Build an Instagram Clone with React Native, Firebase Firestore, Redux, and Expo

Are you looking to sharpen your full-stack development skills by building a complex, real-world mobile app? Creating a clone of a popular app like Instagram is a fantastic way to gain hands-on experience with a variety of cutting-edge technologies.

In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to build a fully-functional Instagram clone from scratch using:

  • React Native for cross-platform mobile development
  • Firebase Firestore for scalable NoSQL cloud storage
  • Firebase Storage for media file storage
  • Redux for efficient state management
  • Expo for easy setup and deployment

By the end of this guide, you‘ll have developed a professional-quality social media app that runs seamlessly on both iOS and Android. Let‘s break down what we‘ll be covering:

App Overview

Our Instagram clone will include most of the core features you‘d expect:

  • User authentication and account creation
  • Editing your profile and uploading a profile photo
  • Posting images with captions
  • Following/unfollowing other users
  • Personalized feed displaying posts from followed accounts
  • Liking and commenting on posts
  • Searching for users by name

The app architecture will consist of React Native on the frontend, interfacing with Firebase Firestore, a NoSQL cloud database, on the backend. We‘ll also utilize Firebase Storage, a dedicated file storage service, for hosting all of the images uploaded to the app.

To manage our app‘s state and data flow, we‘ll implement Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. And to streamline the React Native development process, we‘ll use Expo, an open-source platform that simplifies building, deploying, and iterating on native apps.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Before diving into the code, you‘ll first need to configure your local development environment. Make sure you have Node.js installed, then install the Expo CLI command line utility:

npm install -g expo-cli

Once installed, you can generate a new React Native project with Expo using the following command:

expo init InstagramClone

Select the "blank" template when prompted. After the project has finished initializing, cd into the directory and start the Expo development server:

cd InstagramClone
npm start

You can run the app on a physical device or simulator using the Expo mobile app. Consult the official Expo documentation for more detailed instructions on getting started.

User Authentication with Firebase

One of the first features we‘ll tackle is user authentication. Firebase Authentication provides an easy-to-use SDK to handle common authentication flows like signing in with email/password, Google Sign-In, Facebook Login, etc.

First, create a new Firebase project in the Firebase Console and register your app. Be sure to enable the "Email/Password" sign-in provider under the Authentication tab.

Next, install the necessary Firebase packages in your React Native project:

npm install firebase @react-native-firebase/app @react-native-firebase/auth

To implement user authentication, we‘ll create reusable helper functions using the Firebase SDK. Here‘s an example of how you might handle email/password login:

import auth from ‘@react-native-firebase/auth‘;

export async function login(email, password) {
  try {
    const { user } = await auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
    return user;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

You can create similar functions for user registration, password reset, etc. To manage the authenticated user‘s information across components, we‘ll store the current user in Redux state, which we‘ll look at later on.

Data Modeling with Firestore

To store our app‘s data, we‘ll use Firestore, a flexible, scalable NoSQL cloud database. Firestore stores data in "documents", which are organized into "collections".

For our Instagram clone, we‘ll have the following collections:

  • users: Stores user profile information like name, username, profile photo URL, etc.
  • posts: Stores details about each post like the image URL, caption, timestamp, etc.
  • comments: Stores comments made on posts, referencing the post ID and author.
  • likes: Stores likes made on posts, referencing the post ID and user who liked it.

Here‘s an example of what a users document might look like:

  id: "abc123",
  name: "John Smith",
  username: "johnsmith",
  email: "[email protected]",
  profilePhotoUrl: "",
  following: ["xyz456", "lmn789"],
  followers: ["xyz456"]

Each document has an auto-generated ID that we can use for references across collections. For instance, each post in the posts collection would include a userId field referencing the ID of the authoring user. This allows us to easily fetch related data and maintain data consistency.

To further optimize our queries, we‘ll make use of Firestore‘s compound queries and indexing features. For example, to efficiently load a user‘s personalized feed, we might create a composite index on the posts collection that includes the userId and timestamp fields.

Uploading Images with Firebase Storage

When a user creates a new post or updates their profile photo, we‘ll need a place to store those image files. Firebase Storage is a perfect fit for this use case, providing a simple way to upload, download, and manage user-generated content.

Here‘s a snippet demonstrating how to upload an image using the Firebase Storage SDK:

import storage from ‘@react-native-firebase/storage‘;

async function uploadImage(uri, path) {
  const reference = storage().ref(path);
  const task = reference.putFile(uri);

  try {
    await task;
    const url = await reference.getDownloadURL();
    return url;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

We pass in the local file URI and the desired Storage path. The function returns a Promise that resolves with the public download URL after the upload completes. We can then store this URL in Firestore and use it to display the image in our app.

State Management with Redux

As our app grows in complexity, managing state can quickly become cumbersome. Redux provides a centralized store to maintain the state of our application, making it easier to reason about and debug.

Here‘s a basic example of how to define Redux actions and reducers for handling user authentication:


export function loginSuccess(user) {
  return { type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, user };

export function logoutSuccess() {
  return { type: LOGOUT_SUCCESS };

const initialState = {
  isAuthenticated: false,
  user: null,

export default function authReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return { ...state, isAuthenticated: true, user: action.user };
      return { ...state, isAuthenticated: false, user: null };
      return state;

We define actions for LOGIN_SUCCESS and LOGOUT_SUCCESS, along with corresponding action creators. Our reducer specifies how the state should update in response to each action.

With Redux, any component can access the current authenticated user with a simple selector:

const user = useSelector(state => state.auth.user);

This keeps our component logic lean and makes it painless to share data across the app. We can define similar Redux flows for creating posts, fetching feed data, and more.

Building the UI with React Native

React Native provides a rich set of pre-built UI components that you can use to quickly construct the screens of your app. Here are a few key components we‘ll leverage:

  • FlatList – Renders performant scrollable lists, perfect for the main post feed
  • TextInput – Allows for text input from the user for things like comments and captions
  • Image – Displays images, which we‘ll use heavily for rendering posts and profile pictures
  • TouchableOpacity – A wrapper for making views respond properly to touch events, used for buttons, likes, etc.

To style our components, React Native uses a subset of CSS written in JavaScript. Styles are defined as objects and passed to a component‘s style prop. Here‘s an example of some common styles:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: ‘center‘,
    justifyContent: ‘center‘,
    backgroundColor: ‘#fff‘,
    padding: 20
  title: {
    fontSize: 24,
    fontWeight: ‘bold‘,
    marginBottom: 20
  button: {
    backgroundColor: ‘#2196F3‘,
    padding: 10,
    borderRadius: 5
  buttonText: {
    color: ‘#fff‘,
    fontSize: 18,
    fontWeight: ‘bold‘

By combining reusable styles with components, we can create a cohesive design language throughout our app.

Optimizing Performance

As with any mobile app, performance is critical to the user experience. Here are a few optimizations we‘ll want to implement:

  • Lazy loading – Only load the necessary data for each screen, and fetch additional data as needed when the user scrolls or navigates to a new section. This is especially important for the main feed, where we might initially load a handful of posts and progressively fetch more as the user scrolls.

  • Caching – Store fetched data locally using an on-device database or caching mechanism to speed up repeat access. For instance, we could use Redux persist to automatically save the Redux store to AsyncStorage.

  • Image optimization – Resize and compress images before uploading to reduce data usage and loading times. We can leverage libraries like sharp or ImageResizer to handle this during the upload flow.

  • Debounce/throttle – Debounce or throttle rapid user actions like typing to avoid unnecessary API requests. This is particularly relevant for the search functionality, where we‘ll want to wait until the user has finished typing to fetch the results.

  • Pagination – Implement pagination when querying Firestore to fetch data in manageable chunks rather than loading everything upfront. This goes hand in hand with lazy loading.

By keeping performance in mind from the start and optimizing our data loading, we can ensure our app remains responsive as it scales.


Congratulations! By following this guide, you‘ll have built a production-ready Instagram clone using some of the most popular and powerful tools in the React Native ecosystem.

To recap, we covered:

  • Setting up a new React Native project with Expo
  • Implementing authentication flows with Firebase Auth
  • Modeling and querying data with Firestore
  • Uploading images with Firebase Storage
  • Managing app state with Redux
  • Building reusable UI components with React Native
  • Optimizing data loading and performance

I encourage you to use this clone as a starting point and continue adding new features and refining the user experience. You might consider integrating additional Firebase services like Cloud Functions for serverless backend logic or Firebase Analytics for tracking user engagement.

The complete source code for this Instagram clone is available on GitHub. Feel free to fork the repository and experiment with the code yourself!

I hope this tutorial has helped demystify the process of building complex mobile apps with React Native. The skills and concepts you‘ve learned can be applied to a wide range of projects, from e-commerce apps to productivity tools. Happy coding!

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