Documenting Your Django Project with Sphinx: A Comprehensive Guide

Documentation is an often overlooked but critical part of any software project. It allows developers to understand code written by others (or themselves in the past), onboard new team members, and use libraries and frameworks effectively.

For Django projects, which can quickly grow in size and complexity, good documentation is especially important. It can be the difference between a maintainable, scalable application and a chaotic mess.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into how to use Sphinx, the premier documentation tool in the Python ecosystem, to create top-notch documentation for Django projects. As a full-stack developer with years of experience in Django, I‘ll share my insights on the benefits of Sphinx, walk through setting it up step-by-step, and provide expert tips for writing effective documentation.

Why Sphinx for Django Projects?

Sphinx is far and away the most popular tool for documenting Python projects, and for good reason. It was originally created for the official Python documentation and has since been adopted by many prominent projects including Django itself, Flask, Pyramid, and the Requests library.

There are several key features that make Sphinx particularly well-suited for Django projects:

  • Automatic documentation generation from docstrings: Sphinx can automatically pull documentation from the docstrings you write in your Python code. This helps keep your documentation in sync with your actual code.

  • Support for reStructuredText: In addition to docstrings, Sphinx allows you to write documentation in reStructuredText, a powerful yet straightforward markup language. This is great for writing tutorials, guides, and explanations that go beyond what you put in docstrings.

  • Output in multiple formats: Sphinx can generate documentation in HTML, PDF, ePub and other formats, all from the same sources. This makes it easy to provide documentation in the format that best suits each user.

  • Extensive cross-referencing: Sphinx supports cross-references between different parts of your documentation. You can easily link to other classes, methods, modules or pages, which makes navigating your docs a breeze.

  • Themes and customization: Sphinx has support for themes, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your documentation. It also provides many extension points for more advanced customization.

  • Integration with other tools: Sphinx integrates well with other tools in the Python documentation ecosystem, such as the Read the Docs hosting service, the Jupyter notebook, and more.

But perhaps the biggest advantage of Sphinx is that it encourages you to write documentation as you code. By making it easy to include documentation alongside your Django views, models, forms and other components, Sphinx helps make writing docs a natural part of your development process.

Setting Up Sphinx in Your Django Project

Enough talk, let‘s get Sphinx set up in your Django project! We‘ll walk through the process step-by-step.


Before we start, make sure you have the following:

  • A Django project (if you don‘t have one, you can create a new one with django-admin startproject myproject)
  • Python and pip installed

Installing Sphinx

First, let‘s install Sphinx. It‘s recommended to do this within a virtual environment to isolate the installation from other Python projects on your system.

$ cd myproject
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
(venv) $ pip install sphinx

This installs the latest version of Sphinx in a virtual environment within your Django project directory.

Initializing Sphinx

With Sphinx installed, we can now initialize a Sphinx project within our Django project:

(venv) $ mkdir docs
(venv) $ cd docs
(venv) $ sphinx-quickstart

This command starts an interactive setup process. You can mostly accept the defaults, but make sure to answer "y" to the question about separating source and build directories.

Here‘s what the quickstart questions look like with the recommended answers:

> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: y
> Project name: My Django Project 
> Author name(s): Your Name
> Project release []: 1.0.0
> Project language [en]: 

After the quickstart is finished, your docs directory will look something like this:


The key files here are:

  • The Sphinx configuration file. This is where you configure Sphinx‘s behavior and specify any extensions and custom settings.
  • index.rst: The root document of your documentation. This file serves as the welcome page and contains the root of the "table of contents tree" (or toctree).

Configuring Sphinx for Django

To make Sphinx work nicely with Django, we need to add a few lines to the file:

# docs/source/

import os
import sys
import django

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(‘../..‘))  # Assuming is in docs/source/
os.environ[‘DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE‘] = ‘myproject.settings‘

These lines ensure that your Django project‘s modules and settings are available to Sphinx when it builds your documentation.

Writing Documentation

Sphinx provides several ways to write documentation, each suited for different purposes.


Docstrings are the most basic way to document your Python code with Sphinx. A docstring is a multi-line string that comes immediately after the definition of a module, function, class, or method. It describes what the code does, what parameters it takes, and what it returns.

Here‘s an example docstring for a Django view function:

# myapp/

def item_detail(request, id):
    Display details about a single item.

    :param request: The incoming HTTP request object
    :type request: django.http.HttpRequest
    :param id: The unique ID of the item to display
    :type id: int
    :return: The HTTP response object with the rendered item detail template
    :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
    item = get_object_or_404(Item, pk=id)
    return render(request, ‘myapp/item_detail.html‘, {‘item‘: item})

The docstring explains what the item_detail view does, what parameters it expects, and what it returns. Sphinx can automatically extract these docstrings and include them in your documentation.

To enable this, make sure the autodoc extension is enabled in your file:

# docs/source/

extensions = [

Then, in one of your .rst files, you can use the automodule directive to include documentation for a module and its contents:

Item Views

.. automodule:: myapp.views

This directive tells Sphinx to include documentation for the myapp.views module and all its members (functions, classes, etc.). Sphinx will extract the docstrings from the module and render them as part of the documentation.


While docstrings are great for documenting specific parts of your code, you often need to write longer, more structured documents like tutorials, guides, or explanations. This is where reStructuredText (reST) comes in.

ReStructuredText is a lightweight markup language that allows you to write richly formatted text. It supports things like headers, lists, tables, code blocks, and more.

Here‘s a simple example of a reST file:

Getting Started with My Django App


To install My Django App, run the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

   $ pip install myapp


To configure My Django App, add the following lines to your Django settings file:

.. code-block:: python



To use My Django App, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Django admin.
2. Navigate to the "My App" section.
3. Click the "Add Item" button.
4. Fill out the form and click "Save".

That‘s it! You‘ve now added an item using My Django App.

This reST file includes a main header, several section headers, a code block, and a list. Sphinx will render this as a nicely formatted HTML page in your documentation.

To include this file in your documentation, add it to the toctree in your index.rst file:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


Other Documentation Sources

In addition to docstrings and reST files, Sphinx can pull documentation from other sources as well. For example:

  • The django.contrib.admindocs app can generate documentation for your Django project‘s admin site.
  • The sphinxcontrib-httpdomain extension can document HTTP APIs, which is useful if your Django project exposes a REST API.
  • The sphinxcontrib-plantuml extension allows you to include UML diagrams in your documentation.

These are just a few examples – there are many other Sphinx extensions available for different purposes.

Building and Hosting Documentation

Once you‘ve written your documentation, you need to build it into a format that can be easily consumed, like HTML. Sphinx makes this easy with the sphinx-build command.

To build your documentation into HTML, run:

(venv) $ cd docs
(venv) $ make html

This command will generate a set of HTML files in the docs/build/html directory. You can open index.html in a web browser to view your documentation.

Of course, you probably want to make your documentation available to others as well. One popular way to do this is to host it on Read the Docs, a free service for hosting documentation.

To use Read the Docs:

  1. Sign up for a Read the Docs account.
  2. Connect your GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab account.
  3. Import your Django project repository.
  4. Configure your project on Read the Docs (specify the Python version, requirements file, and docs directory).
  5. Trigger a build of your documentation.

Read the Docs will then build your documentation whenever you push changes to your repository, and host it at a URL like

Best Practices and Tips

Here are a few best practices and tips for documenting your Django project with Sphinx:

  • Write docstrings for all public functions, classes, and modules. At a minimum, your docstring should describe what the code does, what parameters it takes, and what it returns.

  • Use Google-style docstrings. There are several different docstring formats, but the Google style is one of the most readable and is supported out-of-the-box by Sphinx.

  • Break up long documents into multiple files. Instead of one massive reST file, split your documentation into multiple files and use the toctree directive to link them together.

  • Use cross-references liberally. Sphinx allows you to cross-reference other parts of your documentation using roles like :ref:, :doc:, and :class:. This makes it easy for readers to navigate your docs.

  • Don‘t repeat yourself. If you find yourself writing the same thing in multiple places, consider refactoring it into a single location and cross-referencing it.

  • Automate documentation builds. Consider setting up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds your documentation whenever changes are pushed to your repository. This ensures your docs are always up to date.


In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve explored why good documentation is crucial for Django projects and how Sphinx can help you create it. We‘ve walked through setting up Sphinx, writing docstrings and reStructuredText files, building your docs, and hosting them online.

By incorporating documentation into your development process and leveraging Sphinx‘s powerful features, you can create docs that enhance your Django project‘s maintainability, scalability, and usability. Your future self (and other developers) will thank you!

Remember, good documentation is an ongoing process. As your Django project evolves, make sure to keep your docs up to date. With Sphinx, this is easier than ever.

Happy documenting!

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