Here‘s How You, as a Developer, Can Achieve 100% of Your Yearly Goals

Determined developer working on laptop

It‘s a new year, and you‘re fired up to make it your best one yet. You dream of shipping that ambitious side project, speaking at a big conference, starting a blog that gains traction…

But if you‘re like most developers, you‘ve set big goals in past years only to get derailed a few months in. A study by the University of Scranton found that 92% of people fail to achieve the goals they set at New Year‘s.

So what separates the elite 8% who actually follow through? Are they just born with superhuman willpower and motivation?

Thankfully, no. Science shows that achieving your goals is less about sheer grit and more about strategically "designing your environment" for success. And as developers, we‘re uniquely positioned to leverage systems and best practices to keep our goals on track.

By approaching your goals like you would an agile software project, you can dramatically increase your odds of success. Here‘s a proven framework you can apply to achieve even your most challenging goals this year:

Set Clear, Measurable Goals Tied to Your Values

Too often we set vague goals based on what we think we "should" do rather than what really matters to us. But research shows that goals aligned with our intrinsic motivations are much more likely to stick.

Start by clarifying what‘s truly important to you:

  • What work most energizes and engages you?
  • What would make the biggest impact on your life and career?
  • What do you want to be known for?

Use these insights to set 3-5 specific, measurable goals for the year. For example:

  • "Reach 10,000 monthly unique visitors on my tech blog by December"
  • "Contribute to 5 open-source projects in 3 different languages"
  • "Land a senior developer role at a top tech company"

"When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires with you to make it happen." – Fabienne Fredrickson

Also consider framing your goals positively, i.e. what you will do vs. what you won‘t do. Research by Gabriele Oettingen found that framing goals positively increased success rates by over 30%.

Treat Your Goals Like an Agile Software Project

A year is a long time. It‘s easy to get lost in the weeds and lose momentum. The key is to approach your goals like you would an agile development project.

Here‘s how that might look:

  1. Treat your goals like epics and break them down into smaller "stories" (milestones)
  2. Plan out your milestones in 4-8 week "sprints"
  3. Do a quick daily "standup" to re-commit and identify blockers
  4. Hold a weekly "retro" to review progress and adjust your plan
  5. Repeat until you achieve the goal!

For example, let‘s say your goal is to grow your tech blog to 10,000 monthly readers. Your milestones might include:

  • Month 1: Publish 8 high-quality, SEO-optimized posts
  • Month 2: Grow email list to 500 subscribers
  • Month 3: Land 3 guest post on popular tech blogs
  • Month 4: Reach 5,000 monthly readers

Each week, you‘d choose a few key "stories" to focus on, like writing 2 new posts, updating older posts for SEO, or pitching a guest post. Then rinse and repeat until you hit your target.

Example Kanban board for blogging goal

Schedule Non-Negotiable Time for "Deep Goal Work"

Between email, meetings, Slack, and Twitter, it‘s easier than ever to get sucked into reactive, shallow work. If you don‘t proactively block out time for your goals, they will inevitably slip through the cracks.

Here are some tips to make focused goal time a priority:

  • Schedule goal work in 1-4 hour focused "deep work" blocks
  • Block goal time on your calendar like any other commitment
  • Set "implementation intentions": When X happens, I will do Y
  • Use the Pomodoro technique to manage energy in focused sprints
  • Limit shallow work with email/IM policies, shortcuts, and templates

Many top developers also swear by starting their goal work first thing, before opening email or Slack. Data from the company RescueTime found that people who do 2+ hours of deep work early in the day are over 40% more likely to hit their goals.

Build Accountability Through Public Commitment and Peer Support

Writing down your goals makes you 42% more likely to achieve them. But publicly committing to your goals takes accountability to another level.

Some ideas to commit publicly:

  • Share your goals with friends, family or mastermind group
  • Announce your goals and progress on social media
  • Post your daily/weekly goals in public standups
  • Find an accountability partner to share check-ins and progress
  • Set a scary consequence for failing, like donating money

For developers, GitHub provides a great platform for public accountability. You can commit to coding/writing daily and showcase your progress with GitHub streaks. Or use a tool like Beeminder to track coding time, blog posts, etc. and put money on the line for slipping up.

Peer support also makes a huge difference. In a study on accountability, The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) found that people with an accountability partner were 65% more likely to hit their goals. With a structured accountability group, that jumped to 95%!

Invest in Strategic Skills and Experiments

Big, challenging goals require stepping beyond your comfort zone and up-leveling your skills. The highest achievers invest heavily in targeted learning and growth experiments.

Some key areas for developers to focus on:

  • Mastering new languages, frameworks and tools
  • Improving "soft skills" like communication and leadership
  • Building a personal brand and network
  • Experimenting with new technologies and side projects
  • Optimizing productivity, focus and energy management

One approach is to do a quarterly "growth sprint" focused on rapidly up-leveling a specific skill through intensive practice and experimentation.

For example, you might commit to publishing a technical blog post every day for a month to level up your writing skills. Or contribute to one open-source project every week to master a new language. Or reading three books by top developers to upgrade your mindset and mental models.

"The most powerful skill you can learn as a developer is how to learn." – Preethi Kasireddy

The key is to identify high-leverage skills to focus on, and design short experiments and projects to stretch you beyond your current abilities.

Track and Celebrate Your Progress

It‘s easy to get so focused on the end goal that you don‘t acknowledge how far you‘ve already come. But celebrating small wins has been scientifically proven to boost motivation and follow-through.

Here are some ways to celebrate your progress:

  • Keep a physical or digital "done" list and review it often
  • Take time to reflect on your growth at the end of each week/month
  • Share your wins and lessons learned publicly
  • Reward yourself for hitting key milestones
  • Keep a gratitude journal and note what you‘re proud of

One powerful way to visualize progress is through data and charts. Consider tracking your key goal metrics in a spreadsheet or dashboard. For example, you might track number of coding hours, blog posts published, GitHub contributions, etc. over time.

Seeing the visual evidence of your hard work paying off is extremely motivating. What gets measured gets managed.

Example GitHub contributions chart

Prioritize Self-Care and Sustainable Habits

When working towards big goals, it‘s easy to neglect our health and relationships. But your well-being is critical to maintaining focus, creativity and resilience for the long haul.

Some key self-care areas for developers:

  • Getting enough sleep (7-9 hours)
  • Regular exercise and healthy eating
  • Avoiding burnout by taking breaks and disconnecting
  • Nurturing supportive relationships
  • Making time for fun and play
  • Investing in stress management and emotional health

One study from the University of Illinois found that people generated more creative ideas after taking just a brief walk. Devoting 20-30 minutes per day to light exercise has an outsized ROI.

Aim to design your routines and environment to make healthy habits as automatic as possible, through visual cues, rewards, accountability, scheduling, etc. Make the good behaviors the path of least resistance, and friction the bad ones.

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." – James Clear

Adopt a Growth Mindset and Persevere Through Setbacks

The path to any meaningful goal is never a smooth, linear ascent. You will face challenges, self-doubt and setbacks. Your ability to persevere through these tough moments is what separates those who give up from those who break through.

According to research by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, adopting a "growth mindset" – the belief that you can improve your abilities through hard work vs. being fixed – is key to resilience.

Some ways to build this growth orientation:

  • Treat setbacks as lessons to learn from vs. threats to avoid
  • Embrace challenges outside your comfort zone
  • Practice self-compassion and avoid negative self-talk
  • Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you
  • Study the struggles and personal growth of developers you admire

Remember too that motivation follows action, not the other way around. On days you feel unmotivated, commit to showing up and focusing for just 10 minutes. More often than not, you‘ll find yourself getting into a flow and working far longer.

Over time, your identity and self-image will shift to being the kind of person who shows up for their goals consistently, making follow-through almost automatic. But it starts with tiny habits, repeated until they become part of who you are.

Conclusion and Next Steps

You have everything you need to make this your breakthrough year. By setting clear goals, treating them like an agile project, scheduling deep work time, building accountability, investing in growth experiments, celebrating wins, prioritizing self-care and cultivating resilience, you will be astonished by what you can achieve.

But all the strategies in the world mean nothing without taking action. So start small, and start today. Block out one hour to set your goals and milestones for the next 90 days. Schedule a recurring deep work block in your calendar every day. Find one person to commit to and keep you accountable. Do one small thing to move the needle.

And keep putting one foot in front of the other. With time and consistency, you will look up and realize you‘ve built incredible momentum. And this time next year, you‘ll be blown away by how far you‘ve come.

Here‘s to making this your best year yet!

Resources for Further Learning

If you want to dive deeper into the science of achievement and developer productivity, here are some great resources:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport
  • Ultralearning by Scott Young
  • Grit by Angela Duckworth
  • Essentialism by Greg McKeown
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

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