How to Get Up and Running with Fastify: An Expert Guide

If you‘re a Node.js developer looking for a fast, lightweight web framework, Fastify is an excellent choice. Released in 2016, Fastify has quickly gained popularity thanks to its impressive performance, extensible plugin architecture, and developer-friendly experience.

In this article, I‘ll show you how to get started with Fastify and leverage its capabilities to build high-performance web applications. We‘ll cover installing Fastify, creating a server, defining routes, using plugins, and more. By the end, you‘ll have a solid foundation to begin developing with this powerful framework.

Why Choose Fastify?

Before we dive in, let‘s discuss what makes Fastify stand out among the sea of Node.js web frameworks. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Speed – True to its name, Fastify is built for speed. Thanks to optimizations like a highly efficient routing system and minimal overhead, Fastify consistently outperforms alternatives like Express in benchmarks. If top-notch performance is crucial for your application, Fastify delivers.

  2. Extensibility – Fastify takes a modular approach, allowing you to add functionality through plugins. This keeps the core lightweight while enabling you to opt-in to features you need. From logging to database integration to authentication, there‘s a rich plugin ecosystem to leverage.

  3. Developer Experience – The Fastify team has put a lot of thought into making the framework enjoyable to use. The API is expressive and easy to understand. Plus, the detailed documentation, vibrant community, and helpful error messages enhance the development experience.

  4. Validation & Serialization – Fastify provides built-in support for input validation and output serialization using JSON Schema. By declaring the schema for your routes, you can automatically validate incoming requests and optimize serialization of responses. This promotes application robustness and performance.

  5. Async Await – Fastify fully embraces the modern async/await syntax introduced in Node.js 7.6. This allows you to write clear, concise asynchronous code without wrestling with callback hell or .then() chains.

With these benefits in mind, let‘s get hands-on and start building with Fastify!

Installing Fastify

Before we can use Fastify, we need to install it. Fortunately, getting set up is a breeze. First, make sure you have Node.js 6.x or later installed. Then, open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install fastify

This will fetch the latest version of Fastify from npm and add it to your project‘s node_modules directory. You‘re now ready to start coding!

Creating Your First Fastify Server

With Fastify installed, let‘s create a simple server. Create a new file called server.js and add the following code:

const fastify = require(‘fastify‘)()

fastify.get(‘/‘, (request, reply) => {
  reply.send({ hello: ‘world‘ })

fastify.listen(3000, (err, address) => {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log(`Server listening at ${address}`)

Let‘s break this down:

  1. We require the fastify module and invoke it to create a new server instance.
  2. We define a route handler for GET requests to the root path (/). When this route is called, it sends back a JSON response of { hello: ‘world‘ }.
  3. Finally, we start the server listening on port 3000 and log the address it‘s accessible at.

To run the server, execute the following in your terminal:

node server.js

You should see output similar to:

Server listening at

Open up in your web browser. You should be greeted with {"hello":"world"} – your first Fastify response!

Defining Routes

Routes are a fundamental concept in web frameworks, mapping HTTP request methods and URL paths to handler functions. Fastify provides a fluent API for defining routes. Let‘s expand our example:

fastify.get(‘/greet/:name‘, (request, reply) => {
  const { name } = request.params
  reply.send({ greeting: `Hello, ${name}!` })

This route uses a URL parameter (:name) to generate a dynamic greeting. For example:

  • GET /greet/Alice responds with {"greeting":"Hello, Alice!"}
  • GET /greet/Bob responds with {"greeting":"Hello, Bob!"}

Fastify supports all the standard HTTP methods, like POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. You can also define multiple methods on the same path:

  method: [‘GET‘, ‘POST‘],
  url: ‘/multi‘,
  handler: (request, reply) => {
    reply.send(`Received a ${request.method} request`)

Routes can include optional or wildcard parameters, regular expressions, and more. Refer to the Fastify documentation for the full set of options.

Using Plugins

Fastify‘s plugin system is a standout feature, enabling you to organize your application into reusable, shareable components. Let‘s demonstrate by creating a plugin that adds a custom greeting route:

async function greetingPlugin(fastify, opts) {
  fastify.get(‘/hello‘, (request, reply) => {
    reply.send({ greeting: ‘Hello from the greeting plugin!‘ })

module.exports = greetingPlugin

In your server.js file, register the plugin like so:


Restart your server (node server.js) and visit The response should include the greeting from the plugin.

This is just scratching the surface of what‘s possible with plugins. You can create plugins to integrate with databases, handle authentication, log requests, and much more. The Fastify Ecosystem showcases a wealth of community plugins to supercharge your applications.

Validation and Serialization

To enhance the reliability and performance of your application, Fastify enables you to define JSON Schemas for your routes. Let‘s see it in action:

const postBodySchema = {
  type: ‘object‘,
  required: [‘name‘, ‘age‘],
  properties: {
    name: { type: ‘string‘ },
    age: { type: ‘number‘ }
}‘/people‘, { schema: { body: postBodySchema } }, (request, reply) => {

This /people route expects a JSON payload in the request body with name and age properties. Fastify will automatically validate the incoming data against the schema. If the payload is invalid, Fastify sends back a 400 error response without even hitting your route handler.

Similarly, you can define schemas for request parameters, headers, and responses. This declarative approach helps catch bugs early and avoids unnecessary processing of invalid data.

Asynchronous Handlers

Fastify route handlers support returning promises or using the async/await syntax. This is incredibly convenient when performing asynchronous operations like reading from a database or making an HTTP request. For example:

fastify.get(‘/async‘, async (request, reply) => {
  const data = await fetchSomeData()

If fetchSomeData() returns a promise, Fastify will wait for it to resolve before sending the response. Any uncaught errors will be automatically handled and result in a 500 error response.

Logging & Error Handling

Fastify uses the Pino logger to provide fast, low-overhead logging. By default, Fastify logs incoming requests and any errors. You can customize the logger to fit your needs:

const fastify = require(‘fastify‘)({
  logger: {
    level: ‘info‘,
    prettyPrint: true

This configures the logger to only log at the info level and above (skipping debug and trace) and to format the logs in a human-friendly way.

To handle errors in your routes, simply throw an error:

fastify.get(‘/error‘, (request, reply) => {
  throw new Error(‘Oops!‘)

Fastify will automatically catch the error, log it, and send a 500 response back to the client. You can further customize error handling with setErrorHandler.

Best Practices & Resources

Here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind as you build with Fastify:

  • Leverage async/await and promises for asynchronous operations. Avoid callback-based patterns.
  • Use plugins to encapsulate and reuse functionality across your application.
  • Define JSON Schemas for your routes to get automatic validation and enhanced performance.
  • Handle errors in your route handlers to provide meaningful error responses to clients.
  • Set the appropriate logger settings for your environment (e.g., pretty-printing in development).

To dive deeper into Fastify, be sure to check out these valuable resources:

  • Fastify Documentation – The official docs are a great place to start learning and includes an API reference.
  • Fastify Ecosystem – A collection of community plugins to extend Fastify‘s functionality.
  • Fastify Benchmarks – See how Fastify stacks up against other Node.js web frameworks.
  • Fastify Gitter Chat – Join the community chat to ask questions and get help from other Fastify developers.


Fastify is a powerful, performant web framework that enables you to build Node.js applications with ease. Its intuitive API, plugin architecture, and focus on developer experience make it a joy to work with.

In this article, we covered the basics of getting up and running with Fastify, from installation to creating a server, defining routes, using plugins, and leveraging validation and serialization. We also touched on asynchronous programming, logging, and error handling.

I encourage you to explore Fastify further and see how it can help you build high-quality, scalable web applications. The resources shared above are a great starting point.

Happy coding and enjoy the speedy development with Fastify!

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