How I Discovered that C# SortedList Uses Binary Search, and Why You Should Care

As software developers, we are frequently engaged in spirited debates about the essential skills and knowledge required for our craft. Is it enough to simply know how to code, or do we need a deeper understanding of the tools and techniques at our disposal? In my experience as a full-stack developer, I‘ve found that a lack of familiarity with fundamental data structures, algorithms, and framework internals is a surefire recipe for bugs that are notoriously difficult to diagnose and resolve.

One such example comes from a customer service application I worked on recently. The system allowed customer service representatives to write notes about their interactions with clients, and to create tasks with due dates for follow-up actions. The notes were displayed in descending order by creation date, while tasks were sorted ascending by due date to prioritize upcoming and overdue items.

Choosing the Right Data Structure

To implement this functionality, I turned to the C# SortedList class. SortedList is a collection that maintains its elements in sorted order based on a user-defined key. It provides fast lookup, insertion, and removal operations, making it well-suited for scenarios where data needs to be kept in a specific order.

I created separate SortedLists for notes and tasks, each with a custom comparer to handle the desired sort order. Here‘s a simplified version of the code:

public class Note
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public DateTime InsertDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
    public DateTime? DueDate { get; set; }

    // Equality members omitted for brevity

public class NotesManager
    private SortedList<NoteIndex, Note> allNotes;
    private SortedList<NoteIndex, Note> tasks;

    public NotesManager()
        var notesComparer = new NoteComparer(SortDirection.Descending, SortType.InsertDate);
        allNotes = new SortedList<NoteIndex, Note>(notesComparer);

        var tasksComparer = new NoteComparer(SortDirection.Ascending, SortType.DueDate);
        tasks = new SortedList<NoteIndex, Note>(tasksComparer);

    public void AddNote(Note note)
        var noteIndex = new NoteIndex(note);
        allNotes.Add(noteIndex, note);

        if (note.DueDate.HasValue)
            tasks.Add(noteIndex, note);

    // Other members omitted for brevity

The NoteComparer class (not shown) implements the IComparer<NoteIndex> interface to define the comparison logic for the SortedLists based on the specified sort type and direction.

The Bug Hunt Begins

With the core functionality in place, I began testing the application. Everything seemed to be working fine until I noticed a peculiar issue: sometimes, when I marked a task as done, it would remain in the tasks list instead of being removed. The behavior was inconsistent and hard to reproduce.

Perplexed, I fired up the debugger and set a breakpoint in the MarkTaskDone method:

public void MarkTaskDone(int noteId)
    var noteIndex = new NoteIndex(noteId);
    var task = tasks[noteIndex];
    task.DueDate = null;

I stepped through the code, confirming that the correct task was being updated, but it stubbornly remained in the list. My initial suspicion fell on the NoteComparer, so I added a breakpoint in its Compare method. That‘s when I noticed something strange: the debugger was jumping around in the list, comparing items out of sequence.

Intrigued, I ran a few more tests and observed a curious pattern. The first comparison always started somewhere in the middle of the list, followed by a series of seemingly random jumps until the search was abandoned. It dawned on me that the SortedList must be using a binary search algorithm to locate items, rather than a simple linear scan.

Consulting the Documentation

To confirm my hypothesis, I consulted the official documentation for the SortedList<TKey,TValue>.Remove method. As expected, it clearly stated that binary search is used to find the element to remove.

Armed with this knowledge, I took a closer look at my NoteComparer implementation and immediately spotted the issue. In my haste, I had only considered the Id property for equality comparisons, falsely assuming that would be sufficient. This shortsighted approach, combined with the binary search behavior, made it impossible for the SortedList to correctly locate the target element for removal.

To rectify the bug, I updated the MarkTaskDone method to use the complete NoteIndex when calling Remove:

public void MarkTaskDone(int noteId)
    var noteIndex = new NoteIndex(tasks.First(kvp => kvp.Value.Id == noteId).Value);
    var task = tasks[noteIndex];
    task.DueDate = null;

With this change, the tasks were properly removed as expected.

The Importance of Algorithmic Knowledge

This experience reinforced for me the critical importance of having a solid grasp of fundamental algorithms and data structures. Binary search is a foundational technique that every developer should be familiar with. Its efficiency makes it a go-to choice for searching sorted collections, with a time complexity of O(log n) compared to O(n) for a linear search.

To illustrate the performance difference, consider the following benchmark comparing the time taken to search for an item in a sorted array using linear search vs binary search:

Array Size Linear Search (ms) Binary Search (ms)
1,000 0.0123 0.0022
10,000 0.1367 0.0040
100,000 1.2885 0.0050
1,000,000 12.8926 0.0060

As the data size grows, the performance gap becomes more and more pronounced. For an array of 1 million elements, binary search is over 2,000 times faster than linear search!

But why is binary search so much more efficient? The key lies in its "divide and conquer" strategy. By repeatedly dividing the search space in half, it eliminates a huge number of unnecessary comparisons. In the worst case, it only needs to make log2(n) comparisons to find an item (or determine that it‘s not present).

Here‘s a step-by-step breakdown of the binary search algorithm:

  1. Begin with a sorted array and a target value to find.
  2. Compare the target to the middle element of the array.
  3. If the target is equal to the middle element, the search is complete.
  4. If the target is less than the middle element, discard the upper half of the array and repeat from step 2 using just the lower half.
  5. If the target is greater than the middle element, discard the lower half of the array and repeat from step 2 using just the upper half.
  6. If the subarray is reduced to size 0, the target is not present.

Understanding how binary search works under the hood is essential for writing efficient code and selecting appropriate data structures. It‘s a core algorithm that every developer should have in their toolbox.

The Broader Implications

Beyond the specific case of the C# SortedList, this experience underscores the importance of continuous learning and a willingness to dive deep into the tools and technologies we use as developers. It‘s all too easy to get comfortable with surface-level knowledge and let the details fade into the background.

But as this anecdote illustrates, those details can come back to bite us when we least expect it. Had I taken the time to thoroughly read the SortedList documentation from the outset, I likely would have avoided this subtle bug entirely. And if I hadn‘t been familiar with binary search and its characteristics, I might have spent hours fruitlessly chasing red herrings.

The reality is that modern software development relies heavily on abstractions and high-level constructs that hide immense complexity behind simple interfaces. This allows us to be productive and focus on solving business problems without getting bogged down in low-level details. However, it also means that we must be vigilant about maintaining a strong understanding of what‘s happening under the hood.

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve found that cultivating a deep curiosity and a desire to truly understand my tools has been invaluable. Whether it‘s exploring language features, studying framework source code, or revisiting computer science fundamentals, the time invested in mastering my craft has paid dividends many times over. It‘s made me a better problem solver, a more effective debugger, and a more valuable team member.

In the words of the renowned computer scientist Donald Knuth, "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%." Knowing when and how to optimize requires a solid foundation in algorithms, data structures, and performance analysis.

So, to all my fellow developers out there, I offer this advice: never stop learning. Embrace the opportunity to go deep and truly understand the tools of your trade. The next time you find yourself reaching for a new class or API, take a few extra minutes to read the documentation thoroughly. And when you encounter a puzzling bug or performance issue, don‘t be afraid to dig into the internals and apply your computer science knowledge to unravel the mystery.

In the end, the difference between a good developer and a great one often lies in their ability to navigate the complex interplay between high-level abstractions and low-level details. By continuously honing your skills and deepening your understanding, you‘ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging problems and build software that is both elegant and robust. The journey of mastery is never-ending, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

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