Gitter channels every developer should join to expand their mathematical horizons

Mathematics has always been a core part of computer science and programming. But in recent years, its influence on software engineering has grown immensely. More and more domains are applying mathematical techniques to solve complex problems, from machine learning to cryptography to game development.

As a result, having a strong grasp of mathematics is becoming increasingly valuable for developers. Math teaches critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and new ways to approach challenges – all incredibly useful for writing elegant, efficient, and innovative code.

But unless you pursued an advanced degree in math, it can be hard to know where to start. Textbooks and courses are great for building a foundation, but to really hone your skills and stay current with new developments, nothing beats active participation in a community of enthusiasts and experts.

That‘s where Gitter comes in. Gitter hosts a wide variety of active channels focused on different areas of mathematics. These communities provide an opportunity to explore concepts in-depth, get help with specific problems, discuss the latest research, and ultimately become a better programmer by applying mathematical thinking to your work.

Here are some of the best Gitter channels to check out for expanding your mathematical horizons:

SageMath Cloud

sagemath/cloud is the chatroom for SageMath Cloud, a powerful web-based platform for computational mathematics. It provides a fully featured environment for collaboratively performing computational math in the cloud.

Key features of SageMath Cloud include:

  • Support for editing Jupyter notebooks, LaTeX documents, Sage worksheets, and more
  • Real-time collaboration with simultaneous editing and chatting
  • Access to a wide range of open-source math software like Sage, R, Octave, etc.
  • Ability to run computations on powerful remote servers
  • Easy sharing and publishing of documents and projects

The Gitter channel is a great place to discuss using SageMath Cloud, ask questions, provide feedback, and interact with the developers and community. Common topics include troubleshooting issues, requesting new features, sharing interesting projects and use cases, and getting advice on mathematical computing.

Whether you‘re doing research, working on a data science project, or teaching a course, SageMath Cloud can be an indispensable tool. The community on Gitter can help you make the most of it.


For Clojure developers working with vectors and matrices, mikera/vectorz-clj is an excellent resource. It‘s the chatroom for vectorz-clj, a fast matrix and vector math library designed as a core.matrix implementation.

With vectorz-clj, you can perform efficient numerical computing in Clojure without sacrificing performance. It provides a wide range of functions for creating, manipulating, and operating on vectors and matrices.

Here‘s a quick example of what you can do with vectorz-clj:

(require ‘[mikera.vectorz.matrix :as mat])

(def A (mat/matrix [[1 2] [3 4]]))
;; A = [[1.0 2.0] 
;;      [3.0 4.0]]

(def B (mat/matrix [[5 6] [7 8]]))
;; B = [[5.0 6.0]
;;      [7.0 8.0]]

(mat/esum (mat/mul A B))
;; 70.0

The Gitter channel is a great place to ask usage questions, discuss performance optimization, explore the API, and share tips and tricks. The community is very active and knowledgeable.

Vectorz-clj is part of the broader ecosystem of Clojure libraries for numerical computing and data science, which includes projects like core.matrix, Neanderthal, and Incanter. Discussing how these libraries fit together is a common topic in the channel.


Differential equations are a critical mathematical tool used in many scientific domains, including physics, engineering, and quantitative finance. They describe how a quantity changes over time based on its current value and possibly other factors.

The ChrisRackauckas/DifferentialEquations.jl channel is dedicated to a powerful Julia library for solving differential equations. The DifferentialEquations.jl suite provides high performance solvers for various types of differential equations, including:

  • Ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
  • Stochastic differential equations (SDEs)
  • Delay differential equations (DDEs)
  • Differential algebraic equations (DAEs)

With a simple and flexible interface, DifferentialEquations.jl lets you model complex systems and processes in an intuitive way. Here‘s a quick example of solving the famous Lorenz system, which exhibits chaotic behavior:

using DifferentialEquations

function lorenz(du,u,p,t)
 du[1] = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
 du[2] = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
 du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]

u0 = [1.0;0.0;0.0]
tspan = (0.0,100.0)
prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan)

sol = solve(prob) 

using Plots

The Gitter channel is an excellent resource to learn modern techniques for solving differential equations, discuss the latest research developments, and debug issues with your models. Members range from students to researchers in various scientific domains.

If you‘re working on scientific simulations, predictive modeling, or any project that involves continuous dynamics, DifferentialEquations.jl is an incredibly useful tool to have in your kit. The community on Gitter can help you get the most out of it.


Randomness plays a crucial role in many areas of computer science, from cryptography to machine learning to Monte Carlo simulations. But generating reliable, unbiased random numbers is a non-trivial problem with a long history of research and development.

The rsvp/randomsys channel is dedicated to the algorithmic study of random systems. Discussions cover various approaches to generating random numbers, testing for randomness, applications of randomness, and more.

One interesting application of random numbers is in randomized algorithms. These are algorithms that make random choices during execution to achieve better performance, simplicity, or robustness compared to deterministic algorithms. A classic example is the randomized quicksort, which chooses a random element as the pivot to avoid worst-case behavior on already sorted arrays.

The channel also features updates about recent research in the field. For example, a recent discussion covered a project at Australian National University that generates true random numbers from a quantum source. By measuring the quantum fluctuations in a beam of light, they are able to generate random bits that are provably unbiased and unpredictable.

While the discussions can get quite theoretical at times, following along is a great way to build intuition about core concepts in probability and randomness. And you might just learn a new technique to apply in your own projects!

cats (Category Theory)

Category theory is a branch of abstract mathematics that formalizes mathematical structures and relationships in terms of a labeled directed graph called a category. It has deep connections to computer science and can provide a powerful framework for reasoning about programming concepts.

The funcool/cats channel is dedicated to a Clojure(Script) library that provides abstractions for category theory and algebraic structures. It allows you to write more abstract, composable, and lawful code.

Some key concepts in category theory that are relevant to programming include:

  • Categories: a collection of objects and morphisms (arrows) between them
  • Functors: a mapping between categories that preserves structure
  • Monads: a structure that represents computations as sequences of steps
  • Monoids: a set with an associative binary operation and an identity element

By understanding these concepts and how they relate to programming constructs like types, functions, and composition, you can write more modular and reusable code. The cats library provides a set of abstractions for expressing these concepts in Clojure.

For example, here‘s how you can use the Maybe monad to handle potentially missing values:

(require ‘[cats.core :as m])
(require ‘[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])

(defn get-user [id]
  (if (some? id)
    (maybe/just {:id id, :name "Bob"})

(defn get-address [user]
  (if (some? user)
    (maybe/just {:user user, :address "123 Main St"})

(defn get-street [address]
  (if (some? address)
    (maybe/just (:address address))

(-> (get-user 123)
    (m/bind get-address)
    (m/bind get-street))
;; #<Just "123 Main St">

(-> (get-user nil)
    (m/bind get-address)
    (m/bind get-street))
;; #<Nothing>

The channel is a great place to ask questions about category theory, discuss new abstractions and instances, and explore how to apply these ideas in real-world code. The community is very welcoming to beginners and happy to explain complex concepts.

Learning category theory can fundamentally change how you approach programming and system design. It provides a rich set of tools for abstraction and composition that can make your code more robust, modular, and scalable. And the cats channel is a great place to start that journey.

Academic research

In addition to the applied side of using mathematics in programming, there is also a wealth of academic research being done at the intersection of math and computer science. Many researchers are exploring novel ways to apply mathematical techniques to key problems in computing.

Some recent examples of influential work include:

  • Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT): An exciting new approach to formal verification that combines insights from abstract algebra, algebraic topology, and type theory. HoTT allows for a more intuitive and flexible way to specify and prove properties of programs.

  • Differential Privacy: A mathematical framework for sharing aggregate information about a dataset while protecting the privacy of individuals. Differential privacy provides provable guarantees against identification and is used in many real-world systems.

  • Topological Data Analysis (TDA): A set of techniques that use ideas from topology to analyze complex datasets. TDA can reveal interesting structure and relationships in data that are difficult to detect with traditional methods.

Following academic research can give you a glimpse into the cutting edge of what‘s possible and inspire new approaches to difficult problems. Even if the full details are inaccessible, the high-level ideas can often be adapted and applied in more practical settings.

Tips for learning and applying mathematics as a developer

Learning mathematics can be challenging, especially if it‘s been a while since you last took a math class. Here are a few tips to make the process easier and more rewarding:

  1. Start with the fundamentals: Make sure you have a solid grasp of core concepts like algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. These provide a foundation for more advanced topics.

  2. Focus on understanding, not just memorization: Mathematics is not about memorizing formulas, but about understanding underlying principles and relationships. Seek out explanations that build intuition, not just teach mechanics.

  3. Work through problems and proofs: The best way to learn math is by doing. Work through plenty of practice problems, and try to prove key results yourself. This will deepen your understanding and make the ideas stick.

  4. Connect the ideas to programming: Look for ways to apply mathematical concepts in your code. Implementing ideas from scratch is a great way to test your understanding and make new connections.

  5. Discuss and collaborate with others: Join communities like the Gitter channels featured here to discuss ideas, get help when you‘re stuck, and learn from others‘ experiences. Explaining concepts to others is also a great way to solidify your own understanding.

With consistent practice and application, you can build a strong intuition for mathematics and use it to take your programming skills to the next level.


Mathematics is a vast and fascinating field with deep connections to computer science and software engineering. As more domains apply mathematical techniques to solve complex problems, having a strong grasp of key mathematical concepts is becoming increasingly valuable for developers.

Joining communities like the Gitter channels featured here is a great way to expand your mathematical horizons. You can explore new ideas, get help with specific problems, stay up-to-date with the latest research, and collaborate with other enthusiasts and experts.

Whether you‘re interested in numerical computing, abstract algebra, category theory, or any other area of mathematics, there‘s a welcoming community waiting to help you learn and grow.

So take the plunge and start expanding your mathematical skills today. Your future self (and your code) will thank you!

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