An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Ruby

Ruby code on a laptop

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into reusable structures called objects, which have attributes and behaviors. OOP helps make code more modular, maintainable, and easier to reason about by modeling real-world concepts in code.

The Ruby programming language, created by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) in 1995, was designed with object-orientation at its core. Everything in Ruby is an object, and the language provides a rich set of tools for working with objects and classes.

Ruby has seen significant adoption and growth since its creation. According to the TIOBE Index, Ruby is currently the 13th most popular programming language in the world as of May 2023. It powers popular web frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Sinatra, and is used by major companies like Airbnb, GitHub, Shopify, and Hulu.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Ruby from the perspective of a seasoned full-stack developer. By the end, you‘ll have a solid foundation in OOP with Ruby that you can apply to real-world software development projects. Let‘s get started!

Classes and Objects

The core idea of object-oriented programming is to organize code into classes, which are like blueprints for creating objects. A class defines a set of attributes and behaviors that an object of that class will have.

Here‘s an example of defining a BankAccount class in Ruby:

class BankAccount
  def initialize(account_number, balance)
    @account_number = account_number
    @balance = balance

The initialize method is a special method in Ruby classes that gets called when a new object is instantiated. It sets the initial state of the object.

To create a new BankAccount object, we use the new method:

account ="1234567890", 1000)

Now account is an instance of the BankAccount class with an account number of "1234567890" and a balance of 1000.

The variables prefixed with @ (@account_number and @balance) are called instance variables. They belong to individual objects and can have different values for each object.

According to the 2021 StackOverflow Developer Survey, 7.1% of professional developers use Ruby as their primary programming language. The modular, object-oriented nature of Ruby makes it well-suited for large, complex applications developed by teams of programmers.

Instance Methods

Instance methods define behaviors for objects of a class. Let‘s add some methods to our BankAccount class:

class BankAccount
  def initialize(account_number, balance)
    @account_number = account_number
    @balance = balance

  def deposit(amount)
    @balance += amount

  def withdraw(amount)
    if amount > @balance
      puts "Insufficient funds"
      @balance -= amount

  def display_balance
    puts "Account balance: $#{@balance}"

We‘ve defined three instance methods: deposit, withdraw, and display_balance. Each BankAccount object will have its own versions of these methods that operate on its own instance variables.

Here‘s how we would use these methods:

account ="1234567890", 1000)

account.display_balance  # Output: Account balance: $1000

account.display_balance  # Output: Account balance: $1500

account.withdraw(2000)   # Output: Insufficient funds
account.display_balance  # Output: Account balance: $1500

account.display_balance  # Output: Account balance: $500

Each method can access and modify the @balance instance variable of the specific BankAccount object it‘s called on.

Attribute Accessors

In Ruby, instance variables are private by default. They can only be accessed within an object‘s instance methods. To allow access to instance variables from outside an object, we use attribute accessor methods.

Ruby provides a shortcut for defining attribute accessors with the attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer methods.

Here‘s how we could add attribute accessors to our BankAccount class:

class BankAccount
  attr_reader :account_number
  attr_accessor :balance

  def initialize(account_number, balance)
    @account_number = account_number
    @balance = balance

  # ... other methods ...

The attr_reader :account_number line creates a getter method for the @account_number instance variable. This allows us to read the value of @account_number from outside the object, but not modify it.

The attr_accessor :balance line creates both a getter and a setter method for @balance. This allows us to both read and write the value of @balance from outside the object.

account ="1234567890", 1000)

puts account.account_number  # Output: 1234567890
puts account.balance         # Output: 1000

account.balance = 2000
puts account.balance         # Output: 2000

Using attribute accessors judiciously is an important part of object-oriented design in Ruby. They allow for controlled access to an object‘s state while still encapsulating the underlying implementation.

Class Methods and Variables

In addition to instance methods and variables, Ruby also supports class methods and variables.

Class methods are methods that are called on a class itself, rather than on an instance of the class. They are defined using the self keyword.

Class variables are variables that belong to a class rather than to individual instances. They are prefixed with @@.

Let‘s add a class method and class variable to track the total number of BankAccount objects created:

class BankAccount
  @@account_count = 0

  def initialize(account_number, balance)
    @account_number = account_number
    @balance = balance
    @@account_count += 1

  def self.total_accounts

  # ... other methods ...

The @@account_count class variable keeps track of the total number of BankAccount objects created. It‘s incremented every time a new object is initialized.

The self.total_accounts class method allows us to retrieve the value of @@account_count without needing an instance of the class.

puts BankAccount.total_accounts  # Output: 0

account1 ="1234567890", 1000)
account2 ="9876543210", 500)

puts BankAccount.total_accounts  # Output: 2

Class methods and variables are often used for utility functions and maintaining global state related to a class.


Inheritance is a key concept in object-oriented programming that allows classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from other classes.

In Ruby, a class can inherit from another class using the < symbol. The class being inherited from is called the superclass or parent class. The inheriting class is called the subclass or child class.

Let‘s create a SavingsAccount class that inherits from our BankAccount class:

class SavingsAccount < BankAccount
  def initialize(account_number, balance, interest_rate)
    super(account_number, balance)
    @interest_rate = interest_rate

  def add_interest
    interest = @balance * @interest_rate
    @balance += interest

The SavingsAccount class inherits all the methods from BankAccount, including deposit, withdraw, and display_balance.

It also defines its own initialize method that takes an additional interest_rate parameter. The super keyword is used to call the initialize method of the superclass, passing along the account_number and balance parameters.

The add_interest method is specific to SavingsAccount objects. It calculates the interest based on the @interest_rate instance variable and adds it to the balance.

savings_account ="1234567890", 1000, 0.05)

savings_account.display_balance  # Output: Account balance: $1050.0

Inheritance allows for code reuse and the creation of specialized classes based on more general ones. It‘s a powerful tool for modeling hierarchical relationships between objects.

Modules and Mixins

In addition to classes, Ruby has another construct called a module. Modules are similar to classes in that they contain methods and constants, but they cannot be instantiated.

One use of modules is for namespacing – grouping related classes and methods under a module to avoid naming collisions.

Another key use of modules is as mixins. Mixins allow multiple classes to include a module and gain its methods, without using inheritance. This is useful for adding common functionality to unrelated classes.

Let‘s define a Transactable module and include it in our BankAccount and SavingsAccount classes:

module Transactable
  def transaction_history
    @transactions ||= []

  def add_transaction(amount, type)
    transaction_history << { amount: amount, type: type, timestamp: }

class BankAccount
  include Transactable

  def deposit(amount)
    add_transaction(amount, :deposit)
    @balance += amount

  def withdraw(amount)
    if amount > @balance
      puts "Insufficient funds"
      add_transaction(amount, :withdrawal)
      @balance -= amount

  # ... other methods ...

class SavingsAccount < BankAccount
  include Transactable

  def add_interest
    interest = @balance * @interest_rate
    add_transaction(interest, :interest)
    @balance += interest

  # ... other methods ...  

The Transactable module defines two methods: transaction_history, which initializes an array to store transaction records, and add_transaction, which appends a new transaction record to the history.

Both the BankAccount and SavingsAccount classes include the Transactable module. This gives instances of both classes access to the transaction_history and add_transaction methods.

The deposit, withdraw, and add_interest methods are modified to call add_transaction whenever a transaction occurs.

account ="1234567890", 1000)

puts account.transaction_history
# Output: 
# [{:amount=>500, :type=>:deposit, :timestamp=>2023-06-15 10:30:00 -0700}, 
#  {:amount=>200, :type=>:withdrawal, :timestamp=>2023-06-15 10:30:05 -0700}]

savings_account ="9876543210", 1000, 0.05)

puts savings_account.transaction_history  
# Output:
# [{:amount=>50.0, :type=>:interest, :timestamp=>2023-06-15 10:31:20 -0700}]

Modules are a powerful way to share behavior across classes without the rigidity of inheritance. They promote code reuse and help keep classes lean and focused.

Best Practices and Design Patterns

Object-oriented programming in Ruby is a deep topic with many best practices and design patterns that have emerged over the years. Here are a few key principles to keep in mind:

  • Encapsulation: Objects should control their own state and behavior. Use attribute accessors judiciously and prefer private methods for internal operations.

  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class.

  • Open-Closed Principle: Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. Use inheritance and composition to extend behavior without modifying existing code.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions (interfaces).

  • Don‘t Repeat Yourself (DRY): Avoid duplication of code. Extract common functionality into methods or classes.

Some common design patterns in Ruby include:

  • Singleton: Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to it.
  • Factory: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
  • Decorator: Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically, providing a flexible alternative to subclassing.
  • Observer: Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

Applying these principles and patterns judiciously can lead to more maintainable, extensible, and efficient Ruby code.

Common Pitfalls and Mistakes

While Ruby‘s object-oriented features are powerful, there are also some common pitfalls and mistakes to watch out for:

  • Overusing instance variables: Not every piece of data needs to be an instance variable. Use local variables for temporary data and only promote to instance variables when necessary.

  • Abusing class variables: Class variables are shared across all instances of a class and its subclasses. This can lead to unexpected behavior if not managed carefully. Prefer class instance variables (@@ variables) for class-level data.

  • Mutating constants: Although Ruby allows you to reassign constants, doing so will generate a warning. Treat constants as immutable to avoid confusion.

  • Overriding methods from Object: Every Ruby object inherits from the Object class, which provides many basic methods. Be cautious when overriding these methods, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.

  • Forgetting the difference between == and eql?: In Ruby, == is used for testing equality, while eql? is used for testing identity. Make sure you‘re using the right one for your needs.

Being aware of these pitfalls and coding defensively can save many headaches down the line.

Conclusion and Further Resources

We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this guide to object-oriented programming in Ruby. We‘ve explored classes, objects, inheritance, modules, best practices, and common pitfalls.

However, this is just the beginning. Ruby‘s object model is rich and flexible, and there‘s always more to learn. To continue your journey, here are some excellent resources:

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. Build projects, experiment with different approaches, and learn from your mistakes. The Ruby community is also incredibly friendly and supportive – don‘t hesitate to reach out for help or guidance.

Happy coding!

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