I Spent $110,000 on a Computer Science Grad Degree, Only to Find the Free Resources Were Better

Three years ago, I made what I thought was one of the best decisions of my life – I enrolled in a Computer Science graduate program. Finally, I was taking concrete steps toward my dream of becoming a software developer.

There was just one small problem. I had almost zero coding experience. Sure, I had tinkered around with some online Python tutorials and built a basic web page or two. But I was far from a proficient programmer. No matter, I thought. The whole point of school is to learn, right?

Wrong. Oh so very wrong.

After excitedly starting my first semester, reality came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. The classes moved at a blistering pace, the professors had little patience for beginners, and I constantly felt lost and overwhelmed. Weren‘t master‘s programs supposed to help you master the material?

To make matters worse, I was taking on an absurd amount of debt to subject myself to this torture. Tuition and fees for the two-year program totaled over $110,000. I reassured myself it would all be worth it. The prestigious degree would surely pay for itself with a high-paying programming job. Famous last words.

Desperate to not fall behind, I started scouring the internet for supplemental learning resources. And that‘s when I stumbled upon a gold mine: free online coding courses and interactive tutorials. I dove in head first.

Discovering the World of Free Online Learning

The more I explored, the more I was blown away by the sheer quality and quantity of free programming resources available online. Platforms like freeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Coursera, edX, Udacity, Udemy, and Khan Academy offered comprehensive courses and tutorials on every programming language and technology imaginable.

Platform Unique Features
freeCodeCamp Structured curriculum, real-world projects, supportive community
Codecademy Interactive coding lessons, quizzes, and projects
Coursera Online courses from top universities, flexible learning schedule
edX MOOCs from prestigious institutions, wide range of CS topics
Udacity Nanodegree programs, project-based learning, career services
Udemy Vast library of courses, frequent discounts and promotions
Khan Academy Beginner-friendly tutorials, gamified learning experience

These platforms provided a wealth of hands-on coding practice, real-world projects, and supportive learning communities. I could learn at my own pace, dive deep into topics that interested me, and get instant feedback on my code.

Between sites like freeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Coursera, and edX, I was soon spending more time on free resources than on my actual grad school coursework. And I was learning so much more. Instead of theoretical lectures, I was building actual projects. The online learning communities were unbelievably supportive. I could go at my own pace and rewind as needed. Best of all, I wasn‘t going into debt to learn!

Comparing Traditional Education vs. Self-Learning

As I progressed through my online learning journey, I couldn‘t help but notice the stark differences between my grad school experience and my self-directed education.

Aspect Traditional Grad Program Free Online Resources
Curriculum Theoretical, academic focus Practical, project-based learning
Pacing Fixed, inflexible schedule Self-paced, adaptable to individual needs
Cost Exorbitant tuition and fees Completely free or low-cost
Instructor support Limited, often unavailable Responsive online communities and forums
Learning style Lecture-based, passive learning Interactive, hands-on coding practice
Outcomes Theoretical knowledge, formal credential Practical skills, real-world projects, job-ready portfolio

The more I immersed myself in free online learning, the more I realized that the traditional graduate program wasn‘t providing the practical skills and hands-on experience I needed to succeed as a programmer. The curriculum was heavy on theory and light on actual coding practice. The pacing was inflexible, and the instructors were often inaccessible outside of class.

In contrast, the free online resources allowed me to learn by doing, building real projects and solving authentic problems. I could learn at my own pace, revisit concepts as needed, and tap into the collective knowledge of vibrant online communities. And perhaps most importantly, I was gaining practical, job-ready skills without taking on crippling debt.

Making the Leap: Dropping Out and Pursuing Self-Learning

A few months into my grad program, I had a harsh realization. The $110,000 piece of paper I was pursuing wasn‘t actually necessary to succeed as a programmer. The skills and knowledge were all readily available online, for free. I mulled it over and made the agonizing decision to drop out of grad school.

It wasn‘t easy, but I knew it was the right choice. I reallocated the time and money I would‘ve spent on my degree into fully immersing myself in free online learning. I completed Harvard‘s CS50x on edX, which gave me a strong foundation in computer science concepts. I earned a Full Stack Web Development certification through freeCodeCamp, building a series of increasingly complex web applications. I participated in coding challenges and contributed to open-source projects on GitHub.

As I built up my skills and portfolio, I started to gain confidence in my ability to succeed as a self-taught developer. I joined online communities like the freeCodeCamp forum, DEV Community, and various subreddits, where I could connect with other learners, get feedback on my projects, and learn from experienced professionals.

Landing a Job and Thriving as a Self-Taught Developer

Once I felt ready, I started applying for developer jobs. And you know what? Not a single interviewer asked about my lack of a graduate degree. They only cared about my skills, which I had honed through months of intensive self-study using free resources.

After a few rounds of interviews, I ended up landing an amazing job as a full-stack web developer. On the job, I found that the practical skills and problem-solving abilities I had developed through self-learning were directly applicable to my work. I was able to hit the ground running and make valuable contributions to my team.

But my learning didn‘t stop there. As a professional developer, I quickly realized that continuous learning and skill development are essential to staying relevant in this fast-paced field. I made a commitment to devote time each week to exploring new technologies, working on side projects, and engaging with the developer community.

Reflections and Advice for Aspiring Programmers

Looking back, I‘m so grateful I jumped off the grad school hamster wheel when I did. The self-learning path ended up being more effective, more relevant to my career goals, and infinitely more affordable. I escaped with a fraction of the student loans I would‘ve had.

Now, this isn‘t to say that graduate CS degrees are worthless. If you‘re pursuing specialized fields like AI, data science, or advanced research, then an advanced degree can certainly be valuable. But for those just wanting to break into general software development and web programming, I believe the self-taught route is very viable in today‘s world. So much of modern programming is about practical skills rather than academic theory.

Of course, self-learning isn‘t easy either. It takes immense discipline, time management, and persistence. You have to be proactive about building projects, finding mentors, and staying on track. But the beautiful thing is, those are the exact traits that will make you successful on the job as well.

If I could go back and give my past self some advice, here‘s what I‘d say:

  1. Skip the expensive grad program. Invest your time and money into free online learning instead.
  2. Stay curious, build projects you can be proud of, and never stop learning. Programming is an incredible field where anyone can succeed, regardless of formal credentials.
  3. Seek out mentors and surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow learners and professionals.
  4. Don‘t be afraid to take on challenges and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. That‘s where true growth happens.
  5. Remember that your passion, perseverance, and problem-solving skills are your greatest assets as a programmer.

To anyone else considering a computer science graduate degree, I encourage you to really evaluate your goals. It‘s an enormous investment. Think critically about whether you truly need the degree, or if you might be better served by the wealth of free and low-cost online learning resources. Don‘t just assume that more formal education is always better.

In the end, what matters most is not the letters after your name, but the skills you bring to the table. I‘m living proof that you can gain those skills on your own, with the help of an amazingly supportive online community, for a fraction of the cost.

While I may not have a diploma to hang on my wall, I have something even better – a career I love, and the pride of knowing I forged my own path to get here. And I did it all without six-figures of debt weighing me down.

To me, that is priceless.

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