Solving the "pip command not found" Error on Mac and Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

If you‘re a Python developer, you‘ve almost certainly encountered the dreaded "pip command not found" error at some point, especially when working on a Mac or Linux system. This frustrating error can bring your development workflow to a grinding halt, leaving you scratching your head and searching for solutions.

In this ultimate troubleshooting guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of Python packaging to uncover exactly what causes this error, explore a variety of methods to resolve it, and share expert tips to avoid it altogether in the future. As a veteran full-stack developer who has lost countless hours to Python environment issues, I‘m excited to share my battle-tested advice with you!

Why "pip command not found" Matters

Before we jump into troubleshooting, let‘s take a step back and look at why this error is so pervasive and impactful.

According to the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Python is the 4th most popular programming language in the world, with 44.1% of professional developers using it extensively. And for good reason – Python‘s simple, expressive syntax and vast ecosystem of packages make it a go-to choice for everything from web development to data science.

But as Python‘s popularity has grown, so too has the complexity of its package management. PyPI (the Python Package Index) now hosts over 270,000 packages, with over 4 billion package downloads per year. And at the center of it all is pip – Python‘s standard package manager that allows you to easily install and manage these external dependencies.

While pip has greatly simplified package management compared to the old days of manual installs, it still requires some finesse to use effectively. The Python Packaging User Guide describes pip as "a command line program. When you install pip, a pip command is added to your system, which can be run from the command prompt as follows":

$ pip <pip arguments>

Seems simple enough. However, countless developers have been confounded by the "pip command not found" error when trying to run this innocent-looking command.

In fact, this error is so common that it has over 1 million search results on Google! A quick scan of Stack Overflow reveals thousands of developers seeking help for this exact issue on MacOS and Linux.

And the consequences of this error extend far beyond a few minutes of frustration. When pip isn‘t working properly, it can completely block your ability to install the packages needed for a project, derailing development. In a world where agile, fast-paced delivery is the norm, these delays can be devastating to timelines.

That‘s why as a professional developer, it‘s crucial to have a deep understanding of Python packaging and the ability to quickly troubleshoot issues like "pip command not found". Not only will it save you time and headaches, but it will make you a more effective, well-rounded developer.

In the rest of this guide, I‘ll share my hard-earned wisdom from years on the front lines of Python development to help you master this error once and for all. Let‘s get started!

Troubleshooting "pip command not found" Errors

There are a few primary reasons you might encounter the "pip command not found" error when running pip on MacOS or Linux:

  1. pip is not installed
  2. You‘re using the wrong pip for your Python version
  3. The pip executable is not in your PATH
  4. Multiple Python/pip versions are conflicting

We‘ll walk through each of these issues step-by-step, with detailed instructions and examples.

Checking Your pip Install

First things first – to use pip, it needs to actually be installed on your system. While that may seem obvious, it‘s an easy detail to overlook, especially since pip is usually (but not always!) bundled with Python.

The pip documentation notes:

pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from or if you are working in a Virtual Environment created by virtualenv or pyvenv. Just make sure to upgrade pip.

However, if you‘re using an earlier Python version, or if you installed Python through a different source like Homebrew or your OS package manager, pip may be missing.

To quickly check if pip is available, open a terminal and run:

$ pip --version

If pip is installed, you should see output similar to:

pip 20.3.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)

This tells you the pip version, install location, and associated Python version. If you instead see "command not found", you‘ll need to install pip.

The pip docs provide detailed installation instructions for various operating systems. On most modern Mac and Linux systems, the quickest way is to use your package manager.

For MacOS, use Homebrew:

$ brew install python

This will install the latest Python 3.x along with pip.

On Linux, it depends on your distribution. For Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-pip

For Fedora:

$ sudo dnf install python3


$ sudo yum install python3-pip

Once installed, re-run pip --version to verify the install was successful.

Using the Right Python and pip Versions

Even if pip is installed, you may still hit the "command not found" error if you‘re not using the right version for your Python interpreter.

Python is available in two major versions – Python 2 and Python 3. Although Python 2 reached its end of life in 2020, it‘s still widely used in legacy systems.

Here‘s the key – pip is tied to a specific Python version. So if you‘re using Python 3 but trying to run the pip command for Python 2 (or vice versa), you‘ll get an error.

The general convention is:

  • Python 2 uses pip or pip2
  • Python 3 uses pip3

To see which Python you‘re using by default, run:

$ python --version

If your version starts with 2 (e.g. 2.7.18), use pip or pip2 to install packages. If it starts with 3 (e.g. 3.9.1), use pip3.

You can also call Python explicitly with python2 or python3, and the corresponding pip version will be used automatically.

$ python2 -m pip install numpy
$ python3 -m pip install numpy 

Using the -m flag with python -m pip is the recommended way to run pip, as it ensures you‘re using the pip associated with that specific Python interpreter.

Adding pip to your PATH

For your system to find the pip executable when you type pip or pip3, it needs to be in one of the directories listed in your PATH environment variable.

Your PATH is essentially a list of directories that your shell searches when you enter a command. If the pip executable isn‘t in one of those locations, you‘ll get the "command not found" error.

To see which directories are in your current PATH:

$ echo $PATH

pip is commonly installed in /usr/local/bin on MacOS, or /usr/bin on Linux. If those aren‘t in your PATH, you‘ll need to add them.

To permanently add a directory to your PATH, edit your shell configuration file. For Bash, use ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. For Zsh, use ~/.zshrc.

Open the file in a text editor and add the following line, replacing /path/to/pip with the actual pip directory:

export PATH="/path/to/pip:$PATH"

Save the file, then source it or open a new terminal window for the changes to take effect:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Now re-run pip --version and it should work without the full path.

Avoiding Conflicts with Virtual Environments

A final common cause of "pip command not found" errors is having multiple conflicting Python or pip versions installed. This often happens if you‘ve installed Python both from source and through a package manager, or if you‘re using virtual environments.

Virtual environments are isolated Python instances that allow you to use different package versions for different projects, without affecting your global Python install. They‘re considered a best practice in Python development for dependency management.

However, virtual environments can cause confusion with pip because they use their own separate pip install, which may not be in your PATH.

To check if you‘re currently in an active virtual environment, look for the environment name in parentheses at the beginning of your terminal prompt:

(myproject) $ 

If you see this, pip commands will use the virtual environment‘s pip install, not the global system one. So if you‘re not in the virtual environment you expect, or if the environment‘s pip is not installed or is the wrong version, you‘ll get the "command not found" error.

To fix this, either deactivate your current virtual environment:

(myproject) $ deactivate

Or create a new virtual environment with the right Python version and install pip explicitly:

$ python3 -m venv myproject
$ source myproject/bin/activate
(myproject) $ pip install --upgrade pip

Within an active virtual environment, you can just use pip instead of pip3, since the environment‘s python and pip commands will refer to Python 3.

pip Best Practices for Python Developers

While we covered several effective solutions for fixing "pip command not found" errors, an even better approach is to avoid them entirely through good Python development practices.

Here are some of my top tips for ensuring a smooth pip experience, gleaned from years of working on complex Python projects:

  1. Always use virtual environments: Virtual environments are the single best tool for avoiding dependency conflicts and ensuring project portability. Get in the habit of creating a new virtual environment for each project, and only installing the packages you need for that project. This will save you countless hours of headache debugging version issues.

  2. Manage dependencies with a requirements file: Instead of manually running pip install every time you need a package, specify your project‘s dependencies in a requirements.txt file and install them all at once with pip install -r requirements.txt. This makes it easy to set up a new development environment and ensures all developers are using the same package versions.

  3. Pin your package versions: Speaking of package versions, it‘s a good idea to "pin" the major and minor version numbers of your dependencies in your requirements file (e.g. numpy==1.3.5). This prevents unexpected breakages due to API changes in newer package releases. You can still use the pip freeze command to generate a list of all currently installed packages for the file.

  4. Upgrade pip and packages regularly: Packages are constantly being updated with bug fixes, security patches, and new features. To ensure you‘re using the latest and greatest, periodically update pip with pip install --upgrade pip and your packages with pip list --outdated and pip install --upgrade. This is especially important for projects deployed to production.

  5. Leverage pip‘s configuration options: pip offers a variety of configuration options to customize its behavior. You can set these in a pip.conf file or with environment variables. Some useful options include setting a default timeout for network operations, changing the default package index, and specifying extra index URLs for private package repositories.

  6. Use Docker for consistent environments: If you‘re working on a team or deploying to multiple environments (e.g. dev, staging, prod), consider using Docker to package your Python application and its dependencies into a container. This ensures a consistent runtime environment across machines, and eliminates "works on my machine" issues caused by pip version mismatches or missing dependencies. You can specify pip commands and requirements in your Dockerfile.

By following these practices, you‘ll spend less time fighting with pip and more time shipping high-quality Python code!


In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve explored the many causes of the infamous "pip command not found" error and how to fix them on Mac and Linux systems. Some key troubleshooting steps include:

  • Checking that pip is installed for your Python version
  • Using pip3 for Python 3.x and pip or pip2 for Python 2.x
  • Adding the pip executable directory to your system PATH
  • Using virtual environments to avoid conflicts between projects

We also discussed some Python packaging best practices to proactively avoid pip issues, like pinning dependencies, using a requirements file, and leveraging Docker for consistent environments.

I know from experience how frustrating it can be to have your development workflow derailed by Python environment issues. But by taking the time to understand the Python packaging ecosystem and mastering tools like pip and virtual environments, you‘ll become a more productive, effective developer.

I hope this guide has been a helpful resource for you. If you have any other pip tips or run into further issues, feel free to reach out. I‘m always happy to chat Python!

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