, with rapid release cycles and frequent updates, keeping up with the latest Node.js versions can be a daunting task.

Moreover, different projects often have different Node.js version requirements. For example, an older project may rely on Node.js v10.x, while a newer one may require the latest features from Node.js v14.x. Attempting to use a single global Node.js installation for all your projects can lead to unexpected behavior, dependency conflicts, and even broken builds.

Consider these statistics:

  • The Node.js release schedule includes a new major version every 6 months, with long-term support (LTS) versions released every 12 months.
  • According to the Node.js 2020 User Survey Report, over 80% of developers use multiple Node.js versions across their projects.
  • The same survey found that 43% of developers use Node.js v12.x, 33% use v10.x, and 16% use v14.x, highlighting the fragmentation of Node.js versions in real-world usage.

Managing multiple Node.js versions manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. That‘s where NVM comes in, providing a simple and efficient way to install, switch between, and manage Node.js versions on a per-project basis.

How NVM Works

NVM is essentially a shell script that modifies your system‘s PATH variable to point to the desired Node.js version. When you run nvm use <version>, NVM updates the PATH to include the specified version‘s bin directory, ensuring that the correct Node.js executable is used for that terminal session.

Here‘s a simplified overview of how NVM works:

  1. NVM is installed in your home directory, typically in ~/.nvm on Unix-based systems or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\nvm on Windows.

  2. When you run nvm install <version>, NVM downloads the specified Node.js version from the official Node.js download site and installs it in a subdirectory within the NVM directory.

  3. NVM maintains a symlink called current that points to the currently active Node.js version. When you run nvm use <version>, NVM updates this symlink to point to the specified version.

  4. NVM also modifies the PATH environment variable for the current terminal session, prepending the directory containing the symlinked Node.js version. This ensures that the correct Node.js executable is used when you run node, npm, or any other Node.js-related command.

By leveraging symlinks and dynamically updating the PATH, NVM allows you to switch between different Node.js versions seamlessly without affecting the global system installation.

Installing NVM on Unix-based Systems (Linux and macOS)

Installing NVM on Linux and macOS is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get NVM up and running on your Unix-based system:

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to download and run the NVM installation script:
curl -o- | bash
  1. The script will clone the NVM repository to ~/.nvm and add the necessary lines to your shell profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile).

  2. Close and reopen your terminal, or run the following command to source your updated shell profile:

source ~/.bashrc
  1. Verify the installation by running:
nvm --version

If NVM is installed correctly, you should see the version number displayed in the terminal.

Installing NVM on Windows

For Windows users, there‘s a separate version of NVM called nvm-windows. Here‘s how to install it:

  1. Download the latest file from the nvm-windows releases page.

  2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a directory of your choice, such as C:\nvm.

  3. Open the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator and navigate to the directory where you extracted the files.

  4. Run the installation command:

nvm-setup.exe install
  1. Follow the prompts to complete the installation process. You may need to restart your command prompt for the changes to take effect.

  2. Verify the installation by running:

nvm version

If NVM is installed correctly, you should see the version number displayed in the command prompt.

Using NVM to Manage Node.js Versions

With NVM installed, you can now easily manage your Node.js versions. Here are some common commands you‘ll use:

  • nvm install <version>: Installs the specified Node.js version. For example, nvm install 14.15.0 installs Node.js v14.15.0.
  • nvm use <version>: Switches to the specified Node.js version for the current terminal session. For example, nvm use 12.18.3 switches to Node.js v12.18.3.
  • nvm ls: Lists all installed Node.js versions.
  • nvm ls-remote: Lists all available Node.js versions that can be installed.
  • nvm alias default <version>: Sets the default Node.js version that will be used when opening a new terminal session.

Here‘s an example workflow for managing Node.js versions with NVM:

  1. Install the desired Node.js versions:
nvm install 12.18.3
nvm install 14.15.0
  1. Switch to a specific version for your current project:
cd /path/to/project
nvm use 12.18.3
  1. Set a default version for new terminal sessions:
nvm alias default 14.15.0

By following these steps, you can ensure that each project uses the correct Node.js version without conflicts.

Best Practices for Using NVM

To get the most out of NVM, consider adopting these best practices:

  1. Use a .nvmrc file in your project root to specify the Node.js version for that project. This allows other developers (and your CI/CD system) to easily use the correct version by running nvm use without specifying the version number.

  2. Install only the Node.js versions you actually need. Having too many versions installed can consume significant disk space and make version management more cumbersome.

  3. Use NVM in your build and deployment scripts to ensure the correct Node.js version is used consistently across development and production environments.

  4. Regularly update your installed Node.js versions to benefit from performance improvements, bug fixes, and security patches. You can use nvm install <version> --reinstall-packages-from=<other-version> to update a version while automatically reinstalling global packages from the previous version.

  5. Consider using NVM in combination with other tools like npm-check-updates to keep your project dependencies up to date and compatible with your chosen Node.js version.

Troubleshooting NVM Issues

While NVM is generally reliable, you may encounter issues from time to time. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • nvm command not found: This error indicates that NVM is not properly installed or loaded in your shell. Make sure you have followed the installation instructions correctly and that the NVM init lines are present in your shell profile (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile). If you‘re using a non-standard shell, you may need to manually add the NVM init lines to your shell configuration file.

  • Permission denied errors: If you encounter permission errors when installing or using NVM, it usually means you don‘t have the necessary write permissions for the NVM directory or the global node_modules directory. You can either change the ownership of these directories to your user account or run the problematic commands with sudo.

  • Conflicts with existing Node.js installations: If you have an existing global Node.js installation (e.g., installed via the official Node.js installer), it may conflict with NVM. In this case, it‘s recommended to uninstall the global Node.js installation and rely solely on NVM for managing Node.js versions. You can also adjust your PATH variable to ensure that the NVM-controlled Node.js versions take precedence over the global installation.

If you encounter other issues or errors, consult the NVM documentation or seek help from the NVM community on GitHub.

Using NVM with Node.js Frameworks and Build Tools

NVM integrates seamlessly with popular Node.js frameworks and build tools, allowing you to use different Node.js versions for each project without conflicts. Here are a few examples:

  • Express.js: Create a .nvmrc file in your Express.js project root with the desired Node.js version (e.g., echo "14.15.0" > .nvmrc). Then, run nvm use before running npm start or npm run dev to ensure the correct Node.js version is used.

  • React: When creating a new React project with Create React App, you can specify the Node.js version in the .nvmrc file. Run nvm use before running npm start or npm run build to use the specified Node.js version for your React development server or production build.

  • webpack: In your webpack configuration file (e.g., webpack.config.js), you can use the process.env.NODE_VERSION variable to conditionally include or exclude certain plugins or loaders based on the active Node.js version. For example:

const NodeTargetPlugin = require(‘webpack/lib/node/NodeTargetPlugin‘);

module.exports = {
  // ...
  target: process.env.NODE_VERSION >= 14 ? ‘node‘ : ‘async-node‘,
  plugins: [
    process.env.NODE_VERSION >= 14 && new NodeTargetPlugin()
  // ...

By leveraging NVM and .nvmrc files, you can ensure that your Node.js projects use the correct runtime version across different machines and environments, minimizing the risk of compatibility issues and bugs.

NVM Alternatives and Comparison

While NVM is a popular choice for Node.js version management, it‘s not the only option available. Here are a few alternatives and how they compare to NVM:

  • n: n is a simpler, more lightweight alternative to NVM. It provides basic Node.js version management features, such as installing, removing, and switching between versions. However, it lacks some of the advanced features and configuration options of NVM, such as .nvmrc file support and automatic shell integration.

  • nodenv: nodenv is inspired by the popular rbenv tool for managing Ruby versions. It offers features similar to NVM, including per-project Node.js version configuration using .node-version files. One advantage of nodenv is its support for automatic version switching when navigating between project directories.

  • asdf-vm: asdf-vm is a more general-purpose version manager that supports multiple languages, including Node.js, Ruby, Python, and more. It provides a unified interface for managing versions of different tools and languages, which can be beneficial if you work with multiple technologies simultaneously. However, it may have a steeper learning curve compared to NVM, which is dedicated solely to Node.js.

Ultimately, the choice between NVM and its alternatives depends on your specific needs, preferences, and development workflow. NVM remains a solid choice for most Node.js developers due to its wide adoption, active maintenance, and extensive feature set.


As a full-stack developer and professional coder, managing multiple Node.js versions across different projects is essential for maintaining a productive and efficient development workflow. Node Version Manager (NVM) simplifies this process by providing a convenient way to install, switch between, and manage Node.js versions on a per-project basis.

By following the installation and usage instructions in this guide, you can quickly set up NVM on your Linux, macOS, or Windows machine and start taking control of your Node.js versions. Adopting best practices like using .nvmrc files, keeping your installed versions up to date, and integrating NVM with your build and deployment processes will help you maximize the benefits of this powerful tool.

Remember, NVM is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to Node.js development. By combining NVM with other best practices, such as using a reliable code editor, following a consistent coding style, and leveraging automated testing and continuous integration, you can create a robust and efficient development environment that enables you to build high-quality Node.js applications.

So, if you‘re not already using NVM, give it a try and see how it can streamline your Node.js development workflow. Happy coding!

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