How to Use Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana to Visualize Logs in Python in Real-Time

As a software developer, a large part of your work revolves around monitoring, troubleshooting and debugging the systems you build. With applications becoming increasingly complex and distributed, getting visibility into what your code is doing is more important than ever. That‘s where logging comes in.

The Power of Logging

Imagine you‘ve developed a software product that interacts with various devices, collects sensor data, and provides a service to users. One day, something goes wrong – devices aren‘t being detected, no data is coming in from the sensors, or you‘re getting runtime errors. How do you diagnose the issue?

This is where strategic logging saves the day. By instrumenting your code with log statements at key checkpoints, you can track the program execution, monitor for unexpected results, and notify developers of potential issues. Logging provides a window into the inner workings of your system.

The concept is simple – when an interesting event occurs (like an error or a notable step in a process), your code outputs a log message describing what happened. These messages are typically written to a file or output stream. As your application runs, it generates a chronological record of events that you can reference.

Python provides a built-in logging module in its standard library, making it easy to incorporate logging into your projects. You can log at different severity levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) to distinguish the importance of events.

Here‘s a basic example of logging in Python:

import logging


def greet(name):"Hello, {name}!")


Running this code would output:

INFO:root:Hello, Alice!
INFO:root:Hello, Bob!

While this is a trivial example, you can see how logging can help trace the execution flow and monitor the inputs to a function. In a real application, you might log database queries, network requests, error stack traces, or user interactions.

From Text Logs to Visual Insights

So you‘ve sprinkled log statements throughout your Python application and it‘s humming along, dutifully writing events to a log file. That‘s great, but poring through pages of log entries to spot issues isn‘t the most efficient (or enjoyable) use of your time.

This is where log visualization tools shine. By ingesting your raw log data and presenting it through charts, graphs and dashboards, these tools enable you to:

  • Monitor system operations at a high level
  • Quickly identify patterns, trends and anomalies
  • Correlate events across different parts of your stack
  • Drill down to investigate issues
  • Share data with your team or stakeholders

Advances in browser-based charting libraries have made interactive data visualization more accessible than ever. With a bit of configuration, you can transform your walls of text into informative and actionable visuals.

Enter the ELK Stack

One of the most popular toolchains for log management and analysis is the ELK stack, which consists of:

  • Elasticsearch: A distributed search and analytics engine
  • Logstash: A server‑side data processing pipeline for ingesting and transforming data
  • Kibana: A data visualization and exploration platform

These open source tools, all developed by Elastic, work together to help you collect, store, search and visualize your log data (and other event data) in real-time.

Here‘s a high-level overview of each component and how they fit into the logging pipeline:


Elasticsearch is the heart of the stack where your data is indexed and stored for fast retrieval. It‘s a NoSQL database that supports structured and unstructured data.

Built on top of Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch offers a flexible JSON-based query language and a powerful API for searching and analyzing your data. It can scale horizontally to handle massive datasets and high query loads.

In the context of log management, Elasticsearch acts as a centralized store for your log events. You can define mappings to specify how your log fields should be indexed (e.g. as keywords, numbers, dates), enabling you to efficiently search and aggregate the data.


Logstash is a data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources, transforms it, and sends it to a "stash" like Elasticsearch.

In a typical logging setup, Logstash would be configured to tail your application log files, parse out the relevant fields, and forward the structured events to Elasticsearch for indexing. Logstash has a rich ecosystem of plugins for integrating with various input sources (files, databases, message queues), applying transformations (parsing, filtering, enriching), and outputting to different destinations.

One of the key features of Logstash is its ability to parse unstructured log data into structured fields. It uses a DSL called Grok, which consists of named regular expression patterns, to extract fields from log messages. For example, a Grok pattern for a Python log line might look like:

%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{PYTHONLOGMESSAGE:message}

This would match a log line like:

2022-03-30T09:30:00,123 INFO Hello, world!

And produce a structured event with timestamp, level and message fields.


Kibana is a flexible analytics and visualization platform for exploring data in Elasticsearch. It provides an intuitive web interface for searching, filtering and aggregating your data, as well as creating charts, graphs, maps and dashboards.

With Kibana, you can:

  • Interactively query your log data using the Elasticsearch query language
  • Build visualizations like histograms, line charts, pie charts and heatmaps
  • Combine multiple visualizations into a dashboard for real-time monitoring
  • Set up alerts to notify you when certain conditions are met (e.g. error rate exceeds a threshold)
  • Share and embed dashboards

Kibana makes it easy to gain insights from large volumes of log data. You can spot trends over time, identify top errors, analyze performance metrics, and more.

Implementing Python Application Logging with ELK

Now that we‘ve introduced the key concepts and components, let‘s walk through an example of using the ELK stack to visualize logs from a Python application.

Step 1: Set Up Python Logging

First, instrument your Python code with logging statements. You can use the built-in logging module as shown earlier. It‘s a good practice to use a consistent format for your log messages, such as:

timestamp level logger_name message

For example:

import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=‘%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s‘)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def greet(name):"Hello, {name}!")


This would produce log output like:

2023-05-25 10:30:00,123 INFO __main__ Hello, Alice!
2023-05-25 10:30:00,124 INFO __main__ Hello, Bob!

In a real application, you would log key events, function inputs/outputs, exceptions, and any other information that would be useful for monitoring and debugging.

Configure your Python logger to write to a file, like application.log. As your application runs, it will append log events to this file.

Step 2: Install and Configure the ELK Stack

Download and install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana on your machine or server. You can follow the official installation guides for each component:

Once installed, start each service according to the documentation. By default, Elasticsearch runs on http://localhost:9200, Logstash on http://localhost:9600, and Kibana on http://localhost:5601.

Next, create a Logstash configuration file (e.g. python-app-pipeline.conf) to specify the input, filter, and output for your log data pipeline:

input {
  file {
    path => "/path/to/application.log"

filter {
  grok {
    match => {
      "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{DATA:logger} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
    index => "python-app-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

This configuration tells Logstash to:

  1. Read from the application.log file
  2. Parse each log line using the specified Grok pattern
  3. Send the parsed events to Elasticsearch, indexing them into a daily index like python-app-logs-2023.05.25

Start Logstash with this configuration:

bin/logstash -f python-app-pipeline.conf

Logstash will begin tailing the log file and forwarding events to Elasticsearch.

Step 3: Visualize Logs in Kibana

Open Kibana in your web browser at http://localhost:5601. On the homepage, click "Explore on my own".

First, you need to define an index pattern that matches the naming scheme of the indices created by Logstash. Go to Stack Management > Index Patterns and create a new index pattern for python-app-logs-*. Select @timestamp as the Time field.

Now you‘re ready to explore and visualize your log data. Go to the Discover page, select your python-app-logs-* index pattern, and you should see a list of log events. You can search, filter, and inspect individual events.

To create a visualization, go to the Visualize page and click "Create new visualization". Choose a visualization type (e.g. bar chart) and configure the metrics and buckets based on your log fields. For example, you could create a bar chart showing the count of log events by log level over time.

You can create multiple visualizations and add them to a Dashboard for a unified view of your log data. Dashboards are highly customizable – you can resize, rearrange, and interact with the individual panels.

With a well-designed dashboard, you can monitor key metrics, spot anomalies, and investigate issues in real-time as your Python application generates new log events.

Tips for Effective Log Visualization

To get the most value out of your log data, consider the following tips:

  • Use consistent and meaningful log formats and message schemas
  • Label your visualizations and dashboards clearly
  • Focus on actionable metrics and KPIs relevant to your application
  • Set up alerts for critical errors or thresholds
  • Regularly review and iterate on your dashboards based on feedback
  • Share insights with your team to improve application quality and performance


In this guide, we‘ve explored the concept of logging in Python applications and how the ELK stack – Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana – can be used to effectively collect, process, and visualize log data in real-time.

By leveraging these powerful open source tools, you can gain valuable insights into the behavior and health of your systems, troubleshoot issues faster, and make data-driven decisions to improve your applications.

Logging is a critical practice for any serious software development and the ELK stack provides a flexible and scalable platform for log management and analysis. With the rise of microservices and distributed architectures, centralized logging solutions like ELK are becoming increasingly essential.

I encourage you to experiment with the ELK stack in your own projects and experience the benefits of real-time log visualization firsthand. The official Elastic documentation is a great resource for further learning and configuration options.

Happy logging!

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