How to Write Your Own Browser Extension [Example Project Included]

Browser extensions are small software programs that add new features and functionality to your web browser. As a web developer, learning how to create your own browser extensions is a valuable skill that allows you to customize your browsing experience and build tools to boost your productivity.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through the process of building a browser extension from scratch. We‘ll start with the basics of the browser extension architecture, create a simple "Hello World" extension, then gradually build up to a more complex example project. Along the way, I‘ll share some useful APIs, libraries, and best practices to help you become a browser extension development expert. Let‘s dive in!

Browser Extension Architecture 101

Before we start coding, it‘s important to understand the key components that make up a browser extension and how they work together:

  • Manifest file: A JSON file (manifest.json) that contains important metadata about your extension, such as its name, version number, and the permissions it requires.

  • Background script: A JavaScript file that contains the main logic of your extension. It has access to browser APIs and can listen for browser events.

  • Content scripts: JavaScript files that run in the context of web pages. They can read and modify the DOM of the pages they are injected into.

  • Popup/Options page: An HTML page that provides a UI for your extension. The popup appears when the user clicks the extension icon, while the options page allows the user to configure settings.

  • Icons: PNG images in various sizes that are used to represent your extension in the browser UI.

These components are packaged together into a single .zip file and loaded into the browser to install the extension. With these fundamentals in mind, let‘s start building!

The State of Browser Extensions

Before we dive into code, let‘s take a brief look at the current browser extension ecosystem.

Browser extensions have become increasingly popular over the past decade. According to a study by Extension Monitor, there are over 1.2 billion web browser extensions installed across Chrome and Firefox users worldwide, with an average of 5 extensions per user. The Chrome Web Store hosts over 200,000 extensions with over 4 billion total installs.

Browser extension statistics

Some of the most popular browser extension categories include:

  1. Ad blockers (e.g. AdBlock, uBlock Origin)
  2. Password managers (e.g. LastPass, 1Password)
  3. Developer tools (e.g. React Developer Tools, WhatFont)
  4. Productivity tools (e.g. Evernote Web Clipper, Grammarly)
  5. Shopping assistants (e.g. Honey, PriceBlink)

Clearly, browser extensions offer a massive opportunity for developers to create useful tools and reach a large userbase. So let‘s learn how to build them!

Creating a Basic "Hello World" Extension

[Basic Hello World extension tutorial goes here – see previous response for full code]

Key Browser Extension APIs and Libraries

In the Hello World example, we saw a glimpse of some of the APIs used in browser extension development. Let‘s take a closer look at some of the key ones:

  • Allows extensions to store and retrieve data in the browser. Useful for saving user preferences, cached data, etc.

  • chrome.tabs: Interact with the browser‘s tab system. Query, create, modify, and rearrange tabs.

  • chrome.webRequest: Observe and analyze traffic, intercept, block and modify requests.

  • chrome.contextMenus: Add items to browser‘s context menu. Useful for extensions that work with page content.

  • chrome.notifications: Create rich HTML notifications that are displayed to the user.

Additionally, there are many JavaScript libraries that provide helpful abstractions and utilities for building extensions. Some popular ones include:

These can greatly simplify cross-browser extension development and implementing common features. I highly recommend checking them out as you build more complex extensions!

Building a Code Snippets Manager Extension

[Example project build tutorial goes here – see previous response for base code]

To expand on the base extension, let‘s add a few useful features…

Categorizing Snippets

It would be useful to categorize our code snippets by language or framework. Let‘s add support for specifying a category when saving a snippet.

First, update the saveSnippet function in background.js to accept a category parameter:

function saveSnippet(code, url, category) {
  // ...
  // ...

Then update contentScript.js to prompt the user for a category before sending the message to the background script:

document.onmouseup = function() {
  // ...
  if (selectedText) {
    var category = prompt("Enter a category for this snippet:");

      action: "saveSnippet",
      code: selectedText,
      url: window.location.href,

Finally, display the category in the snippet list in popup.js:

snippets.forEach(function(snippet) {
  // ...    
  var category = document.createElement(‘span‘);
  category.className = ‘category‘;
  category.innerText = snippet.category;
  // ...

Deleting Snippets

We should also allow users to delete snippets they no longer need. Update popup.js again:

snippets.forEach(function(snippet, index) {
  // ...
  var deleteButton = document.createElement(‘button‘);
  deleteButton.className = ‘delete‘;  
  deleteButton.innerText = ‘Delete‘;
  deleteButton.dataset.index = index;
  deleteButton.onclick = deleteSnippet;
  // ...  

function deleteSnippet() {
  var index = Number(this.dataset.index);‘snippets‘, function(data) {
    var snippets = data.snippets;
    snippets.splice(index, 1);{snippets}, function() {

This adds a "Delete" button to each snippet that, when clicked, removes that snippet from the snippets array in storage and refreshes the snippet list.

With categorization and deletion supported, our extension is starting to look pretty feature-rich! As you can see, most new features can be implemented with just a few lines of code, leveraging the APIs and techniques we‘ve already learned.

Publishing to the Chrome Web Store

Once your extension is working well locally, you may want to publish it to the Chrome Web Store so others can find and use it. Here‘s a quick overview of that process:

  1. Create a developer account at
  2. Ensure your manifest.json is complete with details like description, author, version number etc.
  3. Take screenshots or make a demo video of your extension to display on the listing.
  4. Compress your extension files into a ZIP archive.
  5. Upload the ZIP to the Developer Dashboard, fill out the listing details, and submit it for review.
  6. Respond to any review feedback until your extension is approved!

Google has an official tutorial with more details on each step. Note that there is a one-time $5 USD developer signup fee.

Tips for Success

As a full-stack developer who has built and published many browser extensions, here are some of my top tips for success:

  1. Solve a real problem. The most successful extensions solve a real, painful problem for users. Validate your idea by talking to potential users before building.

  2. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!). Browser extensions are most effective when they‘re focused and easy to use. Don‘t try to cram in too many features.

  3. Design a great UI/UX. Your extension‘s icon, popup, and options page are opportunities to delight users. Invest in great design and copy.

  4. Provide excellent support. As more users install your extension, they‘ll inevitably have questions or run into issues. Provide responsive, helpful support to build loyal fans.

  5. Iterate and improve. Don‘t expect your extension to be perfect right away. Release early and often, and learn from user feedback to continuously make it better.

  6. Promote your extension. Share your extension on your social channels, run a Product Hunt campaign, reach out to bloggers or journalists in your niche.

Above all, have fun and keep learning! Browser extension development is a fantastic way to create useful tools, experiment with new ideas, and build your skills.

Resources and Communities

There are many great resources available for continuing to build your browser extension development expertise. Here are a few of my favorites:

There are also lively communities of browser extension developers on Twitter, DEV, and other social platforms. I‘ve learned a ton by reading tutorials and case studies shared by other developers, and asking questions when I get stuck.

Finally, remember that browser extensions are open source by nature! Don‘t be afraid to explore the source code of extensions you admire to see how they work under the hood. Many developers are happy to accept pull requests with bug fixes or new features. Contributing to an open source extension is a great way to hone your skills and grow your network.


We covered a lot of ground in this guide! I hope you now feel empowered to build a browser extension to scratch your own itch or bring your dream project to life. It‘s a skill that will serve you well as a developer and maker.

The beauty and power of browser extensions is how they help us all shape and customize our experience on the wild, wonderful web. I‘m constantly amazed by the extensions developers create, from simple tweaks to mind-blowing features. What will you build to make the web better for all of us?

I‘d love to hear about your experiences and creations! Find me on Twitter (@YourHandle) and GitHub (@YourHandle). Happy hacking!

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