To FastAPI

The release of python-telegram-bot v20 introduced significant structural changes and improvements. This article provides a comprehensive guide on migrating from older versions, building a webhook using FastAPI, and deploying it in a production environment.

Why Migrate to python-telegram-bot v20?

Python-telegram-bot v20 introduces several major changes and enhancements:

  1. Async/await syntax: All methods of the telegram.Bot class that make requests to the Bot API are now coroutine functions and need to be await-ed. This change enables better performance and scalability.

  2. End of support for older versions: v13.x and below are no longer actively maintained. To access new Telegram API features, you must upgrade to v20 or later.

  3. Improved type hinting: v20 provides better type hinting throughout the library, making it easier to catch potential bugs during development.

The Benefits of Using Webhooks over Polling

While the python-telegram-bot documentation provides many examples using Application.run_polling, webhooks are generally recommended for most production bots. Here‘s why:

  1. Resource efficiency: Polling requires your bot to continually send requests to Telegram‘s servers, which can be resource-intensive. Webhooks, on the other hand, only receive updates when there are new messages or events.

  2. Real-time updates: Webhooks enable your bot to receive updates almost instantly, whereas polling introduces a delay between the time an event occurs and when your bot processes it.

  3. Scalability: As your bot grows in complexity and user base, webhooks offer better scalability compared to polling.

The Challenge of Using Flask with python-telegram-bot v20

Flask, being a synchronous WSGI framework, poses some challenges when used with the asynchronous python-telegram-bot v20.

Incompatibility with Async Globals

While it‘s possible to run async functions in Flask using, as demonstrated in the custom webhook example in the python-telegram-bot documentation, this approach is somewhat awkward. Flask is inherently incompatible with async globals, making it difficult to manage bot instances and other asynchronous resources.

Not Suitable for Production Environments

The function used in the custom webhook example is designed for development and testing purposes. It lacks the robustness and reliability required for production environments. Production servers like Gunicorn and uWSGI offer essential features such as logging, monitoring, and health checks, which are crucial for ensuring the stability and security of your application.

Migrating from Flask to FastAPI

To overcome the limitations of using Flask with python-telegram-bot v20, we can migrate our application to FastAPI, an ASGI framework. The migration process is relatively straightforward, thanks to the similar syntax of both frameworks.

Here‘s a step-by-step guide to migrating from Flask to FastAPI:

  1. Install FastAPI and its dependencies:

    pip install fastapi uvicorn
  2. Update your application‘s entry point:

    # From Flask
    from flask import Flask
    app = Flask(__name__)

from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()

3. Replace Flask‘s route decorators with FastAPI‘s equivalents:
# From Flask
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def process_update():
    # ...

# To FastAPI
from fastapi import Request, Response"/")
async def process_update(request: Request):
    # ...
  1. Adapt your request handling logic to use FastAPI‘s Request and Response objects:"/")
    async def process_update(request: Request):
     req = await request.json()
     update = Update.de_json(req,
     await ptb.process_update(update)
     return Response(status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)

A Complete Example: Building a python-telegram-bot v20 Webhook with FastAPI

Let‘s put everything together and create a minimal FastAPI application that sets up a python-telegram-bot v20 webhook. This bot will respond with "starting…" when it receives the /start command.

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from http import HTTPStatus
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler
from telegram.ext._contexttypes import ContextTypes
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response

# Initialize python telegram bot
ptb = (
    .token(<your-bot-token>)  # Replace <your-bot-token>

async def lifespan(_: FastAPI):
    await<your-webhook-url>)  # Replace <your-webhook-url>
    async with ptb:
        await ptb.start()
        await ptb.stop()

# Initialize FastAPI app
app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)"/")
async def process_update(request: Request):
    req = await request.json()
    update = Update.de_json(req,
    await ptb.process_update(update)
    return Response(status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)

# Example handler
async def start(update, _: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    """Send a message when the command /start is issued."""
    await update.message.reply_text("starting...")

ptb.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))

Let‘s break down the code:

  1. We create an instance of the python-telegram-bot Application, specifying the bot token and other settings.

  2. The lifespan function is an async context manager that sets the webhook URL and starts the bot when the FastAPI application starts up. It also cleans up resources when the application shuts down.

  3. We initialize the FastAPI app, passing the lifespan function as a parameter.

  4. The process_update function is an endpoint that receives incoming updates from Telegram. It extracts the JSON payload, de-serializes it into an Update object, and passes it to the bot for processing.

  5. We define a start function to handle the /start command. It simply sends a "starting…" message back to the user.

  6. Finally, we register the start function as a CommandHandler and add it to the bot‘s dispatcher.

To start the bot, install the required dependencies and run the following command:

gunicorn main:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker

This command starts a Gunicorn server with Uvicorn workers, which are capable of handling asynchronous requests.

Deploying Your Webhook in a Production Environment

When deploying your python-telegram-bot v20 webhook in a production environment, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use a production-grade web server: Gunicorn with Uvicorn workers is a solid choice for deploying FastAPI applications. It provides better performance, stability, and security compared to development servers.

  2. Configure logging: Set up proper logging to monitor your bot‘s activity and diagnose issues. FastAPI integrates well with the python logging module, allowing you to customize log levels and formats.

  3. Implement error handling: Ensure your bot gracefully handles errors and exceptions. Use FastAPI‘s exception handlers to provide meaningful error responses and prevent crashes.

  4. Secure your webhook: If your bot deals with sensitive data, consider implementing authentication and encryption for your webhook endpoint. FastAPI offers built-in support for various authentication schemes and SSL/TLS encryption.

  5. Monitor performance: Keep an eye on your bot‘s resource usage, response times, and error rates. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana can help you collect metrics and set up alerts for anomalies.


Building and deploying a python-telegram-bot v20 webhook using FastAPI offers several advantages over using Flask. The async/await syntax of python-telegram-bot v20 aligns well with FastAPI‘s asynchronous nature, enabling better performance and scalability. By following the migration steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create a robust and production-ready Telegram bot.

Remember to adapt the example code to fit your specific use case and requirements. With python-telegram-bot v20 and FastAPI, you have a powerful combination to build sophisticated and efficient Telegram bots.

Happy coding!

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