How to Schedule Jobs in a Django Application Using Heroku Scheduler

If you‘re building a web application with Django, chances are you‘ll eventually need to run certain tasks or jobs on a schedule. Whether it‘s sending email notifications, updating cached data, or performing maintenance operations, scheduling jobs is a common requirement for many apps.

In this post, we‘ll explore how to schedule jobs in a Django application deployed on Heroku using the Heroku Scheduler add-on. We‘ll cover the basics of writing custom Django management commands, configuring Heroku Scheduler, and discuss some best practices and considerations along the way.

Why Schedule Jobs?

Before diving into the specifics of job scheduling with Django and Heroku, let‘s briefly discuss why you might need to schedule jobs in the first place.

There are many tasks that are not directly triggered by user interactions but still need to be performed regularly to keep your application running smoothly. Some common examples include:

  • Sending scheduled emails or notifications (e.g., daily/weekly digests, reminders)
  • Updating data from external APIs or services
  • Generating reports or analytics
  • Cleaning up old or expired data
  • Running backups or database maintenance tasks

By scheduling these jobs to run automatically at specific intervals, you can ensure they are performed consistently without manual intervention. This helps keep your application running smoothly and frees up your time to focus on other aspects of development and maintenance.

Django Management Commands

In Django, management commands are a convenient way to encapsulate custom tasks or operations that can be executed from the command line using the script. These commands can perform a wide range of actions, from simple one-off tasks to more complex data processing or maintenance routines.

To create a custom management command, you‘ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Python module inside your Django app‘s management/commands directory. The module name will be the name of your command.

  2. Inside the module, define a Command class that inherits from

  3. Implement the handle() method in your Command class. This is where you‘ll put the actual logic for your command.

Here‘s a basic example of a custom management command:

from import BaseCommand

class Command(BaseCommand): help = ‘A simple example command‘

def handle(self, *args, **options):
    self.stdout.write(‘Hello from my custom command!‘)

You can then execute this command using:

python my_command

Where my_command is the name of the Python module containing your Command class.

For more complex commands, you can define additional methods and attributes in your Command class, such as:

  • add_arguments() to define command-line arguments for your command
  • help to provide a helpful description of your command

Management commands are a powerful tool for encapsulating custom tasks and make them easily executable. They form the basis for scheduling jobs in a Django application on Heroku.

Heroku Scheduler

Heroku is a popular cloud platform for deploying and running web applications, including those built with Django. One of the useful add-ons provided by Heroku is the Scheduler, which allows you to run jobs on a scheduled basis.

Heroku Scheduler is essentially a cron-like service that can execute commands or scripts at specified intervals. It provides a simple web interface for defining and managing scheduled jobs.

To use Heroku Scheduler, you first need to install the add-on for your Heroku app. You can do this via the Heroku Dashboard or using the Heroku CLI:

heroku addons:create scheduler:standard

Once installed, you can access the Heroku Scheduler dashboard by navigating to the Resources tab in your app‘s Heroku Dashboard and clicking on the Heroku Scheduler entry.

From the dashboard, you can define new jobs by specifying the command to run and the frequency at which it should run. The available frequency options are:

  • Every 10 minutes
  • Every hour
  • Every day at a specified time

For example, to schedule a Django management command to run daily at midnight, you would enter the following in the "Add job" form:

python my_command

And select "Every day at…" and enter "00:00" for the time.

Heroku Scheduler will then ensure that your specified command is executed at the scheduled time, running it as a one-off dyno.

Best Practices and Considerations

While Heroku Scheduler provides a convenient way to schedule jobs in your Django application, there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Be mindful of dyno hours: Each scheduled job will consume dyno hours from your Heroku app‘s allotment. If you have a limited number of free dyno hours, be cautious about scheduling too many or long-running jobs to avoid exceeding your quota.

  2. Ensure idempotency: Scheduled jobs should be idempotent, meaning they can be executed multiple times without causing unintended side effects. This is important because Heroku Scheduler may occasionally execute a job more than once or retry a failed job.

  3. Handle failures gracefully: Jobs should be designed to handle failures and resume gracefully. Use proper error handling and logging to diagnose and recover from issues. You may also want to set up alerts or notifications for job failures.

  4. Monitor and optimize performance: Keep an eye on the execution time and resource usage of your scheduled jobs. Optimize them to run efficiently and avoid impacting the performance of your application. Use Heroku‘s logging and monitoring features to track job execution.

  5. Consider alternatives for complex jobs: Heroku Scheduler is suitable for relatively simple and quick jobs. For more complex, long-running, or resource-intensive tasks, consider using alternative solutions like Celery or custom clock processes.

Real-World Example

Let‘s look at a real-world example of scheduling a job in a Django application using Heroku Scheduler.

Suppose you have a Django app that integrates with a third-party API to fetch and store data in your database. You want to schedule a job to update this data every day at 3am.

First, create a custom management command in your Django app to handle the data update logic:

from import BaseCommand
from myapp.models import MyModel
import requests

class Command(BaseCommand): help = ‘Updates data from external API‘

def handle(self, *args, **options):
    url = ‘‘
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()

    for item in data:
                ‘name‘: item[‘name‘],
                ‘value‘: item[‘value‘],

    self.stdout.write(‘Data update completed successfully‘))

Next, add the Heroku Scheduler add-on to your app and configure a new job to run the management command daily at 3am:

python update_data

With this setup, Heroku Scheduler will automatically run the update_data management command every day at the specified time, keeping your app‘s data in sync with the external API.


Scheduling jobs is a common requirement for many web applications, and Django and Heroku provide a straightforward way to achieve this using custom management commands and the Heroku Scheduler add-on.

By encapsulating tasks into management commands and scheduling them with Heroku Scheduler, you can automate regular jobs, ensure consistent execution, and keep your application running smoothly.

Remember to consider the best practices and limitations when using Heroku Scheduler, and be open to exploring alternative solutions for more complex or resource-intensive jobs.

With the power of scheduled jobs, you can focus on building great features for your Django application while letting automation handle the recurring tasks behind the scenes.

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