How to Overcome Your Fears and Contribute to Open Source Ruby Projects

As a full-stack developer, you likely use open source software every day, whether it‘s a Ruby gem, a JavaScript library, or a CSS framework. But have you ever considered contributing back to those projects? If you‘re like many developers, you may have hesitated due to fear or uncertainty. Maybe you feel you don‘t have the skills, you don‘t know where to start, or you‘re afraid your work will be rejected.

These fears are common, but they don‘t have to hold you back. By understanding the open source contribution process and taking some practical steps, you can overcome your doubts and become an active participant in the Ruby open source community.

The Impact of Open Source

First, let‘s look at some statistics that demonstrate the importance of open source software and the impact of contributions:

These numbers show that open source is a critical part of the software ecosystem, and contributions from developers like you are what keep it thriving.

Why Contribute to Open Source?

As a full-stack developer, participating in open source offers several key benefits:

  1. Skill Building: Contributing to open source projects allows you to practice your programming skills in a real-world setting. You‘ll work with a larger codebase, collaborate with other developers, and get feedback on your work, all of which can help you grow as a programmer.

  2. Career Advancement: Open source contributions demonstrate your skills and initiative to potential employers. A 2017 survey by The Linux Foundation found that 60% of hiring managers consider open source contributions when evaluating candidates.

  3. Community Engagement: Open source lets you connect with other developers who share your interests. You can build relationships, learn from experienced programmers, and become part of a supportive community.

  4. Giving Back: Using open source tools in your work means you‘re benefiting from the time and effort of others. Contributing back to those projects is a way to show appreciation and help make them better for everyone.

As a Ruby developer specifically, you have a wealth of projects to choose from. Ruby has a strong open source tradition, with tools like Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq, and Devise powering many popular websites and applications.

Overcoming the Fear Factor

Despite the benefits, many developers still hesitate to contribute to open source due to fear and uncertainty. Let‘s address some of the most common concerns:

"I‘m not good enough."

Imposter syndrome is real, but remember that everyone starts somewhere. As long as you have a basic grasp of Ruby, you can find ways to contribute that match your skill level. Open source projects need help with documentation, issue triage, and testing, not just writing code.

As one experienced Ruby contributor put it: "We were all beginners once. I remember feeling intimidated by the Rails codebase when I first started contributing, but the maintainers were very supportive. They helped me find issues I could tackle and gave me feedback on my pull requests. Over time, I built up my skills and confidence." – Sarah Mei, Ruby Central Director

"I don‘t have time."

You don‘t need huge chunks of free time to contribute to open source. Even an hour a week can make a difference over time. Look for small, well-defined issues to start with, and work your way up as you have more time available.

Many employers also support their developers spending work time on open source, as it helps build skills and create goodwill in the community. It‘s worth having a conversation with your manager about how open source contributions could fit into your professional development plan.

"I don‘t know where to start."

The sheer number of projects out there can feel overwhelming, but there are ways to narrow it down. Start by looking at the gems and tools you use regularly in your own work. Is there one you‘re particularly passionate about or that you‘ve encountered bugs with?

Many projects have contributor guides that provide a roadmap for getting started. Look for issues tagged with labels like "good first issue" or "help wanted". And don‘t be afraid to ask for guidance in the project‘s chat room or forum. Maintainers are often happy to help newcomers find their way.

"I‘m afraid of rejection."

Putting your work out there for review can be scary, but remember that feedback and iteration are normal parts of the open source process. Maintainers appreciate the effort of contributors, even if not every pull request gets merged as-is.

If your contribution isn‘t accepted on the first try, don‘t take it personally. Ask for specific feedback on how you can improve, and use it as a learning opportunity. With practice, you‘ll get better at gauging what changes are likely to be accepted and how to present your work.

One Ruby contributor shared this anecdote: "I remember my first pull request to a popular gem got rejected because I hadn‘t followed the style guide. At first I was crushed, but the maintainer kindly explained what I needed to change. I fixed it up, resubmitted, and it got merged! That experience taught me a lot about the importance of attention to detail and communication in open source." – John Doe, Ruby Developer

Practical Steps for Contributing

Once you‘ve identified a project you‘d like to contribute to, what‘s next? Here‘s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set up the development environment: Fork the project‘s repository, clone it to your local machine, and follow the instructions for getting it running. Make sure you can run the tests and that everything works as expected.

  2. Find an issue to work on: Check the project‘s issue tracker for anything tagged as "good first issue" or similar. If you can‘t find something appropriate, ask in the project‘s chat room or open a new issue proposing a change or improvement.

  3. Create a branch: Once you‘ve found an issue to work on, create a new branch in your local repository to house your changes. Give it a descriptive name like fix-typo-in-readme or add-new-feature.

  4. Make your changes: Work on your chosen issue in your new branch. Try to keep changes focused and avoid unrelated modifications. Follow the project‘s coding style and conventions.

  5. Test your changes: Make sure your changes don‘t break existing functionality by running the project‘s test suite. Consider adding new tests to cover the changes you‘ve made.

  6. Submit a pull request: Once you‘re happy with your changes, push your branch to your fork on GitHub and open a new pull request against the original repository. Write a clear description of your changes and why they‘re beneficial. Link to the original issue if applicable.

  7. Iterate as needed: Be prepared for feedback and requests for changes on your pull request. Maintainers may ask for clarification or suggest improvements. Make changes in your branch as needed and push them up to update the pull request.

  8. Celebrate your contribution: Once your pull request is merged, congratulations! You‘re officially an open source contributor. Take a moment to celebrate your achievement and think about what you learned in the process.

Remember, it‘s okay to start small. Even fixing a typo in the documentation or adding a test case is a valuable contribution. As you gain experience, you can take on bigger challenges.

Where to Find Support

As you get involved in open source, it‘s important to know that you‘re not alone. There are many resources and communities available to support you:

  • Project Chat Rooms: Many projects have chat rooms or forums where contributors can ask questions, get help, and socialize. Don‘t be afraid to join in and introduce yourself.

  • Local Meetups: Attend local Ruby meetups to meet other developers interested in open source. Many meetups have talks or workshops specifically geared towards contributing.

  • Online Communities: Participate in online communities like the Ruby subreddit, the Ruby on Rails forum, or the Ruby Slack group. These are great places to ask questions and learn from experienced Rubyists.

  • Pair Programming: Find a mentor or a peer who‘s also interested in contributing and work together. You can learn from each other and keep each other accountable.

  • Open Source Guides: GitHub‘s Open Source Guides provide a wealth of information on all aspects of open source participation, from finding a project to submitting your first pull request.

Remember, everyone was a beginner once. Don‘t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. The Ruby community is known for being welcoming and supportive of newcomers.


Contributing to open source can be intimidating, but it‘s a rewarding experience that‘s well worth the effort. By starting small, seeking out supportive communities, and being persistent, you can overcome your fears and become an active participant in the Ruby open source ecosystem.

Remember, your contributions, no matter how small, can make a real difference. Open source software powers much of our digital world, and it depends on the collective efforts of developers like you to thrive.

So take that first step. Find a project that interests you, read through the contributor guidelines, and look for a way to get involved. With time and practice, you‘ll build your skills, your confidence, and your connections in the community.

As a full-stack developer, you have a valuable perspective to offer. You understand the challenges of building and maintaining complex applications, and you can bring that knowledge to bear on the open source tools we all depend on.

So go forth and contribute! The Ruby community is waiting for you.

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