Dynamic Class Definition in Python: Creating Classes at Runtime

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Python is a highly dynamic language that offers many powerful metaprogramming capabilities. One interesting feature is the ability to dynamically define new classes and instantiate objects from them at runtime.

While this is not something you‘ll need to do every day, understanding how Python represents classes internally and being able to dynamically generate them can be very useful in certain scenarios. It‘s a technique that allows you to write highly flexible, adaptable code.

In this article, we‘ll dive deep into dynamic class definition in Python. We‘ll see exactly how you can use built-in functions to generate new classes on the fly based on data only known at runtime. We‘ll also look at some real-world examples of where this technique is useful and consider alternatives and best practices.

But first, let‘s make sure we‘re all on the same page with a quick refresher on Python classes and objects.

Classes and Objects in Python: A 2-Minute Refresher

Python is a fully object-oriented language. That means that everything in Python is an object and every object has a class that defines what it can do.

You can think of a class as a blueprint for creating objects. It specifies the attributes (data) and methods (functions) that each object of that class will have. Once a class is defined, you can stamp out multiple objects from that blueprint.

Here‘s a simple example:

class Rectangle:
    def __init__(self, length, width):
        self.length = length
        self.width = width

    def area(self):
        return self.length * self.width

# Create two Rectangle objects
rect1 = Rectangle(10, 20) 
rect2 = Rectangle(5, 4)

print(rect1.area()) # 200
print(rect2.area()) # 20

In this code, we define a Rectangle class with an __init__ method that gets called when a new Rectangle object is instantiated. This method takes length and width parameters and sets them as attributes on the self object.

There‘s also an area() method that calculates and returns the rectangle‘s area by multiplying length * width.

Using this class, we create two Rectangle objects, rect1 and rect2, by calling Rectangle(10, 20) and Rectangle(5, 4). Each object gets its own length and width attributes as specified in the calls.

When we call the area() method on each object, it uses the object‘s own length and width to calculate the correct result.

This is the essence of object-oriented programming – packaging up related data and functions together into logical units of code. Organizing code this way can make it easier to reason about and maintain.

For a deeper dive into Python classes and object-oriented programming, check out the official Python docs:

Now that we‘ve reviewed the basics, let‘s get into the really interesting stuff – defining classes dynamically!

Defining Classes Dynamically with type()

As we saw, classes in Python are normally defined using the class keyword followed by a class name and a class body indented underneath:

class ClassName:
    # class body

However, Python also has a built-in type() function that lets you define a new class on the fly by calling type(name, bases, dict). The parameters are:

  1. name – The name of the class as a string
  2. bases – A tuple of base classes the class inherits from
  3. dict – A dictionary representing the class body, containing attribute and method definitions

Here‘s a simple example:

# Define a class dynamically
Greeting = type(‘Greeting‘, (), {‘message‘:‘Hello!‘})

# Create an instance of the class
obj = Greeting()

print(obj.message) # Hello!
print(type(obj)) # <class ‘__main__.Greeting‘>

Here we use type(‘Greeting‘, (), {‘message‘:‘Hello!‘}) to define a class named Greeting with no base classes (the empty tuple) and one attribute named message with value ‘Hello!‘.

This is essentially equivalent to:

class Greeting:
    message = ‘Hello!‘

After defining the class, we create an instance of it by calling Greeting() and assign it to obj. We can then access the message attribute on obj.

Printing type(obj) confirms that obj is an instance of the dynamically defined Greeting class.

The type() function is the key to dynamic class definition. With it, the name, base classes, attributes, and methods of a class can all be specified as parameters, allowing the definition of the class to be built up programmatically at runtime.

Adding Methods Dynamically with setattr()

In the Greeting class example above, we define an attribute statically as part of the dictionary passed to type(). But what if we wanted to programmatically add attributes or methods after the class was already defined?

That‘s where the setattr() function comes in. With setattr(obj, name, value) you can set any attribute on an object by providing the attribute name as a string and the attribute value.

Here‘s an example of using setattr() to add a method to the Greeting class after it‘s been defined:

def say_hello(self):

# Add the method to the class
setattr(Greeting, ‘say_hello‘, say_hello)  

obj = Greeting()
obj.say_hello() # Hello!

First we define a say_hello() function that takes self as a parameter and prints self.message.

Then we use setattr(Greeting, ‘say_hello‘, say_hello) to add this function as a method on the Greeting class, naming it ‘say_hello‘.

After this, all present and future instances of Greeting will have the say_hello() method available, as we see when we call obj.say_hello().

Using setattr() to add methods and attributes dynamically gives you a lot of flexibility. You can programmatically build up a class based on conditions only known at runtime.

A Practical Example: Building Classes from Configuration

To help solidify these concepts, let‘s walk through an example of a situation where dynamically defining classes is actually useful.

Imagine you‘re building a reporting tool that generates different types of reports based on user-provided configuration files. Each configuration file specifies the name of the report, the data fields it should include, and how the data should be calculated.

Here‘s an example config file:


This config specifies that we want a "RevenueReport" with date, amount, and region fields, and a calculated total field that sums the amount.

We could manually define a class for each report type:

class RevenueReport:
    # attributes for date, amount, region 

    def total(self):
        return sum(self.amount)

But since the fields are all specified in the config file, it would be better if we could just dynamically generate a class for each report based on the config.

Here‘s some code that does that:

def build_report_class(class_name, field_names):
    # Dict to hold class attributes
    attrs = {}

    # Add the field names as attributes
    for name in field_names: 
        attrs[name] = None

    # If ‘total‘ field is specified, add a total() method
    if ‘total‘ in attrs:
        formula = attrs[‘total‘].split(‘=‘)[1] 

        def total(self):
            # Execute the formula to calculate the total
            return eval(formula, {}, {‘self‘: self})

        attrs[‘total‘] = total

    # Generate and return the class 
    return type(class_name, (), attrs)

This build_report_class() function takes a class_name and a list of field_names. It builds up an attrs dictionary to represent the class attributes programmatically.

First it adds all the field names as attributes with a value of None. These will get populated later with actual data.

Then, if there is a ‘total‘ attribute, it assumes this is a formula to calculate the total. It extracts the formula and defines a total() method that will evaluate that formula using the instance‘s data. This total() method is added to the attrs dict, overriding the previous total attribute.

Finally it calls type(class_name, (), attrs) to generate and return the class definition.

To use it:

config = [

class_name = config[0]
field_names = config[1:]

ReportClass = build_report_class(class_name, field_names)
report = ReportClass()

# Set attributes from a data source 
report.date = [‘2023-01-01‘, ‘2023-01-02‘, ‘2023-01-03‘] 
report.amount = [1000, 2000, 3000]
report.region = [‘North‘, ‘South‘, ‘East‘]

print(report.total()) # 6000

Here we extract the class_name (‘RevenueReport‘) and field_names from a configuration list. We pass them to build_report_class() to dynamically generate a class based on the config.

We assign that generated class to ReportClass, create an instance of it, populate the instance‘s attributes with some sample data, and call the dynamically generated total() method.

With this approach, adding support for new types of reports is as simple as dropping in a new configuration file – no need to manually write new classes.

This is just one example, but there are countless situations where dynamically defining classes in this way can help you write more flexible, data-driven code.

Some other potential use cases:

  • Plugin systems where new components register themselves by providing a class definition
  • Mapping database tables to classes for an ORM system
  • Deserializing JSON or YAML data into class instances
  • Generating classes to represent nodes in a hierarchical data structure

Performance Considerations

You might be wondering about the performance implications of using type() and setattr() to define classes and attributes at runtime. After all, it seems like there would be some overhead compared to using a normal class definition.

And you‘d be right. Defining classes dynamically is indeed slower that using a standard class statement. The difference is especially noticeable if you‘re defining a large number of classes in performance-critical code.

However, in most situations the difference is negligible. Python is already a highly dynamic language and the overhead of using type() is relatively small.

That said, there are some ways to speed things up if performance is a concern:

  1. Use a metaclass: If you‘re defining a lot of classes dynamically and they all share common attributes or methods, consider using a metaclass. With a metaclass you can define the common class behavior once and then quickly stamp out individual classes without a lot of dynamic manipulation.

  2. Use exec() instead of type(): The exec() function lets you execute arbitrary strings of Python code. You can use this to generate a class definition and execute it in a single step, like so:

    class_def = f"""
    class {class_name}:

    This avoids the overhead of building up the class dict and calling type(). Note that exec() has security risks if you‘re executing untrusted code, so use with caution.

  3. Consider alternatives: If your dynamically-defined classes are relatively simple, you might be able to use a namedtuple() or a SimpleNamespace() instead. These are lightweight, immutable data structures that can be created quickly.

Ultimately, the readability and maintainability of your code should be the top priority. If dynamically defining classes makes your code cleaner and easier to reason about, then it‘s probably worth a small performance hit. As always, profile your code and see where the real bottlenecks are before optimizing.

Comparison to Other Languages

Python is not the only language that supports dynamic class definition, but the way it‘s implemented is fairly unique.

In JavaScript, for example, classes are really just syntactic sugar over constructor functions and prototypes. "Defining" a class dynamically is as simple as creating a new function and adding properties to its prototype:

function Greeting(message) {
  this.message = message;

Greeting.prototype.sayHello = function() {

const obj = new Greeting(‘Hello!‘);
obj.sayHello(); // Hello!

Ruby also supports defining classes dynamically using the Class.new method:

Greeting = Class.new do
  attr_accessor :message

  def say_hello
    puts @message

obj = Greeting.new
obj.message = ‘Hello!‘
obj.say_hello # Hello!

In Python, the type() function and the class statement are really just two sides of the same coin. They both create a new class object. The class statement is essentially just syntactic sugar over a type() call.

This highlights one of Python‘s core design principles: "We‘re all consenting adults here". Python gives you direct access to its internals and trusts you to use that power responsibly.

Understanding how Python represents classes under the hood and being able to manipulate them dynamically is a powerful tool to have in your toolkit.


We‘ve taken a deep dive into dynamic class definition in Python. We‘ve seen how the type() function lets you define a class on the fly by passing in a name, base classes, and a dict of attributes. We‘ve also seen how setattr() can be used to add attributes and methods to an existing class.

We looked at a practical example of using these techniques to dynamically generate classes based on user configuration, and we touched on some performance considerations and alternatives.

Dynamic class definition is a powerful feature, but it‘s not something you‘ll need to reach for every day. Classes are a fundamental building block of Python code, and most of the time a regular class statement is all you need.

But when you do find yourself needing to programmatically generate classes based on data only known at runtime, remember that Python gives you the tools to do that. Understanding how to use type(), setattr(), and related functions will level up your Python skills and give you new ways to write flexible, data-driven code.

As with any power, use it responsibly. Dynamic class definition can make your code harder to reason about if overused. Always strive for simplicity and readability first.

Now get out there and write some classes – or write some code to write some classes!


To learn more about Python classes and dynamic class definition, check out these resources:

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