Embrace Cleaner Code in Java 10 with Local Variable Type Inference

Java‘s march towards more expressive, concise code took a significant step forward with the release of Java 10 and the introduction of the var keyword for local variable type inference. This addition, which allows developers to declare local variables without explicitly specifying the type, has been a resounding success, with widespread adoption and praise from the Java community.

In this deep dive, we‘ll explore the benefits of var, the details of its usage, best practices to follow, and real-world feedback from developers. We‘ll also examine the broader context of this change and what it means for Java‘s evolution.

The State of Java Adoption

To understand the significance of local variable type inference, it‘s helpful to look at Java‘s usage and adoption trends. As of 2021, Java remains one of the most popular programming languages globally, with a market share of around 35% according to the TIOBE index1. This enduring popularity is a testament to Java‘s stability, performance, and rich ecosystem.

However, Java has also faced criticism for its verbosity and lack of certain modern language features. The introduction of var in Java 10 was a direct response to these concerns, aiming to bring a measure of concision and flexibility to the language.

Since its release in March 2018, Java 10 has seen steady adoption. According to the JVM Ecosystem Report 20202, over 60% of respondents were using Java 11 or higher, which includes the var feature. This suggests that a significant portion of the Java community has embraced local variable type inference.

The Benefits of `var`

So why has var been so well-received? The key benefits include:

  1. Reduced Boilerplate: By inferring the type from the initializer, var eliminates the need to explicitly declare the type, leading to more concise code. This is especially useful for complex types with long names. For example:

    // Without var
    Map<String, List<Customer>> customersByCity = new HashMap<>();
    // With var
    var customersByCity = new HashMap<String, List<Customer>>();
  2. Improved Readability: In many cases, the explicit type declaration is redundant and adds noise to the code. By allowing the type to be inferred, var puts the focus on the variable name and its initializer, making the code more readable. For instance:

    // Without var
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data.txt"));
    // With var  
    var reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data.txt"));
  3. Alignment with Modern Languages: Many popular languages like C#, Kotlin, and TypeScript support type inference for local variables. By adopting this feature, Java becomes more aligned with contemporary practices and eases the transition for developers coming from other languages.

`var` Usage and Best Practices

While var offers flexibility, it‘s crucial to use it judiciously to maintain readability and avoid ambiguity. The Java community has embraced the following best practices:

  1. Use var when the type is obvious from the initializer. This includes simple types like String, int, and List, or when constructing an instance of a class:

    var name = "Alice";
    var age = 30;
    var list = new ArrayList<String>();
  2. Consider explicit types for complex initializers or when the type is not immediately apparent. This can improve readability and clarify the variable‘s purpose:

    // Explicit type helps clarify the purpose
    String json = "{\"name\": \"Alice\", \"age\": 30}"; 
    // Initializer type is not immediately clear
    var result = someComplexOperation(); 
  3. Avoid var for numeric literals, as the specific type (int, long, etc.) may not be obvious:

    // Unclear if count is an int or a long
    var count = 42;
    // Explicit type adds clarity
    int count = 42;

By following these guidelines, developers can leverage the concision of var without sacrificing code clarity.

Performance Considerations

One common question about var is whether it has any impact on performance. The short answer is no. The Java compiler still infers the specific type at compile-time and generates bytecode as if the type had been explicitly declared3.

This means that using var does not incur any runtime overhead or affect the execution speed of the code. It‘s purely a syntactic convenience for the developer.

Real-World Feedback and Adoption

Since the introduction of var, many high-profile Java projects and frameworks have embraced the feature. For example, the popular Spring Framework has been using var extensively in its codebase and documentation since version 5.04.

Developers have also shared positive experiences with var on social media and blogs. Here are a few quotes from the Java community:

"I‘ve been using var in my Java projects for over a year now, and it‘s been a game-changer. The code is so much cleaner and easier to read, without sacrificing any type safety. I can‘t imagine going back to explicit type declarations everywhere!" – Sarah Johnson, Senior Java Developer

"var is a small but mighty addition to Java. It‘s not revolutionary, but it definitely makes the language feel more modern and streamlined. I particularly love it for complex types like maps and streams." – Michael Chen, Java Tech Lead

A 2020 survey by the Java Developer Productivity Report5 found that 62% of respondents were using var in their Java projects, with 25% using it extensively. This adoption rate is impressive for a relatively new language feature and demonstrates its positive reception.

Future of Type Inference in Java

The success of var has sparked discussions about expanding type inference capabilities in Java. One popular proposal is the introduction of an immutable val keyword, similar to final var, as seen in Kotlin and Scala6.

Another area of exploration is type inference for method return types and parameters. While Java 10 did not include these features, there is ongoing discussion and interest within the community.

It‘s worth noting that Java‘s evolution tends to be gradual and conservative, prioritizing stability and backwards compatibility. Any future expansions of type inference would need to be carefully designed and vetted to ensure they align with Java‘s core principles and do not introduce ambiguity or complexity.


The introduction of local variable type inference with the var keyword in Java 10 has been a resounding success, offering developers a way to write more concise, expressive code without sacrificing type safety or performance. The feature has seen rapid adoption and positive feedback from the Java community, with many praising its impact on readability and alignment with modern language trends.

As Java continues to evolve, var serves as a model for how the language can incorporate new features while staying true to its core strengths of stability, clarity, and reliability. By empowering developers to write cleaner code and focus on their application logic, var contributes to Java‘s ongoing relevance and appeal in an ever-changing technology landscape.

While the future of type inference in Java remains an open question, one thing is clear: var has set a positive precedent and paved the way for further enhancements that can make Java more expressive and developer-friendly. As the language continues to adapt and grow, Java developers can look forward to an exciting future where they can leverage the power and maturity of Java while enjoying the benefits of more modern language features.

1 TIOBE Index for January 2021, https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
2 JVM Ecosystem Report 2020, https://snyk.io/jvm-ecosystem-report-2020/
3 "Local Variable Type Inference: Frequently Asked Questions", http://openjdk.java.net/projects/amber/LVTIstyle.html
4 "What‘s New in Spring Framework 5.x", https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/spring-whats-new.html
5 Java Developer Productivity Report 2020, https://www.jrebel.com/blog/2020-java-developer-productivity-report
6 "Introduce ‘val‘ Keyword (JEP Draft)", https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/8209434

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