How to Create an Eye-Catching Dynamic Twitter Header with Node.js and Sharp

Looking to spruce up your Twitter profile and make your header image really pop? Creating an eye-catching Twitter banner is a great way to grab attention, show off your personality, and engage your audience.

But why settle for a static, boring header image when you can make it dynamic and data-driven? By leveraging the power of Node.js and the Sharp image processing library, you can automatically generate a compelling Twitter banner that updates periodically with fresh content.

In this step-by-step tutorial, we‘ll walk through building a dynamic Twitter header generator that showcases your latest followers. It will fetch your most recent followers, compose their avatars into an appealing design template, and top it off with a personalized welcome message based on the time of day – "Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening".

We‘ll create this nifty automation entirely in JavaScript, using a Node.js environment to handle the image manipulation and Twitter API integration. Don‘t worry if you‘re not a Node ninja yet – the code will be straightforward and the concepts are transferable to other languages and tools as well.

Planning the Twitter header design

Before diving into the code, it‘s important to map out what you want your Twitter header to look like and what elements you want to include. Since Twitter headers are long horizontal banners, a simple design that features your key information with some eye-catching visuals tends to work well.

For our purposes, let‘s assume we want our generated Twitter header to include:

  • Background image in our brand colors
  • Profile avatar
  • Personalized greeting based on time of day
  • Mini-avatars and names of our 3 most recent followers

Sketch out a simple layout for how you want to arrange these elements. You can use whatever graphic design tool you‘re comfortable with, whether that‘s Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, or even just pen and paper.

The key is to establish a basic template with placeholders for the dynamic parts that will get filled in with data by our Node.js script. Export this Twitter header template as a PNG that we can use as the base image.

Setting up the Node.js project

Next, let‘s set up a new Node.js project for our Twitter header generator. Create a directory for the project and initialize it with a package.json file:

mkdir twitter-header-generator
cd twitter-header-generator
npm init -y

Then install the necessary dependencies, including:

  • sharp for image processing
  • axios for making HTTP requests to download avatars
  • twitter-api-client for uploading the header image to Twitter
  • dotenv for loading environment variables
npm install sharp axios twitter-api-client dotenv

Create a .env file in the project root to store your Twitter API credentials as environment variables:

# .env

Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual API key, secret, access token and access token secret from the Twitter Developer Portal.

Fetching data from the Twitter API

We‘re ready to start coding! Create an index.js file for the main script. At the top, we‘ll load the environment variables, import the required libraries, and initialize the Twitter API client:

// index.js

const sharp = require(‘sharp‘);
const axios = require(‘axios‘);
const Twitter = require(‘twitter-api-client‘).TwitterClient;

const {  
} = process.env;

const twitterClient = new Twitter({
  accessTokenSecret: TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET,

Now let‘s fetch the data we need from Twitter – specifically, our 3 most recent followers. We‘ll use the followers/list endpoint for this:

async function getLatestFollowers() {
  try {
    const followers = await twitterClient.accountsAndUsers.followersList({
      count: 3,

    return followers.users;
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(‘Failed to fetch followers:‘, err);
    return [];

This function uses the Twitter API client to request the 3 most recent followers and returns their user objects, which contain info like name, screen name, avatar URL, etc.

Generating the dynamic header image

With our follower data in hand, we can generate the dynamic header image. We‘ll use Sharp to perform the image manipulation in memory with Buffers.

First, let‘s define some constants for the header dimensions, avatar positions, font sizes, etc. based on our design mockup:

const HEADER_WIDTH = 1500;
const HEADER_HEIGHT = 500;
const AVATAR_SIZE = 200;
const AVATAR_SPACING = 10;
const MINI_AVATAR_SIZE = 100;

Then we‘ll download the necessary avatar images using axios, resize/crop them with Sharp, and save them to files:

async function downloadAvatar(avatarUrl) {
  const response = await axios({
    url: avatarUrl,
    responseType: ‘arraybuffer‘,


async function processAvatar(avatar) {
  const roundedCorners = Buffer.from(`
    <svg><circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100" fill="#ffffff" /></svg>

  const avatarImage = sharp(avatar)
      input: roundedCorners,
      blend: ‘dest-in‘,

  const avatarFile = `avatar_${new Date().getTime()}.png`;
  await avatarImage.toFile(avatarFile);

  return avatarFile;

Now we can generate the dynamic elements and position them on the header template:

async function generateHeader() {
  const baseImage = sharp(‘header-template.png‘);

  const followers = await getLatestFollowers();

  // Download and process profile avatar
  const avatarFile = await processAvatar(await downloadAvatar(followers[0].profile_image_url_https));

  // Generate greeting text
  const hour = new Date().getHours();
  const greeting = hour < 12 ? ‘Good morning‘ : (hour < 18 ? ‘Good afternoon‘ : ‘Good evening‘);
  const greetingText = `
    <svg width="500" height="100">
        text { 
          font-family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif; 
          font-size: ${GREETING_FONT_SIZE}px; 
          fill: #ffffff;
      <text x="0" y="${GREETING_FONT_SIZE}">${greeting}</text>
  const greetingSVG = Buffer.from(greetingText);

  // Generate and position mini avatars of latest followers
  const miniAvatars = await Promise.all(followers.slice(1).map(async (follower) => {
    const avatarImage = await downloadAvatar(follower.profile_image_url_https);
    const avatarBuffer = await sharp(avatarImage).resize(MINI_AVATAR_SIZE, MINI_AVATAR_SIZE).toBuffer();

    return {
      input: avatarBuffer,
      left: MINI_AVATAR_LEFT_MARGIN + (followers.indexOf(follower) * (MINI_AVATAR_SIZE + MINI_AVATAR_SPACING)),

  // Composite header image
  const newHeaderImage = await baseImage
        input: avatarFile,
        left: AVATAR_LEFT_MARGIN,
        input: greetingSVG,

  return newHeaderImage;

Let‘s break this down:

  1. Load the template image with Sharp
  2. Fetch latest followers
  3. Download and crop the profile avatar into a circle
  4. Generate the greeting text SVG based on time of day
  5. Download and resize mini avatars for other followers
  6. Calculate position of mini avatars
  7. Compose all elements onto the base template image
  8. Return the generated image buffer

Here we‘re using SVG to render the text elements, since Sharp can composite SVG buffers onto the image just like it does with other input images.

Uploading the header image to Twitter

Finally, we need to actually update our Twitter profile with the freshly generated header image.

Uploading the image is a simple POST request to the account/update_profile_banner endpoint:

async function updateTwitterHeader(imageBuffer) {
  try {
    const base64Image = imageBuffer.toString(‘base64‘);

    await twitterClient.accountsAndUsers.accountUpdateProfileBanner({
      banner: base64Image,

    console.log(‘Successfully updated Twitter header‘);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(‘Failed to update Twitter header:‘, err);

We convert the image buffer to a base64 encoded string, which is what the Twitter API expects for image uploads.

Now we can tie it all together:

async function run() {
  try {
    const headerImage = await generateHeader();
    await updateTwitterHeader(headerImage);
  } catch (err) {


The run function coordinates the whole process of generating and uploading the header image.

And there you have it! Run the script with Node and watch your Twitter header update dynamically:

node index.js

Taking it further

This is a solid foundation, but you can get as creative as you‘d like with your dynamic Twitter header. Here are some more ideas to personalize and gamify it:

  • Pull in your latest tweet and feature it on the header
  • Display counts of your total tweets, likes, followers, etc.
  • Integrate whimsical flourishes based on the day of week, season, holiday, etc.
  • Show meters representing progress toward milestones or goals
  • Highlight individual followers when they hit certain engagement thresholds
  • Trigger header updates based on Twitter activity like tweeting or gaining followers

The only limit is your creativity! Dig into the Twitter API docs to see what other data you can incorporate. Experiment with Sharp and other graphics libraries to compose more visually striking header designs. Have fun with it!

A dynamic Twitter header is a fantastic way to delight your followers, increase engagement, and show off your coding chops all at the same time. Give it a shot and share your creations with the world!

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