Building Your Own CNC Controller and 3D Printer with Python

CNC Machine

Hello there, fellow maker! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of CNC machines and 3D printers? As a full-stack developer with a passion for hardware hacking, I‘m thrilled to share my experience in building a custom CNC controller and 3D printer using the power of Python.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how you can leverage the versatility of Python and the affordability of ARM-based boards like the Raspberry Pi to create your own CNC machines and 3D printers. By the end of this article, you‘ll have a solid understanding of the hardware components, software techniques, and practical tips needed to bring your projects to life.

Why Python for CNC and 3D Printing?

Traditionally, CNC machine controllers were implemented using low-level languages like C or C++ on microcontrollers with real-time operating systems. However, the rise of powerful ARM-based boards and the popularity of Python have opened up new possibilities for makers and developers.

Python offers several advantages for CNC and 3D printer control:

  1. High-level abstractions: Python‘s readable syntax and rich libraries make it easier to write complex control algorithms and handle data processing tasks.

  2. Rapid prototyping: With Python, you can quickly iterate on ideas and test new features without the need for lengthy compilation times.

  3. Extensive ecosystem: Python boasts a vast collection of libraries and frameworks, enabling seamless integration with web interfaces, computer vision, machine learning, and more.

  4. Community support: The Python community is known for its active and helpful members, providing a wealth of resources, tutorials, and open-source projects to learn from and build upon.

Hardware Components

To build your own Python-powered CNC machine or 3D printer, you‘ll need the following hardware components:

  1. Raspberry Pi or other ARM-based board: These single-board computers serve as the brain of your machine, running the Python code and controlling the various components.

  2. Stepper motors and drivers: Stepper motors provide precise motion control for the X, Y, and Z axes of your machine. You‘ll need stepper motor drivers to interface between the Raspberry Pi and the motors.

  3. End stops, heaters, and sensors: End stops detect the limits of each axis, while heaters and temperature sensors are essential for 3D printers to control the extruder and heated bed temperatures.

  4. Power supply and wiring: A stable power supply is crucial to ensure reliable operation of your machine. Proper wiring and connectors are also important for connecting all the components securely.

Raspberry Pi CNC Wiring Diagram

Controlling Stepper Motors with Python

At the heart of any CNC machine or 3D printer are stepper motors, which convert electrical pulses into precise rotational motion. To control stepper motors using Python on a Raspberry Pi, you‘ll need to generate step and direction signals using the GPIO pins.

Here‘s a simplified example of how you can generate step pulses using Python:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT)  # Step pin
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)  # Direction pin

steps_per_rev = 200
delay = 0.005  # seconds

# Rotate clockwise
GPIO.output(18, GPIO.HIGH)
for _ in range(steps_per_rev):
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW)

# Rotate counterclockwise
GPIO.output(18, GPIO.LOW)
for _ in range(steps_per_rev):
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW)


In this example, we set up two GPIO pins: one for the step signal and another for the direction signal. By toggling the step pin and controlling the direction pin, we can rotate the stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise.

However, this simple approach has limitations when it comes to precise timing and high-speed operation. That‘s where the DMA (Direct Memory Access) module comes into play.

Unleashing the Power of DMA

The DMA module allows for precise timing and high-speed pulse generation by directly copying data from memory to the GPIO registers. This frees up the CPU from the timing-critical tasks and ensures stable and jitter-free operation.

To utilize DMA for GPIO control, you‘ll need to create DMA control blocks that define the desired pulse sequences. Here‘s an example of how you can generate precise pulses using DMA:

import rpgpio

PIN = 17
DELAY_US = 2000

dma = rpgpio.DMAGPIO()

dma.add_pulse(1 << PIN, PULSE_LENGTH_US)

In this example, we create a DMAGPIO object and define the desired pulse length, pulse delay, and overall delay. We then add the pulse and delay sequences to the DMA control blocks using the add_pulse() and add_delay() methods. Finally, we run the DMA operation, generating the precise pulses.

By combining the power of DMA with Python‘s ease of use, you can achieve precise motion control for your CNC machine or 3D printer.

Implementing a G-code Interpreter

G-code is the standard language used to control CNC machines and 3D printers. It consists of a series of commands that define the movement, speed, and other parameters of the machine.

To interpret and execute G-code using Python, you‘ll need to parse the G-code commands and translate them into corresponding stepper motor movements. Here‘s a simplified example of a G-code interpreter in Python:

def process_gcode(gcode):
    lines = gcode.split(‘\n‘)
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith(‘G0‘) or line.startswith(‘G1‘):
            # Move command
            params = line.split(‘ ‘)
            x = None
            y = None
            z = None
            for param in params[1:]:
                if param.startswith(‘X‘):
                    x = float(param[1:])
                elif param.startswith(‘Y‘):
                    y = float(param[1:])
                elif param.startswith(‘Z‘):
                    z = float(param[1:])
            if x is not None:
            if y is not None:
            if z is not None:
        elif line.startswith(‘M106‘):
            # Fan on
        elif line.startswith(‘M107‘):
            # Fan off
        # Add more G-code command handlers as needed

gcode = ‘‘‘
G0 X10 Y20 Z5
G1 X30 Y40 Z10


In this example, we define a process_gcode() function that takes a G-code string as input. It splits the G-code into individual lines and processes each line based on the command type. For example, if the line starts with ‘G0‘ or ‘G1‘, it extracts the X, Y, and Z coordinates and calls the corresponding movement functions (move_x(), move_y(), move_z()). Similarly, it handles other G-code commands like turning the fan on (M106) or off (M107).

By implementing a G-code interpreter in Python, you can translate the high-level G-code commands into low-level stepper motor movements and control other aspects of your machine.

Adding Advanced Features

Python‘s extensive ecosystem allows you to easily integrate advanced features into your CNC machine or 3D printer. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Web Interface: Create a web-based interface using frameworks like Flask or Django to control and monitor your machine remotely.

  2. Computer Vision: Utilize libraries like OpenCV to implement auto-leveling, object detection, or quality control features.

  3. Temperature Control: Implement PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithms to precisely control the temperature of your 3D printer‘s extruder and heated bed.

  4. Real-time Monitoring: Use Python‘s plotting libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly to visualize real-time data from your machine, such as temperature, speed, or position.

Web Interface for CNC Control


Building your own CNC machine or 3D printer using Python and ARM-based boards like the Raspberry Pi is an incredibly rewarding experience. By leveraging the power of Python, you can create custom controllers that are flexible, extensible, and easy to maintain.

Throughout this article, we‘ve covered the essential components, techniques, and practical tips for building Python-powered CNC machines and 3D printers. From controlling stepper motors and utilizing DMA for precise timing to implementing G-code interpreters and adding advanced features, you now have a solid foundation to bring your projects to life.

Remember, the world of CNC machining and 3D printing is constantly evolving, and there‘s always more to learn and explore. Don‘t be afraid to experiment, iterate, and seek inspiration from the vibrant community of makers and developers.

So, grab your Raspberry Pi, fire up your favorite Python IDE, and embark on the exciting journey of building your own CNC machines and 3D printers. The possibilities are endless, and the satisfaction of creating something truly unique is unmatched.

Happy making!

3D Printer

Note: The code examples provided in this article are simplified for illustrative purposes and may require additional error handling and optimization for real-world applications.

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