6 Things to Ask When Interviewing for a Remote Developer Job

The rise of remote work has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for developers. No longer limited by geography, we can now find job opportunities with companies all over the globe. In fact, a 2022 Stack Overflow survey found that 85% of developers work remotely at least part of the time, and 75% of respondents said that remote work options would be a key factor in considering a new job.

But with this newfound freedom comes a new set of challenges. Working remotely as a developer requires a level of intention and self-management that may not be as critical in an office setting. Communication, collaboration, and even basic logistics all require a bit more forethought when you‘re not sharing a physical space with your team.

That‘s why it‘s so important to thoroughly vet potential employers when interviewing for a remote developer role. Asking the right questions upfront can help you determine whether a company is set up for remote success and if their culture and ways of working align with your needs.

As a full-stack developer who has worked remotely for several years, I‘ve learned a lot about what to look for (and what to avoid) in remote employers. Here are the six key areas I always inquire about, along with some specific questions to ask in each:

1. Remote Work Policy and Culture

First and foremost, you need to understand the company‘s overall stance on remote work. Is it something they‘ve embraced wholehearted or just a temporary perk? Are remote employees seen as equal to their in-office counterparts?

Some key questions to ask:

  • What percentage of the engineering team works remotely full-time?
  • How long has the company supported remote work for developers?
  • Does the engineering leadership work remotely themselves?

Digging into these questions will give you a sense of how ingrained remote work is in the company‘s DNA. In my experience, the most successful remote cultures are those where remote work is the default, not the exception. If leadership works remotely themselves, that‘s usually a good sign that they‘re bought in and will work to make the remote experience a positive one.

It‘s also important to understand the company‘s long-term vision for remote work. Is it something they plan to support indefinitely or are they eager to get everyone back in the office? If remote work is seen as a temporary solution, you may find your options limited down the line.

2. Developer Collaboration and Communication Tools

Effective communication is key to the success of any development team, but it becomes even more critical in a remote setting. Without the ability to tap your teammate on the shoulder to ask a question, you need to be intentional about how and where communication happens.

Some key questions to ask:

  • What tools does the engineering team use for synchronous (real-time) communication? Asynchronous?
  • How often do synchronous meetings like standups or team syncs happen?
  • What are the expectations around responsiveness and working hours?

In my experience, the most effective remote dev teams use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication channels. Synchronous tools like Zoom or Slack are great for real-time collaboration, pair programming, or hashing things out in the moment. But asynchronous channels like GitHub pull requests, Jira tickets, or Notion docs are equally important for moving work forward when team members are on different schedules.

It‘s also critical to understand the expectations around responsiveness and working hours. Just because you‘re working remotely doesn‘t mean you should be expected to be "always on." Look for companies that respect boundaries and have guidelines around preventing off-hours interruptions.

Some data to back this up:

  • A 2021 Buffer survey found that the most popular tools for remote work are Zoom (79%), Slack (54%), and Google Workspace (53%)
  • The same survey found that 33% of respondents struggle with unplugging from work when working remotely
  • Developers overwhelmingly prefer asynchronous forms of communication, with 71% saying it‘s critical for giving thoughtful feedback on code reviews (Stac kOverflow)

3. Measuring Performance and Giving Feedback

When you‘re not physically around your manager and teammates every day, it can be harder to get a sense of how you‘re performing. That‘s why it‘s important to understand upfront how performance is measured and feedback is given in a remote setting.

Some key questions to ask:

  • How are goals set and progress tracked at the individual, team, and company levels?
  • What feedback mechanisms are in place (e.g. 1:1s, performance reviews, 360 feedback)?
  • How often does feedback happen, both formally and informally?

In effective remote cultures, goals and expectations are clearly defined and regularly discussed. Look for mention of frameworks like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), which can help create alignment and accountability across the organization.

Inquire about the cadence and format of feedback as well. Will you have weekly 1:1s with your manager or more ad-hoc check-ins? Are there regular performance reviews or is feedback more fluid?

It‘s also important that feedback flows in multiple directions – not just top-down. As a developer, you should feel empowered to give feedback to your peers and upward to your manager. The more open and multidirectional the feedback, the more opportunities you‘ll have for growth.

4. Resources for Remote Developers

To do your best work as a remote developer, you need to have the right setup and resources. Many companies recognize this and offer stipends or reimbursements to help remote employees create an effective home office.

Some key questions to ask:

  • Does the company provide any home office stipends or reimbursements for equipment?
  • Will they cover the cost of a coworking space membership if desired?
  • Are there any in-person meetups or retreats for the team to get together?

At minimum, I‘d expect a company to offer a stipend to cover basics like an external monitor, ergonomic keyboard and mouse, and a decent office chair. Some go above and beyond with noise-cancelling headphones, standing desks, or even a budget for decorating your space.

For developers in particular, having a fast and reliable internet connection is non-negotiable. Many remote-friendly companies will cover the cost of upgrading your internet speed or even getting a backup connection to use if your primary one goes down.

In-person meetups and retreats can also be a great perk and help foster team bonding. While not essential, they‘re a good sign that a company values the social side of work and not just the transactional parts.

5. Fostering Team Connection and Belonging

Speaking of the social side of work, feeling a sense of connection and belonging with your team is just as important remotely as it is in person – maybe even more so. Without the natural opportunities for casual conversation that happen in an office, remote teams need to be deliberate about creating space for connection.

Some key questions to ask:

  • How does the team stay connected beyond just work topics?
  • Are there any virtual team building activities or non-work events?
  • What communication norms help foster a sense of psychological safety and inclusion?

In my experience, little things can make a big difference when it comes to feeling connected remotely. Having Slack channels dedicated to non-work interests like music, cooking, or pets can help teammates bond over shared passions. Starting meetings with a few minutes of informal conversation before diving into the agenda gives people a chance to catch up and chat.

It‘s also important that virtual space is made for different communication styles and preferences. As an introvert, I appreciate when there are options to contribute both verbally and in writing. Using tools like Google Docs or Notion to collaborate asynchronously can help level the playing field.

Some data to consider:

  • Remote employees who feel a sense of belonging are 5x more likely to be engaged at work (BetterUp)
  • Companies with highly engaged workforces are 21% more profitable (Gallup)
  • 91% of developers say team building and collaboration are important (StackOverflow)

6. Red Flags and Warning Signs

While the above areas cover what to look for in a great remote employer, it‘s equally important to know what to watch out for. Here are a few red flags that could indicate a company is not set up well for remote success:

  • The company is new to remote work and doesn‘t seem to have a clear plan or policies in place
  • Most of the team is co-located in an office with only a few remote employees
  • There‘s an expectation that you‘ll be available at all hours or work a set schedule regardless of time zone
  • Communication seems to happen primarily through ad-hoc, synchronous channels
  • There‘s no mention of team building or fostering connection beyond work tasks
  • Remote employees seem to be treated as second-class citizens compared to in-office workers

If you notice any of these warning signs, dig deeper to understand the company‘s motivations and plans for remote work. It may just be that they‘re early in their remote journey and still figuring things out. But if leadership seems skeptical or dismissive of remote work altogether, that‘s likely a sign that they‘re not fully bought in.


As remote work becomes more prevalent in the tech industry, developers have a unique opportunity to find roles that align with their preferred working style and values. But with this opportunity comes the responsibility to thoroughly vet potential employers and ensure they‘re set up for remote success.

By digging into a company‘s remote policies, communication norms, feedback mechanisms, and team culture, you can get a clear sense of whether they walk the walk or just pay lip service to remote work. Don‘t be afraid to ask tough questions and trust your gut if something feels off.

Remember, interviews are a two-way street. You‘re not just trying to impress the company – you‘re also assessing whether they‘re a good fit for you. Take the time to reflect on your own remote work needs and preferences. What type of communication do you thrive on? How much structure and face time do you need to feel connected? What does work-life balance look like for you?

Armed with this self-knowledge and the right questions to ask, you can confidently navigate the remote job market and find an employer that empowers you to do your best work from anywhere. As one seasoned remote developer put it:

"The key to successful remote work is finding a company that trusts you and gives you the autonomy to work how and when you‘re most productive. It‘s not about constant monitoring or facetime – it‘s about results." – Sarah Petrova, Senior Software Engineer

So go forth and interview with confidence, asking the questions that matter most to you. With a little bit of preparation and the right mindset, you‘re well on your way to landing your dream remote developer job.

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