An Overview of Prismane – An Open-Source React UI Library

React developers today are spoiled for choice when it comes to open-source component libraries for building user interfaces. One newer entrant making waves in this space is Prismane – a comprehensive collection of over 100 prebuilt, customizable UI components and hooks.

In this post, we‘ll take a detailed look at what Prismane offers, how it compares to other popular libraries, and how you can start using it in your own projects. Let‘s dive in!

What is Prismane?

At its core, Prismane is a free, MIT-licensed React UI component library. It provides a massive set of polished, production-ready UI building blocks that you can drop into your React apps.

This includes all the common UI elements you‘d expect, such as:

  • Buttons
  • Form inputs and validation
  • Menus and dropdowns
  • Modals and dialogs
  • Data tables and lists
  • Tabs and accordions
  • Notifications and progress indicators
  • … and dozens more

What‘s nice is that Prismane provides a cohesive, professional design language out-of-the-box. All the components are designed to look and function great together with minimal effort.

But Prismane isn‘t just a collection of pretty components. It also bakes in pre-configured support for critical features like accessibility, dark mode, and performance optimization. Let‘s take a closer look at some of the key value props.

Why Use Prismane

Here are some of the top reasons to consider using Prismane for your next React project:

1. Extensive, High-Quality Component Library

As mentioned, Prismane offers over 100 prebuilt components that cover the vast majority of common UI patterns. These aren‘t just basic components either – they‘re thoughtfully designed, customizable, and implement UX best practices.

Using Prismane, you can build complex, polished user interfaces very quickly without needing to develop, test, and maintain your own custom components. This can radically improve development speed.

2. Accessibility Built-In

Prismane implements accessibility best practices for its components to ensure everyone, including people using assistive technologies like screen readers, can utilize your app or website.

Color contrast, keyboard navigation, ARIA attributes, and focus management are just a few of the key areas Prismane gets right out of the box. It even offers a composable FocusTrap component for implementing advanced keyboard accessibility.

Unless you‘re an accessibility expert, getting these nuances right on your own can be very challenging. Prismane handles the hard work for you so you can focus on your app‘s core functionality and design.

3. First-Class Dark Mode

Dark mode has become an essential feature for modern web apps. It reduces eye strain, conserves battery on OLED screens, and can improve readability in low-light settings.

Prismane has dark mode styles preconfigured for all components. It uses CSS variables, so you can easily apply your own custom color palette if desired. There‘s a useDarkMode hook to read and set the dark mode state based on user preference.

4. TypeScript Support

For developers who love the type safety and improved tooling of TypeScript, Prismane has first-class TS support. Component and hook definitions ship with detailed type information.

This powers typed props, excellent IDE autocomplete and inline documentation, and early feedback on type mismatches. Using TypeScript is totally optional though – Prismane is compatible with regular JavaScript.

5. Custom Theming

While Prismane‘s default component styles are attractive, you‘ll likely want to customize them to match your desired look and brand. Prismane has a robust theming system to make this easy.

You can provide your own color, typography, and size scales. Then you can modify individual component styles via props using those custom theme values. Prismane uses Emotion under the hood, so theming works based on CSS-in-JS best practices.

6. Hooks for Stateful Logic

In addition to its large component library, Prismane offers a variety of hooks for abstracting common stateful logic. Some useful examples:

  • useForm – Streamlined, type-safe form building, validation, and submission
  • useNotifications – Trigger toast notifications from anywhere
  • useResponsive – Retrieve viewport size and define responsive breakpoints
  • usePagination – Add pagination controls and state to any data view

Using these hooks, you can efficiently add interactivity to your UIs while keeping components concise and readable.

Potential Downsides

No library is perfect for every use case. Here are a few potential gotchas to keep in mind with Prismane:

Maturity and Community

Compared to more established component libraries like Material UI (MUI) or Ant Design, Prismane is a relative newcomer. It may not have as large of a community or knowledge base to tap into yet.

The documentation and examples, while solid overall, may not be quite as extensive as the heavyweights. You might need to figure some things out on your own.

Flexibility vs. Overhead

Adding any component library introduces some additional dependencies, bundle size, and API surface area to learn. For apps with very unique, non-standard UI requirements, using a library could feel constraining or add unnecessary overhead.

In these cases, a more modular, pick-and-choose approach (e.g. Radix UI) or building fully custom components may be preferable. That said, most apps can benefit significantly from an integrated component library like Prismane.

Getting Started with Prismane

Sold on giving Prismane a try? Let‘s walk through the typical developer workflow.

1. Create New Project

First, create a new React project if you don‘t already have one. Prismane works great with Create React App, Next.js, Gatsby, or any other React-based framework.

For this example, we‘ll use Next.js. Run the following command to bootstrap a new project:

npx create-next-app my-app
cd my-app

2. Install Prismane

Next, install the Prismane package from npm:

npm install @prismane/core

In Next.js, you‘ll also want to install Prismane‘s peer dependency:

npm install @emotion/react

3. Import Components

Now you‘re ready to use Prismane components in your React code. Simply import the desired component from the @prismane/core package.

For example, to use a button:

import { Button } from ‘@prismane/core‘;

function MyComponent() {
  return <Button>Click me</Button>;

4. Customize Styles

To customize the look and feel of Prismane components, you can use its style props. These map to theme values or standard CSS properties.

Some examples:

import { Button, Card, Heading } from ‘@prismane/core‘;

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <Card p="4" bg="gray.100" borderRadius="lg">
      <Heading as="h2" size="xl" mb="4" color="blue.500">
      <Button colorScheme="blue">Get Started</Button>

Here we‘ve used style props like p (padding), bg (background color), borderRadius, size, mb (margin bottom), and colorScheme to customize the card, heading, and button components.

5. Advanced Patterns

To get the most out of Prismane, it helps to be aware of and capitalize on its APIs and best practices:

  • Leverage its utility hooks like useForm, useResponsive, etc. in your own component logic
  • Wrap interactivity-oriented components like Button in your own components to encapsulate behavior
  • Clone and modify components using the cloneElement API for more granular customization
  • Wrap your app in the PrismaneProvider component to set global theme and configuration options

We won‘t go in-depth on all of these techniques here, but they‘re handy to have in your toolbelt as you build more sophisticated UIs with Prismane.

Example: Product Card

To tie everything together, let‘s build an example product card component using Prismane.

We‘ll create a new component file called ProductCard.tsx:

import { Button, Card, Text } from ‘@prismane/core‘; 

interface ProductCardProps {
  name: string;
  imageUrl: string;  
  price: number;
  onAddToCart: () => void;

function ProductCard({ name, imageUrl, price, onAddToCart }: ProductCardProps) {
  return (
    <Card maxWidth="sm" overflow="hidden" borderRadius="lg">
      <Card.Image src={imageUrl} alt={name} />
      <Card.Body p="6">
        <Text fontSize="xl" fontWeight="bold" mb="2">
        <Text fontSize="lg" color="blue.500">
      <Card.Footer p="6">
        <Button colorScheme="blue" onClick={onAddToCart}>
          Add to Cart

export default ProductCard;

Here‘s what we‘re doing:

  1. Importing the Button, Card, and Text components from Prismane
  2. Defining a TypeScript interface for our component‘s props
  3. Creating a function component that destructures the props
  4. Rendering a Prismane Card component with subcomponents for the image, body, and footer
  5. Using Prismane Text components to display the product name and price
  6. Adding an "Add to Cart" button with an onClick handler passed in as a prop

Now we can use our ProductCard component anywhere in our app. Here‘s an example usage:

import ProductCard from ‘./ProductCard‘;

function StorePage() {
  // Dummy data for demo purposes  
  const products = [
      id: 1,
      name: ‘Coffee Mug‘,
      imageUrl: ‘/images/mug.png‘,
      price: 15,
      id: 2,  
      name: ‘Sweatshirt‘,
      imageUrl: ‘/images/sweatshirt.png‘,
      price: 45, 

  return (

        { => (
            onAddToCart={() => console.log(`Added ${} to cart`)}

export default StorePage;

This page component simply maps over the products array and renders a ProductCard for each one. The onAddToCart prop is set to log a message to the console when the button is clicked.

With just a few lines of code, we‘ve created an attractive product card UI that‘s responsive, accessible, and easily reusable across our app. This is the power of Prismane!


In this post, we took an in-depth look at Prismane, a comprehensive open-source React component library. We explored its key features, why you might choose to use it, and how to get up and running quickly.

To recap, Prismane offers:

  • 100+ prebuilt, high-quality components
  • Accessibility baked in
  • Streamlined dark mode integration
  • TypeScript support
  • Robust customization via style props and theming
  • Helpful hooks for common UI patterns

While it may not have the longevity or massive community of some older component libraries, Prismane is a powerful, thoughtfully-designed option that can significantly boost your UI development productivity.

We walked through an example of building a product card UI with Prismane to illustrate core concepts. Hopefully this gives you a sense of what‘s possible and how you can start leveraging Prismane in your own projects.

Overall, if you‘re a React developer looking for a full-featured, professionally-designed component library to enhance your UI development workflow, Prismane is definitely worth checking out. Give it a spin and see what you can create!

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