650 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This Summer

Person working on laptop - free online programming courses

Summer is the perfect time to learn new coding skills or level up your existing programming expertise. Luckily, you don‘t need to spend thousands of dollars on bootcamps or sacrifice vacation time for summer school. Thanks to the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), there are now over 650 free online courses in computer science and programming you can start this summer, taught by instructors from top universities like Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and more.

I‘m a full-stack developer with 10+ years of experience, and I‘m a huge believer in continuous learning and skill development. One of the best ways aspiring and experienced programmers can gain new skills is through free online courses. That‘s why I‘ve leveraged Class Central‘s database of over 15,000 online courses to compile this list of the top 650 free courses in programming and computer science you can take this summer.

These courses range from beginner-friendly introductions to coding in various languages, to more advanced topics in areas like artificial intelligence, cryptography, and quantum computing. There truly is something for every programmer, whether you‘re just starting to learn coding or you‘re a experienced developer looking to branch into new specialities.

Breakdown of Courses by Level, Language and Topic

Out of the 650 courses, here‘s how they break down by level:

  • Beginner: 154 (23.7%)
  • Intermediate: 362 (55.7%)
  • Advanced: 134 (20.6%)

As you can see, the majority are intermediate level, but there are still plenty of courses for beginners and advanced learners too.

In terms of programming languages, the most popular ones covered are:

  • Python: 62 courses (9.5%)
  • Java: 53 courses (8.2%)
  • C++: 32 courses (4.9%)
  • JavaScript: 31 courses (4.8%)
  • SQL: 23 courses (3.5%)
  • R: 20 courses (3.1%)
  • C: 19 courses (2.9%)
  • MATLAB: 16 courses (2.5%)
  • C#: 12 courses (1.8%)
  • PHP: 10 courses (1.5%)

Of course, many courses teach computer science concepts rather than focusing on specific programming languages. Here are some of the most common CS topics:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures: 81 courses (12.5%)
  • Machine Learning & AI: 77 courses (11.8%)
  • Cybersecurity: 35 courses (5.4%)
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: 26 courses (4.0%)
  • Cloud Computing: 18 courses (2.8%)
  • Mobile Development: 14 courses (2.2%)
  • Game Development: 12 courses (1.8%)

Enrollments in these free online CS courses have been booming. According to Class Central data, enrollments in computer science courses from top universities grew from 3 million in 2017 to 10 million in 2020. Much of this growth was driven by increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the momentum seems to be continuing this summer.

Why Take Free Programming Courses? Advice from a Developer

As an experienced full-stack developer, I can confidently say that one of the most important things you can do for your programming career is to always be learning. The field of software development evolves incredibly quickly – new programming languages, frameworks, and technologies are constantly emerging. Investing time in continuous learning is essential to stay relevant and in-demand as a programmer.

Taking free online computer science and coding courses is one of the best ways to build your skillset efficiently and cost-effectively. You can fit studying around your existing schedule, learn at your own pace, and access course content from top instructors around the world – all for free.

Many of the courses on this list offer some form of certificate of completion, which can be a valuable addition to your resume and LinkedIn profile. Some even have follow-on paid courses that dive deeper into topics or offer more extensive projects.

But beyond the practical career benefits, learning new areas of computer science and programming is deeply satisfying on an intellectual level. As a coder, there‘s nothing quite like the feeling of stretching your brain to grasp a challenging new concept or building something cool with a new language or tool.

Especially if you have some extra time over the summer, I highly recommend picking a few free courses that interest you and committing to learning something new. Your future self will thank you!

How to Succeed in Free Online Programming Courses

Over the years of taking many online courses and leveling up my own coding skills, I‘ve learned a few key tips for getting the most out of these free learning resources:

  1. Set clear goals: Before starting a course, get specific on what you want to learn and what projects you want to build. Clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

  2. Block out study time: Treat studying like any other important commitment. Block out chunks of focused time and stick to a regular learning schedule as much as possible. Consistency is key.

  3. Type out the code: It‘s tempting to just watch the lecture videos, but you‘ll learn much more by typing out the code yourself and working through problems in your own development environment. Hands-on practice is essential.

  4. Take notes: Jot down key concepts, coding patterns, and things you want to research further. The act of note-taking will help reinforce what you‘re learning.

  5. Connect with other learners: Many courses have forums or Discord channels where you can ask questions and learn from your peers. Take advantage of these communities! You may even find a study buddy or accountability partner.

  6. Build your own projects: After completing the course exercises, cement your knowledge by applying it to your own projects. Solving real-world problems with your new skills will help the concepts really click.

  7. Celebrate your progress: Learning to code is challenging! Make sure to celebrate your wins along the way, whether it‘s solving a tough practice problem or earning a completion certificate.

Top FREE Courses Recommended By a Full-Stack Developer

There are hundreds of excellent free courses to choose from, but here are my personal picks for some of the most valuable and interesting:

For Beginners

For Intermediate to Advanced Learners

  • Algorithms, Part I & II (Princeton): Taught by a renowned professor and based on a popular textbook. Covers fundamental data structures and algorithms through hands-on Java programming.
  • Deep Learning Specialization (deeplearning.ai): A series of 5 courses that provide a thorough grounding in neural networks and deep learning, taught by a pioneer in the field.
  • Software Design and Architecture Specialization (UAlberta): Important concepts for writing maintainable, extensible, and efficient code. A must for any serious software engineer.
  • Blockchain Fundamentals Decal (Berkeley): A student-led course that provides a solid introduction to blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency and smart contracts.
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals (RIT): Practical cybersecurity concepts and best practices, from encryption to network security to digital forensics.

Remember, this is just a small sampling of what‘s available! I encourage you to browse through the full list and find courses that align with your interests and goals.

Get Started Learning This Summer!

No matter your coding experience level or career stage, there are free online courses that can help you level up your programming skills this summer.

If you‘re not sure where to start, I recommend browsing the course list and reading through the syllabus of a few that interest you. Most courses have detailed information on topics covered, expected outcomes, and estimated time commitment. Choose one or two to start, and block out time in your schedule to diving in.

Many of these courses have cohort start dates throughout the summer, so you can jump in and learn alongside a virtual community. Others are self-paced and can be started anytime. Either way, set a goal for what you want to learn by the end of the summer and commit to working a little bit each day or week toward that goal.

I hope this list has inspired you to take advantage of some of the incredible free computer science and programming courses available online. As a full-stack developer, I‘m passionate about continuous learning and skill development – it‘s one of the best investments you can make in your programming career.

Thanks to the rise of MOOCs, anyone with an internet connection can now access world-class computer science education at no cost. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning, coding, and building something awesome this summer!

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