Google not, learn not: why searching can sometimes be better than knowing

As a full-stack developer, I‘m constantly encountering new challenges and technologies in my work. One day I might be debugging a tricky JavaScript error on the front-end, and the next I‘m configuring a new database system on the back-end. With so many different languages, frameworks, and tools to juggle, it‘s simply impossible to hold every detail in my head at all times.

Earlier in my career, I often felt guilty or inadequate when I couldn‘t remember how to do something off the top of my head. I would beat myself up for not memorizing the exact syntax for a particular method or the step-by-step process for deploying a new feature. But as I‘ve gained more experience, I‘ve come to realize that constantly searching for information is not a weakness—it‘s one of the most powerful skills in a developer‘s toolkit.

The myth of the know-it-all developer

There‘s a pervasive myth in the programming world of the "10x developer" who can churn out flawless code at lightning speed purely from their own vast knowledge. Many new programmers aspire to become one of these mythical coding geniuses who never need to look anything up.

But the reality is that even the most experienced developers are constantly searching for answers. A 2018 survey by Stack Overflow found that 80% of professional developers visit the site at least a few times per week, with 35% visiting every day. The 2020 survey found that "Searching for a solution on Stack Overflow" was the most common way developers report dealing with getting stuck on a coding problem.

These numbers show that even highly experienced programmers are regularly searching for help and learning new things. The idea that you should have everything memorized is unrealistic and counterproductive.

How searching accelerates problem-solving

In my experience, having strong searching skills is often more valuable for solving programming problems quickly than having encyclopedic coding knowledge. When I come across a thorny bug or need to implement a new feature with an unfamiliar technology, my first step is almost always to search for information and examples online.

Searching allows me to tap into the collective knowledge and experience of millions of other developers who have faced similar challenges. Instead of spinning my wheels trying to solve a complex problem from scratch, I can learn from how others have approached it and find pre-built tools and code snippets to accelerate my implementation.

For example, recently I was tasked with setting up continuous integration for a new microservice at work. I had never used the particular CI platform we decided on, so I started by searching for tutorials and documentation specific to using that platform with the languages and frameworks in our project. Within an hour of searching and reading, I had a basic pipeline up and running. If I had tried to rely purely on my existing knowledge, it would have taken me far longer and likely resulted in a less robust solution.

Of course, blindly copying and pasting code from searches without understanding it can lead to even bigger problems down the road. The goal is not to just find a quick fix, but to use the information and examples you find to deepen your own understanding and ability to apply the concepts in the future.

I find it helpful to timebox my searches to avoid falling down rabbit holes, and always take the time to test my understanding by explaining the solution in my own words or modifying the code in meaningful ways. The best searches are those that lead to lasting knowledge, not just a fleeting answer.

Techniques for searching like a pro

One of the keys to productive searching is knowing how to craft effective queries to find the most relevant information quickly. As a full-stack developer, I‘ve honed a few techniques that I find particularly useful:

  • Search for specific error messages. When debugging, pasting the exact error message into a search engine will often lead you straight to information about what‘s causing the problem and how to resolve it. If you‘re getting a generic error, try searching for specific keywords in the message to narrow results down to the relevant technologies.

  • Include language and framework keywords. If you‘re searching for information about how to do something in a particular language or framework, include those terms in your query to filter out irrelevant results. For example, instead of just searching "how to sort an array", try "how to sort an array in JavaScript" or "how to sort an array in Python".

  • Look for official documentation and guides. While blog posts and Stack Overflow answers can be very helpful, I always try to find the official documentation for a technology if it exists. The official docs are more likely to be up-to-date and comprehensive. Many documentation sites also have search functionality that lets you jump right to information about a specific function or feature.

  • Filter by date. If you‘re searching for information about a newer language feature or just want to ensure you‘re seeing the most current best practices, use search tools to filter results from the last year or two. Programming changes fast, and advice from a few years ago may already be obsolete.

  • Evaluate results critically. Not every result you find will be accurate or applicable to your specific situation. Look for clues about the expertise and credibility of the sources, such as the author‘s professional experience, citations of reputable sources, and comments from other knowledgeable developers. Just because a solution worked for someone else doesn‘t necessarily mean it‘s right for your use case.

The more you practice these techniques, the easier it becomes to find what you need quickly. I‘ve gotten to the point where I can often find a useful answer or code example within a few minutes of searching, even for technologies I have little direct experience with.

Contributing to collective knowledge

One of the most powerful aspects of searching is that it allows developers to learn from each other and collectively advance the field. Sites like Stack Overflow and GitHub have become massive repositories of community-generated programming knowledge.

But these resources only exist because programmers take the time to document and share what they‘ve learned. As much as I‘ve benefited from others‘ answers and code, I also try to give back by writing up my own solutions when I solve a particularly tricky problem or learn something new.

Taking a few minutes to clearly explain a concept or share a code snippet you wrote can end up helping countless other developers down the line. You never know who might find your answer in a search and use it to solve a problem in their own work.

Some of my most fulfilling moments as a developer have been when someone reached out to thank me for a Stack Overflow answer or GitHub example that helped them. It‘s a great reminder that even as I‘m constantly searching and learning from others, my own knowledge and experiences can make a meaningful difference for fellow developers.

Embracing continuous learning

The tech industry evolves at a breakneck pace. New programming languages, frameworks, and paradigms are always emerging, and what was cutting-edge a few years ago may be obsolete today. I‘ve had to completely shift my skill set multiple times over the course of my career as a full-stack developer, from the early days of PHP and jQuery to newer technologies like React, Node.js, and cloud services.

The only way to stay relevant in this field is to embrace continuous learning and get comfortable with constantly searching for new information. Trying to rely purely on what you already know is a recipe for stagnation.

In my experience, the most successful developers are the ones who are always curious and humble enough to admit when they need to learn something new. They see every problem as an opportunity to expand their skills and find better solutions.

Cultivating this mindset of continuous learning has been pivotal for my growth as a developer. Instead of getting defensive when I don‘t know something, I try to approach it with curiosity and use it as a chance to fill gaps in my knowledge. Some of my biggest breakthroughs have come from diving deep into search results to understand a concept I was previously unfamiliar with.

Knowing how to find is the new knowing

We‘re living in an age of unprecedented access to information. With a few keystrokes, anyone can tap into the accumulated knowledge of the entire programming community. In this environment, the ability to effectively find and apply information is becoming just as crucial as raw knowledge.

As a full-stack developer, I rely on searching to solve problems faster, learn new technologies more efficiently, and contribute to collective knowledge. Searching frees up my cognitive resources to focus on higher-level problem solving and creative thinking rather than trying to memorize every last detail.

Of course, searching is not a substitute for having a solid foundation of programming concepts and best practices. I still need to understand the fundamentals to evaluate search results critically and know how to implement solutions appropriately for my specific context.

But in a world where the entire corpus of programming knowledge is always just a few clicks away, the ability to find, filter, and apply that knowledge effectively is an indispensable skill. The most successful developers are often the best at knowing how to find what they need, not necessarily the ones who know the most overall.

So the next time you‘re stuck on a coding problem or encountering a new technology, embrace the search. Don‘t beat yourself up for not having all the answers already in your head. Tap into the collective wisdom of the developer community and use what you find to expand your own capabilities. The fastest route to a solution—and to expanding your knowledge—is often just a well-crafted search query away.

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