Create a Twitter Bot in Python Using Tweepy

Twitter bots have become increasingly popular as a way to automate sharing of content, boost engagement, and even provide customer service on the platform. According to some estimates, bots make up nearly 15% of all Twitter accounts. While many bots are created for spammy purposes, when used responsibly, they can be a powerful tool to grow your brand‘s presence on Twitter.

In this tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to create your own Twitter bot in Python using the Tweepy library. By the end, you‘ll have a bot that can automatically tweet, retweet, reply and favorite tweets based on predefined criteria. Let‘s get started!

Setting Up a Twitter Developer Account

The first step is to set up a Twitter Developer account if you don‘t already have one. This will give you access to the Twitter API which we‘ll use to interact with the platform programmatically.

Go to and click the "Apply for a developer account" button. You‘ll need to sign in with your normal Twitter account and then fill out the application form with some information about how you plan to use the API. For your bot, you can just say you‘re creating it for learning/experimental purposes.

Once approved, go to the Developer Portal and create a new Project and App. Give it a name, select the appropriate app permissions (for this example, Read and Write should suffice), and generate your Access Tokens and Keys. You‘ll need those in the next step.

Configuring Your Local Environment

Next, let‘s set up our local Python environment. Make sure you have Python 3 installed, then open up your terminal and install the Tweepy library:

pip install tweepy

We‘ll also be using Python‘s built-in time module later on to schedule our tweets, so no need to install that separately.

Create a new Python file for your bot‘s code (e.g. and open it up in your code editor. At the top, import the libraries we‘ll be using:

import tweepy
import time

Authenticating with the Twitter API

Remember those Access Tokens and Keys you generated for your app? It‘s time to plug them into your code to create a connection to the Twitter API.

Copy the following code into your Python file, replacing the placeholder strings with your own credentials:

consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"
access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"  
access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

This code handles the OAuth authentication process with Twitter, which uses the tokens to verify your app‘s permissions. We then initialize a Tweepy API object which we‘ll use to interact with Twitter. To make sure it worked, try running:

user =

If you see your own Twitter username printed out, you‘re good to go! If you get an error message, double check that you copied the access tokens correctly.

Tweepy Basics

Before we jump into building out the bot functionality, let‘s cover some basic usage of Tweepy. The api object we created above has methods that map to most of the common actions you can take on Twitter:

Update your status (tweet):

api.update_status("Hello Tweepy!")

Search for recent tweets containing a keyword:

search_results ="python")
for tweet in search_results:

Retweet a tweet by ID:

tweet_id = "TWEET_ID_HERE"

Favorite a tweet by ID:


Reply to a tweet:

username = "USERNAME_HERE"  
mention = "@" + username
api.update_status(mention + " Thanks for sharing!", in_reply_to_status_id=tweet_id)

Follow a user:


These are just a few examples – refer to the Tweepy docs for the full list of methods you can call on the API object.

Creating Bot Functions

Now that we know how to use Tweepy to take basic actions, let‘s start building out the bot-specific functionality we want. We‘ll create a few functions that automate finding and responding to relevant tweets.

Here‘s an example of a function that will search for tweets mentioning your bot and favorite+retweet them:

def fav_retweet_mentions():
  mentions = api.mentions_timeline()
  for mention in mentions:
    if not mention.favorited:
      except Exception as e:

    if not mention.retweeted:  
      except Exception as e:

We can create a similar function to reply to mentions, search for tweets containing certain keywords, or retweet/favorite tweets from specific accounts. The possibilities are endless – it just depends on what you want your bot to do.

Another useful feature is to follow back any users who follow your bot‘s account. Here‘s a function to do that:

def follow_back(): 
  followers = api.followers()
  for follower in followers:
    if not follower.following:
      except Exception as e:  

Scheduling Tweets

Besides replying and retweeting, you‘ll likely want your bot to also send out some original tweets on a recurring schedule. An easy way to do this is to create an array containing the tweets you want to post, then use Python‘s time module to post them at predefined intervals.

scheduled_tweets = [
  "Read my latest blog post about Twitter bots! [LINK HERE]",
  "Beep boop, just doing normal bot things...", 
  "Checking out the new features in Tweepy v4.0, pretty cool!"

def tweet_from_queue(): 
  for tweet in scheduled_tweets:
    print("Tweeted: " + tweet)
    time.sleep(14400) # tweet every 4 hours

We can even randomize the intervals a bit so the timing doesn‘t look too predictable.

import random

def random_interval():
  return random.randint(14400, 18000) # random interval between 4 and 5 hours

for tweet in scheduled_tweets:  
  print("Tweeted: " + tweet) 
  sleep_interval = random_interval()

Now, anytime you want to schedule tweets for your bot, you can just add them to the scheduled_tweets array.

Deploying the Bot

At this point, you should have a fully functional Twitter bot! However, in order for it to run continuously without you having to manually trigger it, you‘ll need to deploy the code on a server or hosting platform.

One simple and free option is PythonAnywhere. Once you create an account, you can upload your bot script and set it up to run on a recurring schedule (e.g. every 10 minutes). PythonAnywhere will handle keeping the script running and managing the environment for you.

Other options for deployment include Heroku, AWS, or running it on a Raspberry Pi plugged in at home. Explore what works best for your needs and budget.

Advanced Bot Ideas

Once you have the basic functionality down, you can start getting creative with more advanced features for your Twitter bot. Here are a few ideas:

  • Use the OpenWeatherMap API to send out automated tweets with the current weather conditions in a certain location
  • Build a stock trading bot that analyzes real-time market data and tweets out buy/sell alerts
  • Create an SMS alert system that texts you when your bot gets a mention or DM
  • Train an NLP model on a dataset of tweets to generate realistic-looking tweets on a certain topic
  • Use web scraping to pull in outside data (news headlines, site metrics, etc.) and share it via your bot
  • Build an image processing bot that creates color palettes from tweeted images and replies with the hex codes

The Twitter API combined with Python‘s extensive ecosystem of libraries makes it possible to build all sorts of unique bot experiences. Get imaginative with it!

Twitter Automation Rules and Best Practices

As you‘re developing your bot, it‘s important to keep in mind Twitter‘s rules around automation. Some key things to note:

  • Avoid spammy or overly repetitive tweeting behavior
  • Clearly identify the account as a bot in the profile bio
  • Don‘t mass follow/unfollow or otherwise abuse the API rate limits
  • Be thoughtful about what data you store and honor user privacy

Additionally, some general best practices:

  • Test your bot thoroughly before launching and check its activity often
  • Keep an eye on your API usage and adjust behavior if getting rate limited
  • Be prepared to handle errors and edge cases gracefully
  • Consider open-sourcing your bot‘s code for transparency
  • Have an exit strategy for shutting down the bot if needed

When used responsibly, Twitter bots can be a fun and engaging way to maintain a presence on the platform. But as a bot creator, you have an obligation to consider the impact your automation will have. Always strive to create bots that enrich the Twitter experience, not detract from it.


To recap, in this tutorial we covered how to:

  1. Set up a Twitter Developer account and app
  2. Install Tweepy and use it to authenticate with the Twitter API
  3. Implement basic tweet, retweet, favorite, and reply functionality
  4. Create functions to automate bot behaviors
  5. Schedule tweets on a recurring basis
  6. Deploy the bot script to a hosting platform

We also explored some more advanced bot ideas and discussed the importance of following Twitter‘s automation rules.

You can find the full code for this tutorial on GitHub. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your own bot and modify it however you see fit.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this tutorial, let me know! You can find me on Twitter at @yourusername. Happy bot building!

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