What‘s in a (Python‘s) __name__?

If you‘ve ever found yourself staring at a line of Python code like if __name__ == "__main__": and wondering what sorcery is afoot, then this guide is for you. Today, we‘re going to unravel the mysteries of Python‘s __name__ variable and explore its role in crafting elegant, modular code. Buckle up, Pythonistas – it‘s time to dive deep into the heart of Python‘s execution model!

A Rose by Any Other __name__

To understand __name__, we first need to take a step back and look at how Python organizes code. In Python, every file is a module, and modules are the building blocks of programs. When you run a Python script like this:

python my_script.py

Python will do the following:

  1. Create a new module object to represent the script
  2. Set the module‘s __name__ attribute to "__main__"
  3. Execute the code in the module

But if you import my_script as a module into another program:

import my_script

Then my_script‘s __name__ will be set to "my_script" instead of "__main__". This subtle difference is the key to understanding __name__‘s purpose.

The Dual Nature of Modules

In the words of Guido van Rossum, Python‘s creator:

"The __name__ attribute allows you to use a module both as a reusable library and as a standalone program. It‘s one of my favorite features of Python."

By convention, a Python module can serve two distinct roles:

  1. It can define reusable functions, classes, and constants (like a library)
  2. It can be an independent script that executes some task

The __name__ variable lets you cleanly separate these two use cases within the same .py file. Here‘s a typical pattern:

# reusable library code here

def main():
    # standalone program code here

if __name__ == "__main__":

When this module is imported, Python will set __name__ to the module‘s name, so the if block won‘t execute. But when run directly, __name__ will be "__main__", so the main() function will be invoked automatically. This simple technique allows a single file to wear two hats: library and script.

Tracing the Origins

So why the cryptic "__main__" name for the top-level script environment? The double underscores (or "dunders") suggest that this is a Python-internal convention, but the choice of "__main__" seems oddly specific. It turns out, there‘s a historical reason.

Early versions of Python used a different convention for indicating the top-level script environment: __main__ (without quotes). The use of this unquoted name had some unintended consequences, as described by Python core developer Andrew Kuchling:

"The problem is that __main__ looks like a regular Python variable […] People would sometimes assign to __main__ in their code, not realizing that it had a special meaning."

To avoid this confusion, Python 2.2 introduced the quoted "__main__" form, which makes it clearer that this is a special string value rather than a regular variable. This new convention was widely adopted and became the recommended best practice.

Under the Hood

Now that we‘ve seen the big picture of how __name__ is used, let‘s take a closer look at how Python implements this behavior under the hood.

When Python creates a new module object, it sets several special attributes that provide metadata about the module. One of these is __name__, but there are a few others worth knowing:

  • __file__: The pathname of the module, if it was loaded from a file
  • __doc__: The docstring of the module, if defined
  • __package__: The name of the package the module belongs to, if applicable

These attributes are populated by the Python interpreter based on the context in which the module is being used. For example, here‘s what you might see for a simple module:

# simple.py

"""A simple module."""

print(f"Name: {__name__}")
print(f"File: {__file__}")
print(f"Docstring: {__doc__}")
print(f"Package: {__package__}")

When run as a script:

Name: __main__
File: /path/to/simple.py
Docstring: A simple module.
Package: None

And when imported as a module:

Name: simple
File: /path/to/simple.py
Docstring: A simple module.

(Note that __package__ is an empty string when the module is at the top level, rather than part of a package.)

The Python interpreter is responsible for populating these attributes based on the execution context. When you run a script, Python creates a new module object, sets its __name__ to "__main__", and executes the code in the module‘s scope.

Imported modules are handled slightly differently. Python first checks sys.modules to see if the module has already been imported. If not, it creates a new module object, sets its __name__ and other attributes based on the module‘s filepath, and executes the code in the module‘s scope. This ensures that each module is only initialized once per program execution.

__name__ in the Wild

Now that we‘ve covered the basics of __name__, let‘s look at some real-world examples of how it‘s used in popular Python projects.

Example 1: Script with Command-Line Interface

One common use case for __name__ is creating a Python script that can be invoked from the command line with optional arguments. The argparse module is often used to define and parse these command-line arguments.

Here‘s a simplified example from the youtube-dl project, a popular tool for downloading YouTube videos:

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import optparse
import os
import sys

from youtube_dl import __version__
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL

def main(argv=None):
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
        usage=‘%prog [options] url [url...]‘,

    # add more option definitions...

    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)

    if opts.verbose:
        print(‘Getting videos from %s‘ % args)

    with YoutubeDL(opts.__dict__) as ydl:

if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:

In this example, the bulk of the program logic is in the main() function. Command-line arguments are parsed using optparse, and then passed to the YoutubeDL class to perform the actual video download.

The if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: block at the bottom ensures that this logic is only executed when the script is run directly, not when it‘s imported as a module. This allows the youtube_dl package to be used as a library by other scripts, while still providing a convenient command-line entry point.

Example 2: Defining Package-Level Constants

Another use of __name__ is defining constants that are scoped to a particular module or package. By convention, constants are often defined in an __init__.py file and then imported by other modules in the package.

Here‘s an example from the requests library, a popular HTTP client for Python:

# requests/__init__.py

from .api import request, get, head, post, patch, put, delete, options
from .exceptions import RequestException, Timeout, URLRequired, TooManyRedirects

__title__ = ‘requests‘
__version__ = ‘2.24.0‘
__description__ = ‘Python HTTP for Humans.‘
__url__ = ‘https://requests.readthedocs.io‘
__author__ = ‘Kenneth Reitz‘
__author_email__ = ‘[email protected]‘
__license__ = ‘Apache 2.0‘
__copyright__ = ‘Copyright 2020 Kenneth Reitz‘

# ...

This __init__.py file defines several package-level constants like __version__, __author__, etc. These constants can be imported from the requests package and used by other code:

>>> import requests
>>> requests.__version__
>>> requests.__author__
‘Kenneth Reitz‘

Using __name__-style constants for metadata like version numbers and author information is a common convention in the Python ecosystem. It provides a predictable way for tools and libraries to access this information programmatically.

Example 3: Plugin Registration

Some Python frameworks use __name__ to implement plugin systems. By defining a special variable in a module‘s scope, the module can "register" itself as a plugin for the framework to load.

The pytest testing framework uses this pattern to auto-discover test files. Here‘s a simplified example:

# test_something.py

import pytest

def test_addition():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4

def test_subtraction():
    assert 4 - 2 == 2

if __name__ == "__main__":

When pytest is run, it searches for files named test_*.py and inspects each one for test functions. If a file defines a __name__ == "__main__" block, pytest will execute it as a standalone script.

This allows test files to be run independently, outside of the pytest runner. The if block provides a convenient way to execute the tests in the current file, without running the entire test suite.

Bugs and Pitfalls

While __name__ is a powerful tool for structuring Python programs, it‘s not without its potential pitfalls. Here are a few common mistakes to watch out for:

Circular Imports

One issue that can arise with __name__ is circular imports. Consider two modules that depend on each other:

# a.py

import b

def foo():

if __name__ == "__main__":
# b.py 

import a

def bar():

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you try to run either of these modules, you‘ll get a RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded error. The problem is that a and b are both trying to import each other, leading to an infinite loop.

To avoid this, you can refactor the code to remove the circular dependency, or use techniques like lazy imports to defer the imports until runtime.

Inconsistent Behavior

Another potential issue is inconsistent behavior between running a module as a script and importing it. Consider this example:

# config.py

import os

DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Data directory: {DATA_DIR}")

If you run this module as a script, it will print the correct path to the data directory relative to the module‘s location. But if you import config from another location, DATA_DIR will be incorrect, because __file__ is relative to the importing module, not config.py.

To make the behavior consistent, you can move the DATA_DIR definition outside of the if block:

# config.py

import os

DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Data directory: {DATA_DIR}")

Now DATA_DIR will be correct regardless of how the module is used.

Performance Overhead

Finally, using __name__ can introduce a small performance overhead in some cases. Consider a module with many levels of nested imports:

# main.py

import lib1

# lib1.py

import lib2

def foo():

if __name__ == "__main__":
# lib2.py

def bar():

if __name__ == "__main__":

When main.py is run, it will import lib1, which in turn imports lib2. Even though lib1 and lib2 are being used as libraries, not scripts, Python still has to check each module‘s __name__ to determine whether to execute the if block.

In most cases, this overhead is negligible. But if performance is critical, you can avoid the __name__ checks for modules that are only used as libraries, not scripts.

Beyond the Basics

While we‘ve covered the core concepts of __name__, there‘s much more to explore. Here are a few advanced topics to consider:

  • Using __name__ for logging and debugging
  • Leveraging __name__ for testing and mocking
  • The relationship between __name__ and Python‘s module caching mechanism
  • How __name__ interacts with Python‘s package and namespace system
  • Using __name__ for metaprogramming and introspection

These topics are beyond the scope of this guide, but understanding __name__ deeply can open up new possibilities for creating powerful, flexible Python programs.

Putting It All Together

We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this deep dive into Python‘s __name__ variable. To recap, here are the key points:

  • __name__ is a special variable that Python sets to "__main__" when a module is run as a script, and the module‘s name when it‘s imported
  • This allows a single .py file to serve dual roles: as a reusable library, and as a standalone script
  • The if __name__ == "__main__": idiom is used to separate script-only code from library code
  • __name__ is just one of several special attributes Python sets on modules, along with __file__, __doc__, etc.
  • Understanding how Python sets __name__ under the hood can help you reason about your program‘s behavior
  • Real-world Python projects use __name__ for everything from command-line interfaces to plugin systems to package metadata
  • Misusing __name__ can lead to bugs like circular imports, inconsistent behavior, and performance overhead

Armed with this knowledge, you‘re ready to start using __name__ effectively in your own Python projects. Whether you‘re writing a simple script, a reusable library, or a complex application, __name__ is a powerful tool for structuring and organizing your code.

So go forth and code with confidence, knowing that you‘ve mastered one of Python‘s most essential and idiomatic features. Happy coding!

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