Check Python Version – How to Check Py in Mac, Windows, and Linux

Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. As a full-stack developer, you likely use Python for a wide range of tasks, from web development and data analysis to machine learning and automation. However, with Python‘s rapid evolution and regular releases, it‘s crucial to know which version of Python you‘re running to ensure compatibility, take advantage of new features, and streamline your development workflow.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into checking your Python version across different operating systems – macOS, Windows, and Linux. We‘ll explore various methods, discuss best practices, and provide expert insights to help you master Python version management.

Python Version Statistics and Trends

Before we jump into the specifics of checking your Python version, let‘s take a moment to analyze some interesting data on Python version usage and adoption trends.

Python Version Usage Share
Python 3.9 22%
Python 3.8 41%
Python 3.7 25%
Python 3.6 8%
Python 2.7 4%

Data source: JetBrains Python Developers Survey 2021

As you can see from the table above, Python 3 versions dominate the Python landscape, with Python 3.8 being the most widely used version as of 2021. It‘s also worth noting that Python 2.7, which reached end-of-life in January 2020, still holds a small but significant share of usage.

Over the years, Python has seen a steady adoption of newer versions, with developers eagerly embracing the latest features and improvements. However, the transition from Python 2 to Python 3 has been a gradual process, requiring developers to update their codebases and ensure compatibility.

Python 2 vs Python 3

One of the most significant version distinctions in the Python world is between Python 2 and Python 3. Let‘s briefly discuss the key differences and why it‘s crucial for developers to move forward with Python 3.

Python 3 introduced several breaking changes and improvements over Python 2, such as:

  • Improved Unicode support
  • More consistent and intuitive syntax
  • Removal of deprecated features
  • Enhanced performance and concurrency support

Although Python 2 is no longer actively developed or supported, some legacy codebases and dependencies may still rely on it. As a full-stack developer, it‘s important to understand the differences between Python 2 and Python 3 and ensure your projects are compatible with the latest Python versions.

Migrating from Python 2 to Python 3 can be a challenging process, especially for large codebases with complex dependencies. It requires careful planning, thorough testing, and potential code refactoring. Tools like 2to3 and six can assist in the migration process, but it‘s essential to review and test the code manually to ensure a smooth transition.

Checking Python Version on macOS

Let‘s start by exploring how to check your Python version on a macOS system.

Step 1: Open Terminal

Open the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the "Applications" > "Utilities" folder or by using Spotlight search (press Command + Space and type "Terminal").

Step 2: Use the python –version command

In the Terminal, type the following command and press Enter:

python --version

This command will display the default Python version installed on your macOS system. For example:

Python 3.9.5

Alternative Methods

  • Use python3 --version to specifically check the Python 3 version if you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed.
  • Launch the Python interpreter by typing python and then execute import sys; print(sys.version) to see detailed version information.

Checking Python Version on Windows

Now, let‘s move on to checking the Python version on a Windows machine.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

Press the Windows key, type "cmd" in the search bar, and click on the "Command Prompt" app to open it.

Step 2: Verify Python installation

In the Command Prompt, type python --version and press Enter. If Python is installed, you‘ll see the version number. If you get an error message, it means Python is not installed or not added to the system‘s PATH.

Step 3: Check Python installation location

Use the where python command to verify the location where Python is installed. By default, Python is installed in the C:\PythonXX directory, where "XX" represents the version number.

Step 4: Use Python interpreter to check version

Launch the Python interpreter by typing python in the Command Prompt. The interpreter will display the Python version information. Type exit() to exit the interpreter.

Step 5: Check version in IDLE (optional)

If you have IDLE installed, you can check the Python version by opening IDLE from the Start menu or by typing idle in the Command Prompt.

Checking Python Version on Linux

Lastly, let‘s explore how to check the Python version on a Linux system.

Step 1: Open Terminal

Open the terminal on your Linux system using the applications menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.

Step 2: Use python –version command

In the terminal, type python --version and press Enter to display the default Python version installed.

Step 3: Check Python 3 version (if applicable)

If your Linux distribution has both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, use python3 --version to specifically check the Python 3 version.

Step 4: Verify installation and version

Enter the Python interactive shell by typing python or python3 and pressing Enter. Inside the shell, run import sys; print(sys.version) to see detailed version information. Type exit() or press Ctrl+D to exit the shell.

Python Version Compatibility Issues

When working on Python projects, you may encounter compatibility issues due to differences between Python versions. Here are some common compatibility challenges and strategies to mitigate them:

  • Syntax changes: Python 3 introduced new syntax and removed or modified certain constructs. Ensure your code is compatible with the Python version you‘re targeting.
  • Library dependencies: Different Python versions may have different sets of compatible libraries. Use virtual environments to manage dependencies separately for each project.
  • Unicode handling: Python 3 uses Unicode strings by default, while Python 2 uses ASCII. Be mindful of string encoding and decoding when working with text data.

To maintain compatibility across different Python versions, consider the following:

  • Use version-agnostic code whenever possible, leveraging libraries like six that provide compatibility wrappers.
  • Specify the minimum required Python version in your project‘s documentation and requirements file.
  • Utilize tools like tox to automatically test your code against multiple Python versions.

Checking Python Version in IDEs and Code Editors

Most Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors provide built-in support for managing Python versions. Here‘s how you can check the Python version in popular IDEs:


  1. Open your Python project in PyCharm.
  2. Go to "File" > "Settings" (or "PyCharm" > "Preferences" on macOS).
  3. Navigate to "Project: YourProjectName" > "Python Interpreter".
  4. The Python interpreter version is displayed at the top of the settings window.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Open your Python project in VS Code.
  2. Click on the Python version displayed in the bottom-left corner of the status bar.
  3. Select the desired Python interpreter from the list.

Using an IDE with Python integration offers several benefits, such as intelligent code completion, debugging, and virtual environment management.

Checking Python Version in Scripts and Programs

As a full-stack developer, you may need to check the Python version programmatically within your scripts or programs. Here‘s how you can do it:

import sys

print(f"Python version: {sys.version}")
print(f"Python version info: {sys.version_info}")

The sys module provides access to system-specific parameters and functions, including the Python version information. The sys.version attribute returns a string representation of the version, while sys.version_info returns a named tuple containing version details.

It‘s good practice to specify the minimum required Python version in your scripts, especially if you‘re using version-specific features. You can use the sys.version_info tuple to perform version checks:

import sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
    # Code for Python 3.6 and above
    # Code for Python versions below 3.6

By checking the Python version programmatically, you can handle version-specific code paths and ensure compatibility.

Python Version and Performance

Python performance has improved significantly over the years, with each new version bringing optimizations and enhancements. Let‘s take a look at some key performance differences between Python versions:

  • Python 3.9 introduced a new parser that significantly speeds up parsing and loading of Python code.
  • Python 3.8 brought performance improvements to the dict class, resulting in faster dictionary operations.
  • Python 3.7 introduced a new bytecode format and optimizations to the compiler, leading to faster execution times.

To benchmark your code and compare performance across different Python versions, you can use tools like timeit or pytest-benchmark. These tools allow you to measure the execution time of specific code snippets and compare the results.

The Future of Python Versioning

Python follows a predictable release schedule, with new major versions released every 12 months and bug-fix releases every few months. The Python development team actively works on improving the language, fixing bugs, and introducing new features.

As of now, Python 3.9 is the latest stable version, with Python 3.10 and beyond in development. To stay informed about the latest Python releases and future plans, you can follow the official Python documentation and the Python Software Foundation‘s announcements.

It‘s important to keep your Python skills up to date and stay aware of the upcoming changes and features in the language. This allows you to make informed decisions about upgrading your projects and leveraging the latest advancements in Python.


Checking your Python version is a fundamental task for any Python developer, especially when working on multiple projects or collaborating with others. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily determine the Python version on your macOS, Windows, or Linux system.

Remember to consider Python version compatibility issues, use virtual environments to manage dependencies, and leverage IDEs and code editors to streamline your development workflow. As a full-stack developer, staying up to date with the latest Python versions and understanding their performance characteristics is crucial for building efficient and maintainable applications.

Keep exploring, learning, and coding with Python! The Python community is vast and supportive, offering a wealth of resources, libraries, and frameworks to help you tackle any development challenge.

Happy coding!

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