Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts – the Ultimate Guide

Microsoft Word is an indispensable tool for millions of people worldwide, from students and business professionals to writers and coders. Learning keyboard shortcuts is one of the best ways to boost your productivity and efficiency when working with Word. By keeping your hands on the keyboard, you can navigate, format, and edit your documents at lightning speed.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll dive deep into the most useful Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac. Whether you‘re a novice or a seasoned pro looking to take your skills to the next level, this guide has you covered. We‘ll explore shortcuts for formatting, editing, navigation, managing views, working with files and windows, and more. Plus, we‘ll share expert tips and insights to help you get the most out of Word.

Why Learn Keyboard Shortcuts?

Before we dive into the specific shortcuts, let‘s take a moment to discuss why learning keyboard shortcuts is so important. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Save time: By using keyboard shortcuts, you can perform common actions much faster than by using the mouse. Over the course of a day, week, or year, these time savings can really add up. In fact, a study by Brainscape found that using keyboard shortcuts can save you up to 64 hours per year.
  2. Reduce risk of injury: Constantly switching between the keyboard and mouse can lead to repetitive strain injuries over time. By keeping your hands on the keyboard, you can reduce the risk of these injuries and improve your ergonomics. A study published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that using keyboard shortcuts was one of the top strategies for preventing computer-related hand and wrist injuries.
  3. Improve focus and flow: Every time you take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse, you break your focus and disrupt your workflow. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can stay "in the zone" and maintain your momentum. Research has shown that it can take up to 23 minutes to regain focus after an interruption, so minimizing disruptions is crucial for productivity.
  4. Enhance accessibility: For users with mobility impairments that make using a mouse difficult or impossible, keyboard shortcuts are an essential tool for interacting with Word and other applications. By mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can ensure that your documents are accessible to all users. Microsoft provides a comprehensive guide to Word keyboard shortcuts for accessibility.

Now that we‘ve established the importance of learning keyboard shortcuts, let‘s dive into the specific shortcuts you need to know.

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Formatting

Formatting text is a core part of creating professional-looking documents in Word. These shortcuts will help you quickly apply commonly used formatting styles:

Formatting Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Bold Ctrl+B Command+B
Italics Ctrl+I Command+I
Underline Ctrl+U Command+U
Change font Ctrl+Shift+F Command+Shift+F
Increase font size Ctrl+Shift+> Command+Shift+>
Decrease font size Ctrl+Shift+< Command+Shift+<
Highlight text Alt+Ctrl+H Command+Shift+H
Clear all formatting Ctrl+Spacebar Command+Spacebar
Increase indent Ctrl+M Command+M
Decrease indent Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M
Align left Ctrl+L Command+L
Center align Ctrl+E Command+E
Align right Ctrl+R Command+R
Justify Ctrl+J Command+J
Bullet list Ctrl+Shift+L Command+Shift+L
Numbered list Ctrl+Shift+N Command+Shift+N

According to a survey of 1,200 U.S. knowledge workers by Quill, bold formatting is the most frequently used text formatting option, with 67% of respondents using it regularly. Italics and bullet lists were the next most popular at 54% and 51% respectively. Mastering these formatting shortcuts will allow you to quickly add visual interest and hierarchy to your documents.

Key Shortcuts for Efficient Editing

Efficient editing is essential for producing high-quality documents quickly. Use these shortcuts to streamline your editing process:

Editing Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Cut Ctrl+X Command+X
Copy Ctrl+C Command+C
Paste Ctrl+V Command+V
Paste plain text Ctrl+Shift+V Command+Shift+V
Select all Ctrl+A Command+A
Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y Command+Y
Find Ctrl+F Command+F
Replace Ctrl+H Command+H
Go to Ctrl+G Command+Option+G
Check spelling and grammar F7 F7
Open thesaurus Shift+F7 Shift+F7
Word count Ctrl+Shift+G Command+Shift+G
Insert page break Ctrl+Enter Command+Enter
Show/hide formatting marks Ctrl+Shift+8 Command+Shift+8

A 2020 study published in the International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering found that using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste text was the most frequently used shortcut among office workers, followed by Ctrl+Z to undo. By mastering these editing shortcuts, you can quickly manipulate text, fix mistakes, and polish your writing.

"Keyboard shortcuts are essential for anyone who writes or edits text on a computer. They can save you hours of time and help you work more efficiently and accurately. I highly recommend taking the time to learn and practice the shortcuts that are most relevant to your work."

– David Masters, Productivity Coach and Author

Navigation Shortcuts for Moving Around Your Document

Navigating your document efficiently is key to staying focused and productive. These shortcuts will help you quickly move around your document:

Navigation Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Beginning of line Home Command+Left Arrow
End of line End Command+Right Arrow
Top of document Ctrl+Home Command+Up Arrow
Bottom of document Ctrl+End Command+Down Arrow
Page up PgUp Fn+Up Arrow
Page down PgDn Fn+Down Arrow
Previous word Ctrl+Left Arrow Option+Left Arrow
Next word Ctrl+Right Arrow Option+Right Arrow
Previous paragraph Ctrl+Up Arrow Command+Up Arrow
Next paragraph Ctrl+Down Arrow Command+Down Arrow
Previous page Alt+Ctrl+PgUp Command+Shift+Fn+Up Arrow
Next page Alt+Ctrl+PgDn Command+Shift+Fn+Down Arrow

According to a study by Brainscape, using navigation shortcuts can save you up to 20 minutes per day compared to using the mouse or scroll bar to move around your document. Over the course of a year, that adds up to over 80 hours of time saved. By keeping your hands on the keyboard and using these shortcuts, you can quickly jump to any part of your document without breaking your flow.

View Shortcuts for Customizing Your Workspace

Word offers several different views and display options to help you customize your workspace for different tasks. Use these shortcuts to quickly switch views and toggle display options:

View Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Print layout view Alt+Ctrl+P Command+Option+P
Web layout view Alt+Ctrl+W Command+Option+W
Outline view Alt+Ctrl+O Command+Option+O
Draft view Alt+Ctrl+N Command+Option+N
Zoom in Ctrl++ Command++
Zoom out Ctrl+- Command+-
Fit page to window Alt+Ctrl+P Command+Option+P
Ruler Alt+Ctrl+R Command+Option+R
Gridlines Alt+Ctrl+G Command+Option+G
Navigation pane Alt+Ctrl+F Command+Shift+F
Switch windows Alt+Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+Tab
Split window Alt+Ctrl+S Command+Option+S
Remove split Alt+Shift+C Command+Option+R
Macros Alt+F8 Option+F8

A 2018 survey by GoSkills found that only 34% of Word users customize their display settings, meaning that the majority of people are missing out on opportunities to optimize their workspace for their needs. By learning these view shortcuts, you can quickly adapt Word‘s interface to suit your preferences and the task at hand.

File and Window Management Shortcuts

Managing multiple documents and windows is a common task for many Word users. These shortcuts will help you stay organized and work efficiently:

File/Window Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
New document Ctrl+N Command+N
Open document Ctrl+O Command+O
Close document Ctrl+W Command+W
Save document Ctrl+S Command+S
Save as F12 Command+Shift+S
Print Ctrl+P Command+P
Next window Alt+F6 Command+F6
Previous window Alt+Shift+F6 Command+Shift+F6
Minimize window Alt+Spacebar, N Command+M
Maximize window Alt+Spacebar, X Ctrl+Command+F
Split window Alt+Ctrl+S Command+Option+S
Switch to full screen view F11 Ctrl+Command+F

According to Microsoft, the average Word user has 4 documents open at a time. By using these window management shortcuts, you can quickly switch between open documents, save your work, and adjust your window layout to fit your workflow.

Mastering Shortcuts for Maximum Productivity

Learning keyboard shortcuts is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Here are some tips for getting the most out of Word‘s keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Focus on the shortcuts that are most relevant to your work. Don‘t try to memorize every shortcut at once. Start with the ones that you use most frequently and gradually add more to your repertoire over time.
  2. Practice regularly. The more you use shortcuts, the more natural they will become. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice using shortcuts instead of the mouse.
  3. Customize your shortcuts. Word allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts for frequently used commands. To do this, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon, then click the "Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize" button at the bottom of the dialog box.
  4. Use a cheat sheet. Keep a printable cheat sheet of your most commonly used shortcuts near your workstation for quick reference. Microsoft provides a comprehensive list of Word keyboard shortcuts that you can print out or bookmark.

"As a programmer, I spend most of my day working with text, so mastering keyboard shortcuts is essential for my productivity. I‘ve found that customizing my shortcuts in Word to match the ones I use in my code editor has helped me work more efficiently and avoid context switching. It takes some time to set up, but it‘s well worth the effort."

– Sarah Johnson, Full Stack Developer


Keyboard shortcuts are a powerful tool for boosting your productivity and efficiency in Microsoft Word. By keeping your hands on the keyboard, you can navigate, format, and edit your documents faster and with less risk of repetitive strain injuries. Whether you‘re a student, business professional, writer, or developer, learning Word‘s keyboard shortcuts is an investment that will pay off over time.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ve covered the most useful keyboard shortcuts for formatting, editing, navigating, managing views, and working with files and windows. We‘ve also provided tips for mastering shortcuts and customizing them to suit your needs.

Remember, the key to success with keyboard shortcuts is practice and persistence. Start with a few shortcuts at a time and gradually build your skills over time. With a little effort, you‘ll be a Word power user in no time!

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