How to Contribute to Open-Source Projects – A Handbook for Beginners

Open-source software is the backbone of the modern digital world. From the operating systems that power our servers to the frameworks and libraries we use to build web applications, open-source is everywhere.

Consider these statistics:

  • 97% of applications use open-source components (Synopsys, 2020)
  • The open-source services market is projected to exceed $50 billion by 2026 (Statista, 2021)
  • GitHub, the largest platform for open-source development, has over 56 million developers and more than 100 million repositories (GitHub, 2021)

Clearly, open-source is a major force in the software industry. As a developer, engaging with open-source isn‘t just a nice-to-have – it‘s a critical part of staying relevant and continually improving your skills.

But contributing to open-source can be intimidating, especially for beginners. Where do you start? What if you don‘t feel ready? What if you make a mistake?

As a full-stack developer who has contributed to numerous open-source projects, I‘m here to tell you that every developer, regardless of their skill level, has something valuable to contribute to open-source. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to make your first open-source contribution with confidence.

Why Contribute to Open-Source?

Before we dive into the how, let‘s talk about the why. Why should you, as a developer, invest your time and energy into contributing to open-source? Here are a few compelling reasons:

1. Improve Your Skills

Contributing to open-source is one of the best ways to grow as a developer. You‘ll get to:

  • Read and understand other people‘s code
  • Write code that meets the standards of a real-world project
  • Receive feedback and code reviews from more experienced developers
  • Learn new languages, frameworks, and tools

"I‘ve learned more from reading other people‘s code than I ever did from books." – John Carmack, legendary game programmer

2. Build Your Portfolio

Your GitHub profile is a major part of your developer portfolio. By contributing to open-source, you demonstrate that you can:

  • Work collaboratively
  • Communicate effectively
  • Write clean, maintainable code
  • Solve real-world problems

Many employers specifically look for open-source contributions when evaluating candidates. Having a strong track record of open-source work can set you apart in a competitive job market.

3. Give Back to the Community

As developers, we rely on open-source software every day. Contributing to open-source is a way to give back and help ensure that these critical projects continue to thrive.

Your contributions, no matter how small, can make a real difference. You might fix a bug that‘s been bothering hundreds of users, or add a feature that makes the project more accessible to a whole new audience.

"The open-source community has taught me the value of collaboration and the power of collective wisdom." – Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux

4. Connect with Other Developers

Open-source communities are a great place to connect with like-minded developers from around the world. You can:

  • Engage in discussions about the projects you‘re passionate about
  • Learn from developers with different backgrounds and areas of expertise
  • Find mentors and mentees
  • Build friendships and professional relationships

Many developers have landed jobs, found collaborators for side projects, or even started companies through their open-source connections.

Finding Your First Project

Now that you‘re convinced of the benefits of contributing to open-source, the next step is finding a project to contribute to. This can be overwhelming, given the sheer number of open-source projects out there.

Here‘s a step-by-step process for finding a project that‘s a good fit for you:

  1. Reflect on your interests and skills: What languages, frameworks, or types of applications are you most excited about? What skills are you looking to develop?

  2. Explore project directories: Websites like GitHub Explore, OpenSourceFriday, and CodeTriage curate lists of open-source projects across various categories.

  3. Check the project‘s vitals: Once you‘ve found a project that looks interesting, check its pulse:

    • Is it actively maintained? Look for recent commits and closed issues.
    • Is the community welcoming to beginners? Check the contributor‘s guide and the tone of the discussions in issues and pull requests.
    • Is there a clear process for contributing? The project should have a file or similar that outlines how to get started.
  4. Start small: Look for issues labeled "good first issue", "beginner-friendly", or similar. These are specifically earmarked for new contributors.

Remember, your first contribution doesn‘t have to be groundbreaking. Fixing a typo in the documentation, adding a test case, or refactoring a small piece of code are all valuable contributions.

"One of the great things about open-source is that there‘s a project and a community for everyone, regardless of your skill level or background." – Safia Abdalla, open-source maintainer and author

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you can start contributing to a project, you need to set up your local development environment. This involves:

  1. Forking the repository: This creates a copy of the project under your GitHub account that you can modify.

  2. Cloning the forked repository: This downloads the project‘s codebase to your local machine.

    git clone
  3. Installing dependencies: Most projects have a set of dependencies that need to be installed before you can run the code locally. The exact steps will depend on the project, but look for instructions in the README or CONTRIBUTING files.

  4. Running the tests: Before you make any changes, run the project‘s existing tests to ensure everything is working as expected. Again, the README should provide instructions.

If you‘re new to Git and GitHub, spend some time familiarizing yourself with the basic commands and workflows. Here are a few key concepts:

  • Branches: Branches allow you to work on different features or fixes without affecting the main codebase. It‘s a good practice to create a new branch for each contribution.

    git checkout -b my-feature
  • Commits: Commits are snapshots of your code at a point in time. Make frequent, small commits with descriptive messages.

    git commit -m "Add feature X"
  • Pull Requests (PRs): When you‘re ready to propose your changes to the main project, you open a pull request. This allows the maintainers to review your code and provide feedback.

"The most important thing when you‘re starting out with Git is to not be afraid to experiment. Create throwaway repositories, make mistakes, and learn from them." – Scott Chacon, co-founder of GitHub

Making Your First Contribution

You‘ve found a project, set up your environment, and familiarized yourself with Git. It‘s time to make your first contribution! Here‘s a detailed, step-by-step guide:

  1. Sync your fork: Before you start making changes, ensure your fork is up to date with the latest changes from the original repository.

    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/main
  2. Create a new branch: It‘s a good practice to create a new branch for each contribution.

    git checkout -b fix-broken-link
  3. Make your changes: Now, you can write your code, fix the bug, or add the feature. Remember to:

    • Follow the project‘s coding style and conventions
    • Write clear, concise commit messages
    • Test your changes thoroughly
  4. Push your changes: Once you‘re satisfied with your changes, push your branch to your forked repository.

    git push origin fix-broken-link
  5. Open a pull request: Navigate to the original repository on GitHub. You should see a banner suggesting that you make a pull request. Click on "Compare & pull request".

    • Write a clear title and description for your pull request
    • Reference any relevant issues
    • Explain your approach and the reasoning behind your changes
  6. Address feedback: The maintainers and other contributors will review your pull request and may request changes. This is a normal part of the process! Address their feedback, push your changes, and update the pull request.

  7. Celebrate: Once your pull request is merged, congratulations! You‘ve just made your first open-source contribution. Take a moment to celebrate and reflect on what you‘ve learned.

"I always encourage new contributors to start with something small and non-critical. It‘s a great way to familiarize yourself with the project and the contribution process without the pressure of tackling a major issue." – Dan Abramov, co-creator of Redux and React core team member

Advanced Topics

As you become more comfortable contributing to open-source, you‘ll likely encounter some more advanced situations. Here are a few topics to be aware of:

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Occasionally, you‘ll encounter merge conflicts when you try to merge your changes into the main branch. This happens when someone else has made changes to the same part of the code as you.

To resolve a merge conflict:

  1. Fetch the latest changes from the main branch
  2. Merge the main branch into your branch
  3. Identify the conflicting lines of code (they‘ll be marked with <<<<<<< and >>>>>>>)
  4. Edit the code to resolve the conflict
  5. Commit your changes and push them to your branch

Rebasing and Squashing Commits

Sometimes, you‘ll be asked to rebase your branch or squash your commits before your pull request can be merged.

Rebasing means applying your changes on top of the latest changes from the main branch. This keeps the project‘s history linear and clean. To rebase:

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main

Squashing means combining multiple commits into a single, cohesive commit. This is often requested if you have a lot of small, incremental commits. To squash:

git rebase -i HEAD~3 # squash the last 3 commits

In the interactive rebase screen, change pick to squash for the commits you want to squash, save and exit, and then write the new commit message.

Staying Up to Date

As you continue to contribute to a project, it‘s important to keep your fork and local copy up to date with the main repository. To do this:

  1. Add the main repository as an "upstream" remote:

    git remote add upstream
  2. Fetch the latest changes from the upstream:

    git fetch upstream
  3. Merge the changes into your local main branch:

    git checkout main
    git merge upstream/main
  4. Push the updated main branch to your fork:

    git push origin main

"One of the most underrated skills for an open-source contributor is the ability to write clear, effective communication. Whether you‘re describing a bug, proposing a new feature, or commenting on a pull request, being able to express your thoughts clearly is hugely valuable." – Saron Yitbarek, founder of CodeNewbie

Open-Source and Your Career

Contributing to open-source isn‘t just a hobby – it can also have a significant impact on your career as a developer.

Many companies actively look for open-source contributions when hiring. It demonstrates not only your technical skills but also your ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively.

Moreover, participating in open-source can lead to networking opportunities and professional connections. Many developers have landed jobs or started collaborations through their open-source work.

"I got my first developer job because of my open-source contributions. My now-boss saw my work on a project we were both interested in, and that sparked a conversation that eventually led to a job offer." – Emma Wedekind, UX Engineer at LogMeIn

Even if you‘re not actively job searching, contributing to open-source keeps your skills sharp and ensures you‘re staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in software development.


Contributing to open-source can be intimidating, but it‘s also one of the most rewarding things you can do as a developer. Not only do you sharpen your own skills, but you also get to be part of something larger, working alongside other developers to build tools and technologies that impact real people.

Remember, every developer has something valuable to contribute, regardless of their skill level or background. The open-source community is vast and varied, and there‘s a place in it for everyone.

So take that first step. Find a project that resonates with you, make that first contribution, and join the vibrant, global community of open-source developers. You never know where it might lead you.

Happy contributing!

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