Python Open File – How to Read a Text File Line by Line

As a full-stack developer, working with files is an essential skill in Python programming. One of the most common tasks is reading text files line by line. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the techniques and best practices for efficiently reading text files in Python. We‘ll cover file paths, exception handling, file encodings, advanced reading techniques, and real-world scenarios. By the end of this article, you‘ll have a solid understanding of how to read text files line by line like a professional coder.

Understanding File Paths

Before we start reading files, it‘s crucial to understand file paths. A file path specifies the location of a file on your computer‘s file system. There are two types of file paths:

  1. Absolute Path: An absolute path provides the complete location of a file, starting from the root directory. For example, /home/user/documents/file.txt is an absolute path on a Unix-based system.

  2. Relative Path: A relative path specifies the location of a file relative to the current working directory. For example, if your Python script is located in /home/user/scripts/ and the file you want to read is in /home/user/documents/file.txt, you can use the relative path ../documents/file.txt to access the file.

When specifying file paths in Python, you can use either forward slashes (/) or backslashes (\) as path separators. However, it‘s recommended to use forward slashes for cross-platform compatibility.

Opening Files in Python

To read a text file in Python, you need to open it using the built-in open() function. The open() function takes two parameters: the file path and the mode in which you want to open the file. Here‘s the basic syntax:

file = open("file_path.txt", "r")

The file path can be either an absolute or relative path to the file you want to open. The mode parameter specifies how you want to interact with the file. For reading files, we typically use the "r" mode, which stands for read mode.

File Modes in Python

Python provides several modes for opening files:

  • "r" (Read Mode): This is the default mode. It allows you to read the contents of a file.
  • "w" (Write Mode): This mode allows you to write to a file. If the file already exists, its contents will be overwritten.
  • "a" (Append Mode): This mode allows you to append content to the end of an existing file.
  • "x" (Exclusive Creation Mode): This mode is used to create a new file exclusively. If the file already exists, an error will be raised.
  • "b" (Binary Mode): This mode is used for working with binary files.
  • "t" (Text Mode): This is the default mode and is used for working with text files.

For reading text files, we‘ll primarily use the "r" mode.

Exception Handling when Reading Files

When working with files, it‘s important to handle exceptions that may occur. Two common exceptions are FileNotFoundError and IOError. FileNotFoundError is raised when the specified file path doesn‘t exist, while IOError is raised when there‘s an error reading from or writing to the file.

Here‘s an example of how to handle these exceptions:

    file = open("file_path.txt", "r")
    # Perform file reading operations
    content =
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The specified file does not exist.")
except IOError:
    print("An error occurred while reading the file.")

In this example, we use a try-except block to catch and handle the exceptions. If a FileNotFoundError occurs, we print a message indicating that the file doesn‘t exist. If an IOError occurs, we print a message indicating an error occurred while reading the file. The finally block ensures that the file is closed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.

File Encodings

When reading text files, it‘s important to consider the file‘s encoding. An encoding specifies how characters are represented in the file. The default encoding in Python is usually UTF-8, but files can have different encodings, such as ASCII, UTF-16, or ISO-8859-1.

If a file uses a different encoding than the default, you need to specify the encoding when opening the file using the encoding parameter:

file = open("file_path.txt", "r", encoding="utf-16")

This ensures that the file is read correctly and avoids encoding-related errors.

Advanced File Reading Techniques

Reading Files in Chunks

When dealing with large files, reading the entire file into memory at once can be inefficient and may cause memory issues. In such cases, you can read the file in chunks using the read(size) method. The size parameter specifies the number of bytes to read at a time.

Here‘s an example of reading a file in chunks:

with open("large_file.txt", "r") as file:
    chunk_size = 1024  # Read 1 KB at a time
    while True:
        chunk =
        if not chunk:
        # Process the chunk

In this example, we read the file in chunks of 1 KB using a while loop. We keep reading chunks until there are no more bytes to read.

Random Access with seek()

Python provides the seek() method to perform random access to file positions. The seek() method allows you to move the file pointer to a specific position in the file.

Here‘s an example of using seek() to read specific lines from a file:

with open("file.txt", "r") as file:  # Move to the beginning of the file
    first_line = file.readline()
    print("First line:", first_line)  # Move to the 11th byte
    second_line = file.readline()
    print("Second line:", second_line)

In this example, we use seek(0) to move the file pointer to the beginning of the file and read the first line using readline(). Then, we use seek(10) to move the file pointer to the 11th byte and read the second line.

File Permissions

When reading files, it‘s important to consider file permissions. File permissions determine whether a file can be read, written, or executed. If a file doesn‘t have read permissions, attempting to read it will raise a PermissionError.

Here‘s an example of handling a PermissionError:

    file = open("restricted_file.txt", "r")
    content =
except PermissionError:
    print("You don‘t have permission to read this file.")

In this example, if the file doesn‘t have read permissions, a PermissionError is raised, and we print a message indicating that the user doesn‘t have permission to read the file.

Real-World Scenarios

Reading text files line by line is a common task in various real-world scenarios. Here are a few examples:

  1. Processing Log Files: Log files contain valuable information about system events, errors, and user activities. By reading log files line by line, you can extract relevant information, analyze patterns, and troubleshoot issues.

  2. Analyzing Data: Text files are often used to store structured data, such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. Reading these files line by line allows you to parse and process the data for analysis, visualization, or further processing.

  3. Text Analysis: Reading text files line by line is essential for tasks like sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, or text classification. By processing the text line by line, you can apply natural language processing techniques to gain insights from the data.

  4. Configuration Files: Configuration files store settings and preferences for applications. Reading configuration files line by line enables you to parse and load the settings into your Python program.

Best Practices for Reading Text Files

Here are some best practices to follow when reading text files in Python:

  1. Use the with Statement: Always use the with statement when opening files. It ensures that the file is properly closed after reading, even if an exception occurs.

  2. Handle Exceptions: Implement proper exception handling to gracefully handle errors that may occur while reading files, such as FileNotFoundError, IOError, or PermissionError.

  3. Specify the Encoding: If the file uses a different encoding than the default, make sure to specify the encoding when opening the file using the encoding parameter.

  4. Read Large Files in Chunks: When dealing with large files, read the file in chunks using the read(size) method to avoid loading the entire file into memory at once.

  5. Close Files: If you‘re not using the with statement, make sure to close the file explicitly using the close() method after you‘re done reading it.

  6. Use Meaningful Variable Names: Choose descriptive and meaningful variable names to enhance the readability of your code.

  7. Comment Your Code: Add comments to your code to explain the purpose and functionality of each section, making it easier for yourself and others to understand and maintain the code.


Reading text files line by line is a fundamental skill for any Python developer. By understanding file paths, file modes, exception handling, file encodings, and advanced reading techniques, you can efficiently read and process text files in your Python programs.

Remember to always handle exceptions, close files properly, and follow best practices to write clean and maintainable code. Whether you‘re processing log files, analyzing data, or working with configuration files, the techniques covered in this article will help you read text files like a professional coder.

Happy coding and happy reading!


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