How to Find Good First Issues on GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I know firsthand the importance of contributing to open source projects. Not only does it allow you to give back to the community and improve the software you use, but it also provides valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and career growth. However, getting started with open source can be intimidating, especially if you‘re not sure where to begin.

That‘s where "good first issues" come in. These are issues that are specifically labeled and designed to be accessible to new contributors. They provide a guided entry point into a project, allowing you to get familiar with the codebase, contribution process, and community while making a meaningful impact.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share my expertise and insights on how to find and tackle good first issues on GitHub effectively. We‘ll cover everything from understanding what makes a good first issue to preparing your pull request and beyond. Whether you‘re a beginner looking to make your first contribution or an experienced developer wanting to explore new projects, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies you need to succeed.

The Importance of Open Source Contributions

Before we dive into the specifics of finding good first issues, let‘s take a moment to understand why contributing to open source is so valuable. According to a survey by Digital Ocean, 55% of developers contribute to open source projects at least once a year, with 28% contributing at least once a month (Source: Digital Ocean Open Source Survey).

Open source contributions have become an integral part of the software development landscape. They allow developers to:

  • Improve the quality and functionality of the tools and libraries they use daily
  • Learn from experienced developers and gain exposure to new technologies and best practices
  • Build a public portfolio of work that demonstrates their skills and expertise
  • Network with other developers and become part of a global community
  • Give back to the community and make a positive impact on the industry

Furthermore, many companies now consider open source contributions as a key factor in hiring decisions. A study by Indeed found that 72% of employers prefer candidates who have contributed to open source projects (Source: Indeed Hiring Lab).

Employer Preference Percentage
Prefer open source experience 72%
No preference 25%
Prefer no open source experience 3%

Source: Indeed Hiring Lab

By contributing to open source, you‘re not only improving your skills and making valuable connections but also making yourself a more attractive candidate for potential job opportunities.

What Makes a Good First Issue?

Now that we understand the importance of open source contributions, let‘s explore what makes an issue a good choice for first-time contributors. Good first issues are typically:

  1. Well-defined and specific: The issue should have a clear problem statement and expected outcome. It should be focused on a specific task or bug fix rather than a broad feature request.

  2. Limited in scope: The issue should be achievable for a new contributor without requiring extensive changes or deep knowledge of the entire codebase. It should be self-contained and not depend on other unresolved issues.

  3. Documented and labeled: The issue should have a detailed description, including steps to reproduce (for bugs) or specific requirements (for features). It should also be labeled as "good first issue" or similar to make it easily discoverable.

  4. Supported by the maintainers: The project maintainers should be responsive and welcoming to new contributors. They should be available to answer questions, provide guidance, and give constructive feedback on pull requests.

Here‘s an example of a well-defined good first issue from the popular JavaScript library, Lodash:

Good First Issue Example

Source: Lodash GitHub Issues

In this issue, the problem is clearly stated (a typo in the documentation), the steps to fix it are outlined (update the specified file), and the maintainer has labeled it as a "good first issue" and provided guidance on how to contribute.

When evaluating potential good first issues, take the time to read the description carefully and ensure that it meets these criteria. If anything is unclear or you have additional questions, don‘t hesitate to leave a comment on the issue and ask for clarification. Maintainers of beginner-friendly projects are usually happy to provide more context and guidance.

Finding Good First Issues on GitHub

GitHub is home to millions of open source projects, which can make finding the right good first issues a daunting task. However, there are several strategies and tools you can use to narrow down your search and discover issues that match your skills and interests.

Searching by Labels

Many projects use labels to categorize and prioritize issues, including labels specifically for new contributors. Some common labels to look for include:

  • "good first issue"
  • "beginner-friendly"
  • "easy"
  • "first-timers-only"
  • "up-for-grabs"

To search for issues with a specific label, you can use GitHub‘s search syntax. For example, to find good first issues in the React repository, you would search for:

repo:facebook/react label:"good first issue"

This will return all open issues in the React repository that have the "good first issue" label.

You can also browse a project‘s issue tracker and filter by labels to see all available good first issues. Here‘s an example from the Node.js repository:

Node.js Good First Issues

Source: Node.js GitHub Issues

Using Aggregator Websites

In addition to searching directly on GitHub, there are several websites that aggregate good first issues from multiple projects and make them easily discoverable. Some popular options include:

  • First Timers Only: A curated list of beginner-friendly issues from various projects.
  • Up For Grabs: A directory of projects looking for new contributors, with a focus on good first issues.
  • CodeTriage: A platform that helps you find and contribute to open source projects by subscribing to issue notifications.

These websites allow you to browse a wide range of projects and issues based on your interests and skill level, making it easier to find the perfect starting point for your open source journey.

Evaluating Project Activity and Community

When choosing a project to contribute to, it‘s important to consider not only the quality of the issues but also the overall health and activity of the project and its community. Here are some factors to look for:

  1. Active development: Look for projects with recent commits and releases, indicating that they are actively maintained and evolving.

  2. Responsive maintainers: Check the issue tracker and pull request history to see how responsive the maintainers are to contributions and questions. Avoid projects with a large backlog of unaddressed issues or unanswered questions.

  3. Welcoming community: Browse the project‘s communication channels (e.g., forums, chat rooms, mailing lists) to get a sense of the community‘s tone and helpfulness. Look for projects with a code of conduct and a friendly, inclusive atmosphere.

  4. Clear contribution guidelines: Check for a file or similar documentation that outlines the project‘s contribution process, coding standards, and expectations for pull requests. Well-documented guidelines can make your first contribution smoother and less intimidating.

By considering these factors, you can increase your chances of having a positive and rewarding experience as a first-time contributor.

Making Your First Contribution

Once you‘ve found a good first issue that you‘d like to work on, it‘s time to start making your contribution. Here‘s a step-by-step guide to the process:

  1. Fork the repository: Create a personal copy of the project‘s codebase on your own GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button on the repository‘s page.

  2. Clone your fork: Use Git to clone your forked repository to your local machine, so you can work on the code locally.

  3. Create a new branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch for your work. This keeps your changes separate from the main codebase and makes it easier to manage multiple contributions.

  4. Make your changes: Follow the issue‘s instructions and the project‘s coding standards to implement the necessary changes. Be sure to test your work thoroughly.

  5. Commit your changes: Once you‘re satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch with a clear and descriptive commit message.

  6. Push your changes: Push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub, so your changes are visible to the project maintainers.

  7. Open a pull request: Go to the original repository on GitHub and open a new pull request from your branch. In the pull request description, reference the issue you‘re addressing and provide a clear explanation of your changes.

  8. Address feedback: The project maintainers may request changes or provide feedback on your pull request. Be responsive and open to their suggestions, and work to address any issues they point out.

  9. Celebrate your contribution: Once your pull request is approved and merged, congratulations! You‘ve officially become an open source contributor. Take a moment to celebrate your achievement and reflect on what you‘ve learned.

Remember, contributing to open source is a learning process, and it‘s okay to make mistakes or ask for help along the way. The most important thing is to be patient, persistent, and open to feedback.


Finding and contributing to good first issues on GitHub is a fantastic way to start your open source journey and make a positive impact on the software development community. By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can navigate the vast landscape of open source projects with confidence and find opportunities that match your skills and interests.

Remember, every contribution matters, no matter how small. By taking that first step and putting yourself out there, you‘re not only improving the projects you work on but also growing as a developer and building valuable connections within the community.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring GitHub, find your perfect good first issue, and make your mark on the world of open source. Happy coding!

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